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The introduction and expansion of biomass use in Swedish district heating systems

District heating satisfies about 60% of the heat demand in Swedish buildings. Today, more than two thirds of the heat supply to the district heating systems is based on biomass and waste, and biomass alone accounts for about half of the heat supply. The purpose of this paper is to present the Swedish experiences of introducing and expanding the use of biomass in the district heating systems and to

The dynamic structure of EF-G studied by fusidic acid resistance and internal revertants

We have previously identified 20 different fusidic acid-resistant alleles of fusA, encoding mutant forms of the ribosomal translocase EF-G. One of these, P413L, is used here as the starting point in selections for internal revertants, identifying 20 different pseudo-wild-type forms of EF-G. We have also identified two alleles of fusA previously isolated as suppressors of 4.5 S RNA deficiency. All

Human Non-Hematopoietic CD271pos/CD140alow/neg Bone Marrow Stroma Cells Fulfill Stringent Stem Cell Criteria in Serial Transplantations

Human bone marrow contains a population of non-hematopoietic stromal stem/progenitor cells (BMSCs), which play a central role for bone marrow stroma and the hematopoietic microenvironment. However, the precise characteristics and potential stem cell properties of defined BMSC populations have not yet been thoroughly investigated. Using standard adherent colony-forming unit fibroblast (CFU-F) assay

Fire-Related Mortality in Sweden : Temporal Trends 1952 to 2013

This study examines temporal trends in deaths due to fire-related accidents in Sweden from 1952 to 2013 based on statistics in the Cause of Death register held by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare. Fatalities coded with underlying cause of death associated with fire-related accidents are included and absolute numbers and age-adjusted mortality rates are calculated and statistically

Plasma Levels of Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 4, Retinol-Binding Protein 4, High-Molecular-Weight Adiponectin, and Cardiovascular Mortality among Men with Type 2 Diabetes : A 22-Year Prospective Study

Objective - To examine select adipokines, including fatty acid-binding protein 4, retinol-binding protein 4, and high-molecular-weight (HMW) adiponectin in relation to cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Approach and Results - Plasma levels of fatty acid-binding protein 4, retinol-binding protein 4, and HMW adiponectin were measured in 950 men with

Hypoxia-inducible factor and vascular endothelial growth factor in the neuroretina and retinal blood vessels after retinal ischemia

Retinal ischemia arises from circulatory failure. As the retinal blood vessels are key organs in circulatory failure, our aim was to study the retinal vasculature separately from the neuroretina to elucidate the role of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) 1α and 1β and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in retinal ischemia. Retinal ischemia was induced in porcine eyes by applying an intraocular

Saliva-Induced Clotting Captures Streptococci : Novel Roles for Coagulation and Fibrinolysis in Host Defense and Immune Evasion

Streptococcal pharyngitis is among the most common bacterial infections, but the molecular mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. Here we investigate the interactions among three major players in streptococcal pharyngitis: streptococci, plasma, and saliva. We find that saliva activates the plasma coagulation system through both the extrinsic and the intrinsic pathways, entrapping the bacter

Association between PSA Levels and Biomarkers of Subclinical Systemic Inflammation in Middle-Aged Healthy Men from the General Population

Introduction: This study was aimed to determine the association between PSA levels and biomarkers of subclinical systemic inflammation based on data from 119 middle-aged healthy men from the general population. Materials and Methods: Serum levels of PSA and biomarkers of systemic inflammation (CRP and fibrinogen) were measured. Demographic data were also collected. Subjects were divided into two g

On the Structure of Positive Semi-Definite Finite Rank General Domain Hankel and Toeplitz Operators in Several Variables

Multivariate versions of the Kronecker theorem in the continuous multivariate setting has recently been published, that characterize the generating functions that give rise to finite rank multidimensional Hankel and Toeplitz type operators defined on general domains. In this paper we study how the additional assumption of positive semi-definite affects the characterization of the corresponding gen

Occupational therapy research for the ageing European population: challenges and opportunities.

According to the European Commission (EC)(2009), the ageing society is one of the grand challenges of our time, and European researchers are encouraged to cooperate to contribute to the knowledge development required to turn the challenges into sustainable solutions. All countries in Europe face similar problems, but there are also marked differences based on cultural and socio-economic diversity

Supplying rural Kazakhstan with safe water and sanitation

Access to safe drinking water and sanitation is essential for both individual and population health as well as for quality of life and dignity. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) require nations to ensure adequate water supply and sanitation for all. For Kazakhstan, this means that rural areas will need a much stronger attention as they have been rather neglected in efforts to comply with

Environmental barriers and use of mobility devices.

To describe outdoor barriers in the nearby home environments of very old people, and to investigate whether the presence of these environmental barriers differed between users and non-users of mobility devices (MDs). Method: Baseline data on 397 Swedish people aged 80-89 years, collected with a study-specific question on MD use and a subset of the environmental component of the Housing Enabler ins

3D reflection seismic imaging at the 2.5 km deep COSC-1 scientific borehole, central Scandinavian Caledonides

The 2.5 km deep scientific COSC-1 borehole (ICDP 5054-1-A) was successfully drilled with nearly complete core recovery during spring and summer of 2014. Downhole and on-core measurements through the targeted Lower Seve Nappe provide a comprehensive data set. An observed gradual increase in strain below 1700 m, with mica schists and intermittent mylonites increasing in frequency and thickness, is h

Long-term coastal openness variation and its impact on sediment grain-size distribution : A case study from the Baltic Sea

We analysed the long-term variations in grain-size distribution in sediments from Gåsfjärden, a fjordlike inlet in the southwestern Baltic Sea, and explored potential drivers of the recorded changes in the sediment grain-size data. Over the last 5.4 thousand years (ky) in the study region, the relative sea level decreased 17 m, which was caused by isostatic land uplift. As a consequence, Gåsfjärde