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Sven Lindberg har fått sin revansch (intervju)
Involving children in non-therapeutic research: on the development argument.
Non-therapeutic research on children raises ethical concerns. Such research is not only conducted on individuals who are incapable of providing informed consent. It also typically involves some degree of risk or discomfort, without prospects of medically benefiting the participating children. Therefore, these children seem to be instrumentalized. Some ethicists, however, have tried to sidestep thi
Review of Christopher L. Carter, The Great Sermon Tradition as a Fiscal Framework in 1 Corinthians: Towards a Pauline Theology of Material Possessions
Tissue temperature control using a water-cooled applicator: Implications for transurethral laser-induced thermotherapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia
A prototype to a water-cooled applicator to be used in transurethral laser-induced thermotherapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia was developed. The flexible applicator was made of Teflon(TM) tubes except for the distal outer part which was made of glass, providing a transparent medium for laser radiation and enabling efficient cooling of the surrounding tissue. For heating, laser light from a Nd:Y
Exile Warriors : Violence and Community among Hutu Rebels in the eastern Congo
This dissertation is an anthropological study of war and violence in the volatile eastern territories of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The ethnographic focus is on one of the largest rebel groups currently operating in the Congo conflicts, the Hutu-dominated Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR). These Hutu rebels arrived in the Congo in 1994, after the genocide in neighboring
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Popular Abstract in Swedish I Ärlighetseffekten. Den litterära självbiografin sedd genom pressen. Fallet La Force des choses av Simone de Beauvoir undersöks den litterära självbiografin som genre sedd genom receptionen i pressen av den tredje delen av Simone de Beauvoirs självbiografi La Force des choses vid utgivningen i Frankrike 1963. Studien innehåller tre huvuddelar som tar upp kommentarerna In light of autobiographical theory, this study deals with the critics' reception of Simone de Beauvoir's La Force des choses when the book was first published in 1963 in France. The three main parts examine the critical comments on the genre, the final controversial words expressing the author's disappointment, and the evaluation of her style. For the latter, Morten Nøjgaard's theory of literary
Review of B. af Klintberg, Glitterspray och 99 andra klintbergare
Direct Numerical Simulation and Modelling Study of the Structures and Propagation of Partially Premixed Turbulent Flames
Turbulent partially premixed flames are found in common combustion applications, such as the lifted jet flames in diesel engines. There is less theory surrounding the structure and propagation of turbulent partially premixed flames than for classical premixed flames and diffusion flames, especially in regards to modelling. This thesis presents direct numerical simulations (DNS) and analysis of the
Porous Silicon Microbioreactors - Applications and Technology
Microfluidic systems have become one of the most interesting fields in the research of chemical analysis. Miniaturized systems exhibit numerous practical advantages when compared with traditional batch-scale synthesis such as lower sample volumes, increased control of the reactions and higher sample throughput. This thesis describes the development and applications of a parallel channel microreact
Kvinnor i grosshandlarfamiljen Winberg i Karlshamn under 1800-talet: kvinnors vardagsliv inom en lokal borgerlighet
Våld på vers för deckarläsare
Introduction to the work of Australian poet Dorothy Porter, and her verse novel The Monkey's Mask.
Goda prognoser för klimatfiktionen
Hans och hennes: genus och egendom i Sverige från vikingatid till nutid
Diagnostikstudier bör följa internationella riktlinjer. Planering och utvärdering kräver teoretiska och praktiska överväganden.
Impacts of changing frost regimes on Swedish forests: Incorporating cold hardiness in a regional ecosystem model
Primary HIV-1 R5 isolates from end-stage disease display enhanced viral fitness in parallel with increased gp120 net charge.
To better understand the evolution of the viral envelope glycoproteins (Env) in HIV-1 infected individuals who progress to AIDS maintaining an exclusive CCR5-using (R5) virus population, we cloned and sequenced the env gene of longitudinally obtained primary isolates. A shift in the electrostatic potential towards an increased net positive charge was revealed in gp120 of end-stage viruses. Residue
Regional Innovation System Policy: a Knowledge-based Approach
A focus on constructing regional advantage requires an unpacking of what makes territorial agglomerations important for innovation and growth by disclosing and revealing the contingencies, particularities and specificities of the various contexts and environments where knowledge creation, innovation and entrepreneurship take place. In order to achieve more effective regional innovation policy, the
Vad är rätt? Juridiska och etiska frågor i Certecs vardag
Vardagsarbetet på Certec tangerar ofta etiska och juridiska spörsmål. Detta är mer av godo än av ondo. Det är viktigt för en verksamhet, som bedrivs nära människor, att det etiska samtalet hålls levande, och att frågor ständigt väcks kring vad som kanske rent av är reglerat i lag. Funderingarna och samtalen handlar inte bara om vad som kan vara olagligt eller oetiskt att göra – minst lika ofta gäl
Analytical Use of Proton-Induced X-Ray Emission
Proton-induced X-ray emission, PIXE, is capable of simultaneous quantitative determination of 10-15 elements. An introduction to the physical properties of the method is given and detection limits are shown for a routine analysis of a thin aerosol sample. Examples of applications to both thick and thin samples are presented. Human tooth dentine is analysed for lead, with simple sample preparation,