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Sociala medier som det digitala vardagsrummet

Allt fler företag använder internet och sociala medier för att kommunicera med konsumenter, genom dessa medier har de möjlighet att sprida information om sig själva samt direkt få feedback från allmänheten. Det här har påverkat företags sätt att utbyta information med konsumenter och medför därför nya risker och möjligheter för företag att beakta. Studien undersöker hur företag använder och förval

Smallholder farmers and the question of food security in the Asante Akim North Municipality of Ghana

Smallholder farmers face a number of challenges in spite of the crucial role they play in ensuring food security. An appreciation of the far-reaching consequences these challenges have on food security will inform the formulation of policies aimed at addressing the problem of food insecurity. In Ghana, research on food (in) security issues has mostly focused on the Northern part of the country par

Faktorer som påverkar uppvaknandet efter hjärtkirurgi - en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie

Bakgrund: Tidig extubation efter hjärtkirurgi förbättrar det postoperativa förloppet vilket leder till minskad morbiditet, mortalitet och vårdtid. Det innebär även kostnadseffektivitet och resurssparande. Syfte: Att jämföra patienter extuberade inom respektive efter fyra timmar avseende faktorer som kan påverka uppvaknandet efter CABG och/eller klaffkirurgi. Metod: En kvantitativ icke experimen

Komponentavskrivningar - Normgivarens motiv till införande och företagens incitament till efterlevnad

Denna studie ämnar undersöka en normgivares motiv till att införa ett nytt regelverk, användarnas incitament att efterleva regelverket enligt normgivarens avsikt och innebörden av en eventuell skillnad däremellan. Studiens syfte kräver en kombination av metoder beroende på vilket perspektiv av regelförändringen som undersöks. Normgivarens motiv undersöks både utifrån en kvantitativ och en kvalitat

Social Exclusion on Grounds of Ethnicity on the Labor market within Sweden - A Legal Study on Human Rights Due Diligence as a Method fighting Social Exclusion

Research in this thesis show indications of discrimination in the recruitment process on grounds of ethnicity on the labor market in Sweden. It occurs both intentional and unintentional excluding in corporate structure. Continues discrimination can lead to alienation and exclusion from society and routines and this thesis has questioned if human rights due diligence is a promising way to frame and

Developing differences

This study is based on a ten weeks fieldwork in Tunis during the fall of 2013, where I interviewed seven organizations working on social development in marginalized areas. The thesis examines conditions for social development in Tunisia nearly three years after the uprising in 2011, and specifically how different actors perceive themselves and others. Combining post-development theory, social move

Med en fitta på magen: feministiska symboler i teori och praktik

This study aims to collect, sort and analyze feminist symbols used during four demonstrations in Lund and Malmö on the International women’s day 2014. The theoretical focus lies upon how the participants in the study use the symbols as a tool for representation. The material consists of about 100 photographs taken during the demonstrations, in accordance to the method of photo-documentation, and 2

Harnessing the green and blue : an investigation of ecosystem-based adaptation measures in four southern Swedish coastal municipalities

Climate change poses a current and ongoing threat to urban areas worldwide. Rising sea levels and the increased occurrence of heatwaves, heavy rainfall and related impacts due to erosion and landslides in particular are risks that are becoming increasingly urgent to address in the near future. Though Sweden is seen as a pioneer in sustainable city development, climate change adaptation is a relati

The Dung Beetle Dance: The role of visual cues in dung beetle orientation behavior

Popular science summary: The Dance of A Straight Shooter When a hungry dung beetle finds a dung pile, it soon starts forming a ball, which it will later roll away and eat in peace. As beetles are not very keen on making balls themselves, they will try to steal the balls of others. In order for a beetle to safely keep its food, it needs to get its ball as far away from the dung pat in the fastest


När man talar om bilism i städer idag stannar ofta diskussionen vid att minska trafiken i vissa områden eller göra bilen mer miljövänlig. För att bredda diskussionen undersöker uppsatsen om det ur ett svenskt perspektiv finns möjlighet att planera utan bilism. Frågeställningarna som besvaras lyder: Vad finns det för möjligheter och svårigheter med att implementera Crawfords teori om bilfrihet i en

Ungdomar, territorialitet och bostadsområden. En fallstudie av Östra Sorgenfri

Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka ungdomars användning av det offentliga rummet i ett av Malmös delområden. Särskilt fokus läggs också på att undersöka problematiska grupper för att utröna om det är gäng och hur de påverkar andra unga i det offentliga rummet. För att ta reda på detta används teorier kring territorialitet, gäng samt ekologiskt missgynnsamma förhållanden. Det är en kvalitativ

Neutralisation of discrimination in direct taxation: the problem of applicability from the perspective of tax treaties and 'opt in' domestic clauses

The thesis provides the analysis of the concept of neutralisation based on the existing case law of the CJEU, AGs' opinions and academic writings. It introduces the reader to the meaning, scope and the purpose of neutralisation. The core aspect is the difference in the approach used by CJEU in allowing to use the neutralisation as a compensatory measure for discriminatory treatment of a taxpay

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av patientsäkerheten vid vård av barn

Många barn som behandlas på sjukhusen i Sverige, vårdas av sjuksköterskor som saknar specialistkompetens inom barnsjukvård. Mindre erfarna och nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskor som saknar specialistkompetens inom barnsjukvård kan ha svårt att tolka detaljer, känna igen och förstå innebörden av barns symptom och ha ett helhetstänkande, något som kan äventyra patientsäkerheten. Syftet med studien var a

Should the EU Adopt the Kiwi Approach for Taxing General Insurance Transactions?

This thesis primarily concerns the European Union (EU) value added tax (VAT) exemption for insurance transactions. Due to the negative consequences that exemptions have on the proper functioning of the VAT system and those subject to it, this thesis explores the possibility of adopting the Kiwi taxed approach for insurance transactions. In order to do this, the provisions and functioning of both t

Äldres upplevelse av välbefinnande i svensk äldreomsorg

Abstract There are numerous definitions for what well-being means to elderly people. Societal laws and guidelines also create a norm for how wellbeing can be achieved within the care of the elderly. Along with research describing and detailing different perspectives on the well-being of the elderly, we have also interviewed a selection of persons currently receiving elderly care and asked them how

Thermopower simulation of a two level spinless quantum dot

Quantum dots are interesting candidates for a broad variety of electronic components, with single electron transistors and LEDs being two examples already well on their way. In nanostructures, such as quantum dots, quantum effects greatly influence the transport. In a spin polarized quantum dot system with two energy levels, interference effects have been found to cause a strong suppression of con

Current voltage characterization of high-k oxide on InGaAs substrate

Abstract Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) capacitor was fabricated on the InGaAs substrate with Al2O3/HfO2 gate oxide. InGaAs is one of the promising candidates for advanced applications which require the lower power supply and high frequency. The high-k films (Al2O3/HfO2) were formed by atomic layer deposition (ALD) as an alternative to silicon dioxide (SiO2) to proceed the scaling of oxide to low

Vattenskador i småhus - En jämförelse med VASKA och dagens branschregler

Water damages have been an expensive problem for Swedish house owners for many decades and costs society billions of Swedish kronor every year. In an attempt to reduce the number of water damages, and the severe consequences there off, a project called VASKA was launched in Umeå in 1987. In the neighbourhood of Ersmark there were 24 houses built, all following the list of requirements set by VASKA

Time-resolved study of charge photo-generation in polymer-based solar cells with low driving force

Organic polymer-based solar cells recently attracted much attention as an efficient and inexpensive light-to-electricity conversion solution. However, the mechanism behind charge generation processes in organic materials is still not fully understood due to complex nature of carbon-based compounds. Studies of charge generation, recombination and transport processes are essential for revealing the