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Your search for "*" yielded 525551 hits

Caspase-8 serves both apoptotic and nonapoptotic roles

Knockout of caspase-8, a cysteine protease that participates in the signaling for cell death by receptors of the TNF/nerve growth factor family, is lethal to mice in utero. To explore tissue-specific roles of this enzyme, we established its conditional knockout using the Cre/loxP recombination system. Consistent with its role in cell death induction, deletion of caspase-8 in hepatocytes protected

Well-being and occupational roles among middle-aged women

One purpose of the present study is to explore the stability of the pattern of health/work and sickness absence among middle-aged women over a period of three years. This study tested two hypotheses: (a) that enduringly healthy working women would perceive more valued occupational roles and higher well-being than long-term sick-listed women; (b) that high levels of well-being at baseline would pre

Type 1 diabetes patients with severe non-proliferative retinopathy may benefit from panretinal photocoagulation.

Purpose: To examine whether panretinal photocoagulation for severe non-proliferative retinopathy in type 1 diabetes patients could halt the progression of retinopathy with subsequent vitreous haemorrhages and visual impairment. Methods: During a 10-year follow-up study period of 344 type 1 diabetes patients, 81 subjects went through panretinal photocoagulation. Forty patients were treated for sev

Golvlimmet påverkar emissionen från golvsystem

Att golvbeläggningar som läggs på betong som inte fått torka ut ordentligt kan skadas är känt sedan länge. Under senare år har även avgivningen av luktande kemiska ämnen från golvsystem studerats närmare. Eftersom risken för skador ökar när betongunderlaget är fuktigt har det blivit allt vanligare att man ökar betongkvaliteten för att förkorta torktiden. Det har visat sig att nedbrytningen av lim

The electronic spectrum of AuO: A combined theoretical and experimental study

The near-infrared electronic spectrum of AuO1 has been re-examined in light of the new microwave data on the nu = 0 and nu = 1 vibrations of the X-2 Pi(3/2) state of AuO. The two observed bands in the spectrum, with red-degraded bandheads located at 10726 and 10665 cm(-1), have been reanalyzed. New theoretical work on AuO clarifies the electronic structure, and the bands in the infrared are now as

Efficacy of cumulative doses of salbutamol administered via Turbuhaler or Diskhaler in patients with reversible airway obstruction

The study aimed to estimate the relative dose potency of salbutamol inhaled via Turbuhaler and Diskhaler. The 24 adult patients participating had chronic reversible airway obstruction. The study was of a double-blind, double-dummy, crossover, randomized design. Five doses of salbutamol Turbuhaler, 50, 50, 100, 200, and 400 microg, were given on one study day at intervals of 30 min. On another stud

Electronic structure of lithium-doped anatase TiO2 prepared in ultrahigh vacuum

Insertion of lithium in anatase TiO2, giving LixTiO2, is performed under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions and studied using synchrotron radiation based electron spectroscopy. Core level photoemission spectra are directly compared to results obtained after electrochemical insertion, illustrating the usefulness of the UHV approach. The growth of a state of mainly Ti 3d character in the band gap is

Stress management in men with solvent-induced chronic toxic encephalopathy

Stress management was studied in male patients with solvent-induced chronic toxic encephalopathy (TE) of types 2A (TE 2A, n = 31) and 2B (TE 2B, n = 26). The patients were compared with a healthy reference group (n = 57). Self-reported symptoms (90-item Symptoms Checklist [SCL-90]), sense of coherence, coping strategies, and level of mastery were measured. As expected, both TE groups reported high

Amplitude-integrated encephalography in pyridoxine-dependent seizures and pyridoxine-responsive seizures.

Pyridoxine-dependent seizures are rare in newborn infants, although recent data suggest that the prevalence probably is underestimated. In all newborn infants with recurrent epileptic seizures the general recommendation is to administer pyridoxine and simultaneously record an electroencephalogram (EEG). Conclusion: One infant with pyridoxine-responsive seizures and another with pyridoxine-dependen

Numerisk simulering av detektionsmiljö med fältmodeller

För att kunna beräkna tiden till aktivering av en rökdetektor krävs en beskrivning av strömnings- och temperaturförhallandena samt röktätheten i detektorns omgivning. Den transienta utvecklingen av strömnings-, temperatur- och koncentrationsförhållandena i ett rum med en brandkälla och av godtycklig geometri kan simuleras med hjälp av sk fältmodeller. I denna rapport presenteras resultaten fran en

Osmotic-treatment-induced cell death and osmotic processing kinetics of apples with characterised raw material properties

Three apple varieties cultivated in southern Sweden namely Jonagold, Kim and Mutsu were subjected to osmotic treatment at 5, 20 and 40 degreesC with a 50% sucrose solution. The evaluation of cell viability after osmotic processing, was carried out in Granny Smith apples from Argentina. The processing conditions were 50% sucrose solution at 20 degreesC and the viability assay used was based on the

In the Sea of Influence : A World System Perspective of the Nicobar Islands

From a “world system” perspective, this monograph describes the processes by which the Nicobar Islands became integrated into the global economy. Situated some 1,200 km off the east coast of India in the Bay of Bengal, the islands are home to an indigenous population of approximately 40,000 inhabitants who draw their sustenance from horticulture, pig rearing, fishing and, more recently, copra prod

Model GW band structure of InAs and GaAs in the wurtzite phase

We report quasiparticle calculations of the newly observed wurtzite polymorph of InAs and GaAs. The calculations are performed in the GW approximation (based on a model dielectric function) using plane waves and pseudopotentials. For comparison we also report the study of the zinc-blende phase within the same approximations. In the InAs compound the In 4d electrons play a very important role: whet

Underdosage of the upper-airway mucosa for small fields as used in intensity-modulated radiation therapy: A comparison between radiochromic film measurements, Monte Carlo simulations, and collapsed cone convolution calculations

Head-and-neck tumors are often situated at an air-tissue interface what may result in an underdosage of part of the tumor in radiotherapy treatments using megavoltage photons. especially for small fields. In addition to effects of transient electronic disequilibrium, for these small fields, an increased lateral electron range in air will result in an important extra reduction of the central axis (

The relative importance of olfaction and vision in a diurnal and a nocturnal hawkmoth

Nectar-feeding animals can use vision and olfaction to find rewarding flowers and different species may give different weight, to the two sensory modalities. We have studied how a diurnal or nocturnal lifestyle affects the weight given to vision and olfaction. We tested naive hawkmoths of two species in a wind tunnel, presenting an odour source and a visual stimulus. Although the two species belon

Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry and scanning electrochemical microscopy studies of the pH-dependent dissolution of 2-electron mediators immobilized on zirconium phosphate containing carbon pastes

A detailed study is presented on the leaking of two different 2-electron-transfer redox mediators from zirconium phosphate-modified carbon-paste electrodes. Two redox mediators commonly used in bioelectrochemistry, viz. methylene green and riboflavin, were adsorbed on zirconium phosphate and further integrated into carbon paste. Fast scan cyclic voltammetry and scanning electrochemical microscopy