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Your search for "*" yielded 531984 hits

Precis of Recasting Hume and Early Modern Philosophy. SKEPSIS Book Symposium : Paul Russell, Recasting Hume and Early Modern Philosophy, With replies to critics: Peter Fosl (pp. 77-95), Claude Gautier (pp. 96-111) , and Todd Ryan (pp.112-122)

Recasting Hume and Early Modern Philosophy is a collection of essays that are all concerned with major figures and topics in the early modern philosophy. Most of the essays are concerned, more specifically, with the philosophy of David Hume (1711-1776). The sixteen essays included in this collection are divided into five parts. These parts are arranged under the headings of: (1) Metaphysics and Ep

Postoperative morbidity following Hartmann's procedure in comparison to anterior resection and abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer—a population-based study

Aim: There is ongoing controversy regarding the extent to which Hartmann's procedure (HP) should be used in rectal cancer treatment. This study was designed to investigate 30-day postoperative morbidity and mortality following HP, anterior resection (AR) and abdominoperineal resection (APR) for rectal cancer using a national registry. Methods: All patients operated for rectal cancer, tumour height

Min-Maximalism A study of the musical limitations and possibilities imposed by the creative process of composing for the SNES leading to a composition made with similar tools and principles

In this written study, I have researched video game music from the 90’s and early 2000’s to see what I can learn from the process of composing music for video games, as well as how the hardware and software capabilities of the game consoles shaped the music. First it presents my own background and relation to the subject, next it establishes what functionally separates video game music from conven

Correlation of adenomyosis features to live birth rates after the first IVF/ICSI treatment, when using the revised Morphological Uterus Sonographic Assessment group definitions

IntroductionData regarding the impact of adenomyosis on the outcomes after in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment are conflicting. Standardized diagnostic criteria are prerequisites for studying a potential association between adenomyosis and IVF/ICSI treatment outcomes. This study aims to examine the cumulative live birth rate (CLBR) after the first IVF/

Dikter 2017-2020

The collection contains hitherto unpublished poems from the period 2017 - 2020

Recreating the bonds: Naši ljudi or Yuggar of Sweden The Old Set of Values in the New Environment

This thesis will inquire into the contemporary neo-Yugoslavian culture in Sweden and cultural intimacy as a base to recreate the bonds from the past. Moreover, mutual impacts between the two substantially different societies, the society of free individuals of the Swedes and neo- Yugoslav collectiveness, duh Yuge, are the result of a multifaceted process with intriguing outcomes. Zlatan Ibrahimovi

A Hydrogeological Investigation of the Chocaya Alluvial Fan in Cochabamba, Bolivia

En grundvattenundersökning i ett område präglat av vattenrelaterade problem. Staden Cochabamba i Bolivia står inför flera vattenrelaterade utmaningar såsom brist på ytvatten, en ökande vattenanvändning, urbanisering och en sjunkande grundvattennivå. Samtidigt råder det en brist på kunskap angående de processer som påverkar grundvattnet i området. Något som detta examensarbete ämnar att förändra. The Central Valley of Cochabamba is located in the Andes mountain range, Bolivia. This region experiences several water related challenges such as a scarcity of surface water, an increasing water demand, a growing urbanization in groundwater recharge areas, and a declining water table due to intensive groundwater extraction. The valley has been influenced by both alluvial and fluvial depositions t

A tutorial for conducting intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (MAIHDA)

Intersectional multilevel analysis of individual heterogeneity and discriminatory accuracy (I-MAIHDA) is an innovative approach for investigating inequalities, including intersectional inequalities in health, disease, psychosocial, socioeconomic, and other outcomes. I-MAIHDA and related MAIHDA approaches have conceptual and methodological advantages over conventional single-level regression analys

A gender perspective on the circular economy – a literature review and research agenda

The circular economy (CE) challenges the traditional linear economic model by emphasizing the importance of resource efficiency, recycling, and regeneration in society. However, the role of gender in CE practices remains underexplored. This article presents a systematic literature review on how gender dynamics intersect with CE, highlighting the implications of gendered labor distribution, access

Speech and Gesture in Populist Rhetoric - A comparative study of the Sweden Democrats and the Social Democrats

Gesture has been acknowledged as a pivotal part of delivery in political rhetoric for millennia. Typically, politicians are seen as adhering to a style of gesturing encouraging pragmatic gestures, namely those that operate on the level of discourse such as providing emphasis, while being discouraged from using representational gestures, namely those depicting the content of speech iconically, as t

Tuning the Performance of Poly(quaterphenyl piperidinium) Anion-Exchange Membranes by Monomer Configuration

Poly(arylene piperidinium)s are attractive anion exchange membranes (AEMs) for alkaline membrane fuel cells and water electrolyzers because of their high chemical stability and hydroxide conductivity. Here, ether- and fluorine-free hydroxide conducting poly(quaterphenyl piperidinium) membranes with very similar ion exchange capacity (IEC), but different ratios of meta to para connectivity in the q

‘Bildung Life’ : Holistic Ideals of Hip Hop Education

Over the past fifteen years, Hip Hop–based education has gained ground in academic literature, especially so by building on the educational tradition and gospel of Each One Teach One. A contribution to this scholarly discussion is the Scandinavian attempt to analytically tie Hip Hop education to perspectives on learning and pedagogy that traditionally derives from popular movements of the twentiet

Antibiotic and steroid transformation process

A method for activating immobilized living microorganisms applied to transformations of steroids, antibiotics and other compounds characterized by the addition of peptone, glucose or a mixture of peptone and glucose to the reaction mixture.

Process for the manufacture of oligosaccharides

A process for enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides starting from lower building stones down to monomers, characterized by performing reverse hydrolysis in the presence of a glycosidase by carrying out the reaction in a solution having a high substrate content, i.e. a low water content.