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Matematik i Sverige

Vilka problem finns hos den matematiska forskningen i Sverige? Hur arbetar en matematiker? Hur ska man höja nivån för grundskola och gymnasium?

Kravspecifikationen - en önskedröm?

Syfte: I denna uppsats vill vi uppmärksamma och diskutera rekryterares hantering av problematiken kring modifiering av kravspecifikationen. Genom att visa hur man kan förstå rekryterarnas hantering av kravspecifikationen som en essentiell del av rekryteringsprocessen, syftar denna studie till att lyfta fram en ny bild av en specifik del av rekryteringsprocessen samt en ny bild av rekryterarens rol

Climate and Sufficient Consumption Levels: Policy implicatons of the current knowledge and debate on sustainable consumption levels, sufficiency and degrowth

A society's greenhouse gas emissions are closely related to its volumes of consumption. Efficiency gains and changes in the consumption mix are important, but will not be enough to reach sustainable levels of consumption-based emission. This thesis examines the literature on degrowth and sufficient consumption levels to find out what the current knowledge and proposed policy strategies are. Un

Brand heritage för lyxvarumärken och fast fashion-varumärken i modeindustrin ur ett konsumentperspektiv

ABSTRACT Title: The concept of brand heritage from a consumer’s perspective applied to the fast fashion industry, for fast fashion brands and luxury fashion brands Seminar date: 2013-01-17 Course: FEKH29, Business Administration, Degree Project Undergraduate Level, 15 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System points (ECTS) Authors: Shamira Jonsson, Aurora Lundberg och Elisabet Troein A

A Volatility Based Contrarian Strategy In the German Stock Market

In this paper we investigate if the German implied volatility index, VDAX, could be used as a good sentiment indicator for a contrarian strategy. For such a strategy to be legitimate there must exist price inefficiencies in the market, which requires that the efficient market hypothesis does not hold. We compare broader index-based contrarian strategies with a buy and hold strategy in the German s

Cykla i Båstads kommun. En studie över cykelinfrastrukturens effekter på hälsa, miljö och ekonomi i Båstads kommun

Interest in infrastructure development for the bicycle has grown bigger throughout the world. This study examines the health, environmental and economic effects of bicycle infrastructure investment in Båstads municipality. The aim of this study is based on my desire to evaluate multiple aspects of decision-making and also to broaden the view and understanding of our societiy. What are the external

H+ den toleranta staden

Helsingborg är en segregerad stad med många fysiska och mentala barriärer. Staden har sedan 1800-talet varit en delad stad med borgare i de norra delarna av staden och arbetarna i de södra delarna av staden. Trädgårdsgatan skär en gräns genom centrum och delar staden i Norr och Söder. Det finns också tydliga barriärer mellan öst och väst, då spårområde och trafikerade vägar delar staden. Söder och

"Vi skrattar med, men det känns ändå i hjärtat": En kvalitativ studie om rasifieringsprocesser i gymnasieelevers subjektivitet

Utifrån psykodynamiska teorier om subjektivitet och postkoloniala teorier om rasifiering undersöktes i denna studie hur elever som inte ovillkorat räknades in i den föreställda svenska nationella gemenskapen gav mening åt erfaren-heter av rasifiering och hur de förstod sig själva i ett rasifierat landskap. Am-bitionen har varit att generera en situerad kunskap som bidrar till ökad med-vetenhet ochCoupling psychodynamic theories of subjectivity with post-colonial theories of racialization this study examined how students not unconditionally includ-ed in the imagined Swedish national community gave meaning to their expe-riences of racialization and understood themselves in a racialized context. The ambition was to generate a situated knowledge that contributed to awareness and ability to ref

Värderingsklausuler och tillträdesbokslut som tvistlösningsform

Denna uppsats fokuserar på frågor kring gränsdragningen mellan avtalsklausuler som ger tredje man rätt att fylla ut parternas avtal och skiljeklausuler i kontexten av värderingsklausuler. Dessa klausuler återfinns bland annat i kontrakt rörande företagsöverlåtelser. Vid en företagsöverlåtelse är priset på målbolaget beräknat utifrån de finansiella förutsättningar som förelegat vid överlåtelsedagThis paper focuses on issues related to the distinction between contract clauses that give third parties the right to fill out the parties' agreement and arbitration clauses in the context of purchase price adjustment clauses, the latter which can be found in contracts for business transfers. At a transfer of an undertaking, the price of the target company is derived from the financial condit

Att byta trygghet mot frihet - eget företagande som professionaliseringsstrategi bland socionomer

Authors: Amanda Haraldsson and Jennica Bjurman Title: From safety to freedom - entrepreneurship as a professionalization strategy among social workers [translated title] Supervisor: Karin Kullberg The aim of this study was to examine outcomes/results of Social Workers’ choice to commence working in private practice. We wanted to identify the advantages and disadvantages respondents believe exist

Den dagen du äter en kaka är du frisk: En kvalitativ studie om tolv personers upplevelser av vad som krävs för att bli frisk från ätstörningar

Eating disorders are the third largest mental illness in females. Many of those who recover never regain a healthy relationship towards food and over 50% of those with eating disorders do not recover from the disorder. In order to better understand the factors underlying the recovery process, focus ought to be placed on the perspectives of those experiencing eating disorders. The aim of this quali

Lexikala och syntaktiska svårigheter vid skönlitterär översättning. Om The Buddha in the Attic av Julie Otsuka

Det här examensarbetet grundar sig på en översättning av de två första kapitlen i Julie Otsukas roman The Buddha in the Attic från 2011. Uppsatsen består av en källtextanalys, som utgår från Lennart Hellspong och Per Ledins (1997) textanalysteorier, och en översättningskommentar, som utgår från Lita Lundquists (2007) översättningsstrategier och Yvonne Lindqvists (2004, 2005) teorier om skönlitterä

Kommunikation och motivation vid förändring

Denna kandidatuppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i forskningsfältet förändringskommunikation. Syftet är att förstå och problematisera mellanchefers syn på sin kommunikativa funktion i en förändring, vad som påverkar deras synsätt och hur de kan motiveras att bidra. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har tio kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts i den valda kommunala organisationen. Studiens resultat visar att This bachelor’s thesis base is placed in the research field change communication and aims to understand and problematize middle managers view of their communicative function during change. Through the research we also aim to understand what influence the middle managers view and how they can be motivated to make a contribution. To fulfill the aim of the study we have done ten qualitative interview

A Case Study Approach on Manufacturing Alternatives in an Emerging Market - Evaluation from a Cost, Flexibility and Risk Management Perspective

Title: A Case Study Approach on Manufacturing Alternatives in an Emerging Market – Evaluation from a Cost, Flexibility and Risk Management Perspective Authors: Marianne Johansson and Robin K Rendahl Supervisors: Charlotta Johnsson, Department of Automatic Control, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden Måns Kjellsson, Department of Business & Administration, School of Economics and M

Stigma and Challenges Faced by HIV-Positive Adolescents

The aim of this study is to examine how the “empowering” strategies of Botswana Baylor Adolescent Programme (BBAP) are addressing problems HIV-positive adolescents are facing and how stigmatisation around HIV might be contributing to these problems. The main theories applied were “empowerment” and “stigma”. The study was carried out with a qualitative approach during a period of ten weeks at the B

Business Restructuring regarding cross-border transfer of Intangible Property

This thesis aims to highlight the issues that arise when multinational enterprises restructure their business and transfer intangible assets to another tax jurisdiction. This thesis also examines whether the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines chapter IX regarding intangible assets provide clarity that is satisfactory for taxpayers and tax authorities when MNEs restructure their business and transfer

Young Adults' Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence

This research study has sought the contextual understanding of young adults’ realities and the perpetual use of violence within heterosexual intimate partner relationships in Hanuabada village, Papua New Guinea through an interactive transformative approach. Peer interviewers guided the researcher’s tasks and conducted semi-structured interviews utilizing a photo voice methodology to investigate t

Prediction of Cooling-Drag using CFD

As passenger cars emissions standards are tightened manufacturers are forced to cut the cars fuel consumption. This can be done in various ways and one of these is to improve a cars aerodynamic attributes, and above all the car's drag coefficient. A part of the car's total drag is from the air passing through the car's engine compartment and cooling system. The air to slow down, rerout

Players’ stake in the game? A Governmentality Study of the EU Programme in Peru: Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development

This is a study of the European Union (EU) development programme in Peru “Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development”. The purpose of the study was to understand how governmentality is created and practiced in the programme. A Foucauldian perspective was applied to the analysis of how neo-liberal rationalities and techniques are practiced in the programme. The principal data collection