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Your search for "*" yielded 528151 hits

Myocardial microinfarction aF Ter coronary microembolization in swine : MR imaging characterization

Purpose: To use first-pass perfusion and delayed-enhanced (DE) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for the detection of the early effects of coronary microembolization on myocardial perfusion and viability. Materials and Methods: Approval was obtained from the institutional committee on animal research. A hybrid x-ray and MR imaging system was used to guide the endovascular catheter and quantify the l

A 3-dimensional Z 3 symmetric model : Correlation lengths at a first order phase transition

We present a high statistics Monte Carlo investigation of a 3-dimensional Z 3 symmetric model, which is related to SU(3) pure gauge theory at finite temperature. From the finite size scaling behaviour of bulk properties and the existence of metastable states, we conclude that this model exhibits a first-order phase transition. We have also performed detailed correlation length measurements in a c

Intracoronary Injection of Contrast Media Maps the Territory of the Coronary Artery. An MRI Technique for Assessing the Effects of Locally Delivered Angiogenic Therapies

Rationale and Objectives: The effects of locally delivered angiogenic factors or stem cells on the coronary artery perfusion territory are not well defined. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the ability of the selective injection of magnetic resonance contrast media (MR-CM) to map and quantify the territories of the major coronary arteries. Materials and Methods: Selective coronary

Particle tracking by deformable templates

The authors describe an approach to particle tracking based on deformable templates. Hough transforms are used to give initial conditions for the templates which then converge using a deterministic annealing algorithm. This template approach is closely related to the elastic net algorithm. The authors demonstrate successful results on both simulated and real data. The authors also show how the Hou

Multiple light inputs to a simple clock circuit allow complex biological rhythms

Circadian clocks are biological timekeepers that allow living cells to time their activity in anticipation of predictable environmental changes. Detailed understanding of the circadian network of higher plants, such as Arabidopsis thaliana, is hampered by the high number of partially redundant genes. However, the picoeukaryotic alga Ostreococcus tauri, which was recently shown to possess a small n

Towards voluntariness in Swedish rape law : Hyper-medialised group rape cases and the shift in the legal discourse

On 1 July 2018, a new consent-based legislation entered in force in Sweden, making it illegal to perform sexual intercourse with a person who was not participating voluntarily. The main argument in this chapter is that in Sweden, this legal shift was the result of a discursive process that since the mid-1990s, in particular, was taking place in news reports and debate about the legal handling of a

Cross Sections and Rosenbluth Separations in 1H(e,e'K+)Lambda up to Q2=2.35 GeV2

The kaon electroproduction reaction 1H(e,e′K+)Λ was studied as a function of the virtual-photon four-momentum, Q2, total energy, W, and momentum transfer, t, for different values of the virtual-photon polarization parameter. Data were taken at electron beam energies ranging from 3.40 to 5.75 GeV. The center of mass cross section was determined for twenty-one kinematics corresponding to Q2 of 1.90

(e,e'p) reaction at true quasielastic kinematics in 16O, 12C, and 208Pb at JLab

The reactions 16O(e,e'p) 15N, 208Pb(e,e'p) 207Tl and 12C(e,e'p) 11B were measured in experiments E00-102 and E06-007 performed at JLab (VA, USA) at true quasielastic kinematics (xB = 1) with constant energy (ω) and momentum (q) transferred over a wide pmiss range. These experiments address several open issues in nuclear structure such as the role of relativity and of long-range correlations in the

Blue Carbon and Ecosystem-based Adaptation : Mapping of Arenas

This mapping provides an overview of different types of arenas where the two concepts Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) and Blue Carbon (BC) are discussed. EbA has been defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as “The use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to help people to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.” (CBD, 2009). BC

Low awareness of the Charles Bonnet syndrome in patients attending a retinal clinic

INTRODUCTION: Visually impaired patients may experience visual hallucinations due to the Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS). While benign in nature, these hallucinations may cause distress in those unfamiliar with the phenomenon. The overall purpose of this study was to determine the degree of awareness of CBS in patients referred to our retina clinic.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Consenting patients attending

Effect of currency exchange rate fluctuations on Aid Effectiveness in the Health Sector in Zambia

Development assistance for health (DAH) remains a significant and important source of health financing in many low and lower middle-income countries. However, this assistance has not been fully effective. This study explores the effect of currency exchange rate fluctuations on volatility of DAH in Zambia using a mixed methods approach. Data covering the period 1997-2008 were collected from various

Collective Guilt Feelings

Defenses of the possibility of collective guilt feelings falls roughly into two categories: collectivistic positions that assign guilt feelings to groups as such but play down the experiential component in guilt feelings, and individualistic positions which understand collective guilt feelings in terms of individual experiences. The analogy between collective and individual guilt feelings is exami

Performance of standard statistical distributions for modelling glass fracturee

Experimental data on the strength of new annealed float glass tested in an ambient environment was collected. A comparison was made between four standard distributions, the normal, lognormal, Gumbel and Weibull, with respect to the performance in modelling the strength. The Weibull distribution outperformed the normal and lognormal distributions when the data contained edge only failure origins. W

Color structure for soft gluon resummation: A General recipe

A strategy for calculating the color structure needed for soft gluon resummation for processes with any number of colored partons is introduced using a Nc → ∞inspired basis. In this basis a general formalism can be found at the same time as the calculations are simplified.The advantages are illustrated by recalculating the soft anomalous dimension matrix for the processes gg → gg, qq → qqg and qq

The finite temperature phase transition in four flavour QCD on an 8×12 3 lattice

We present results of a numerical study of lattice QCD with four dynamical flavours of staggered fermions, performed by using a hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm on an 8×12 3 lattice. We find a rapid change in the average value of the Polyakov loop at β c =5.25±0.025 for a quark mass ma=0.025; at this mass value, the behaviour of the chiral order parameter, 〈ΨΨ〉 does not yet allow an independent deter

Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Heat Transfer related to Gas Turbine Applications

Gas turbines are broadly used in aerospace and marine propulsion and power production etc.Investigation of heat transfer in gas turbines is a long-lasting and still an active subject ofresearch due to its tremendous importance. Thermal efficiency, durability and fatigue lifetimeof a gas turbine greatly rely on the heat transfer characteristics of gas turbine components.According to the first law o