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Long-term outcomes for neoadjuvant versus adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer : meta-analysis of individual patient data from ten randomised trials
BACKGROUND: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) for early breast cancer can make breast-conserving surgery more feasible and might be more likely to eradicate micrometastatic disease than might the same chemotherapy given after surgery. We investigated the long-term benefits and risks of NACT and the influence of tumour characteristics on outcome with a collaborative meta-analysis of individual patien
Inferring the genetic relationship between brain imaging-derived phenotypes and risk of complex diseases by Mendelian randomization and genome-wide colocalization
Observational studies consistently disclose brain imaging-derived phenotypes (IDPs) as critical markers for early diagnosis of both brain disorders and cardiovascular diseases. However, it remains unclear about the shared genetic landscape between brain IDPs and the risk of brain disorders and cardiovascular diseases, restricting the applications of potential diagnostic techniques through brain ID
Mendelian randomization study reveals a population-specific putative causal effect of type 2 diabetes in risk of cataract
BackgroundThe epidemiological association between type 2 diabetes and cataract has been well established. However, it remains unclear whether the two diseases share a genetic basis, and if so, whether this reflects a putative causal relationship.MethodsWe used East Asian population-based genome-wide association studies (GWAS) summary statistics of type 2 diabetes (Ncase = 36 614, Ncontrol = 155 15
The value of non-human animals: A study of member parties to CITES views of non-human animals’ value connected to the illegal wildlife trade at CoP19
Abstract The illegal wildlife trade (IWT) is the fourth largest global illegal crime, and it threatens the balance of ecosystems, biodiversity, and human security. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is an international treaty, which purpose is to guarantee that international wildlife trade is legal, sustainable, and traceable. This study ex
Ancient mystery cults have long been considered as a special type of religious practice within Greco-Roman polytheism, defined by initiation rituals of individual and voluntary participation, the transmission of a secret knowledge and an implacable prohibition of disclosure, high levels of emotional arousal, and the promise of salvific benefits in this life and often also in the next. However, rec
Anniversary of peace deals in Nepal and Colombia : Views on female ex-soldiers need to be challenged
EU-rättens Företrädesprincip och Medlemsstaternas Suveränitet En Analys av Kompetenz-Kompetenz Problematiken
I denna uppsats diskuteras EU-rättens företrädesprincip, problemet med Kompetenz-Kompetenz och hur olika medlemsstater uppfattar företrädesprin-cipen. Analysen omfattar en granskning av hur principen har tolkats och till-lämpats av nationella domstolar, samt hur dessa tolkningar skiljer sig åt mellan olika medlemsländer. Dessutom undersöks problematiken kring Kompetenz-Kompetenz, det vill säga fråThis paper discusses the principle of the primacy of EU law, the problem of Kompetenz-Kompetenz and how the principle of primacy is viewed by mem- ber states. The analysis includes an examination of how the principle has been interpreted and applied by national courts, and how these interpretations vary among different member states. Furthermore, the issue of competence-com- petence, which concern
Balansgång mellan kontradiktion och inkvisition - En studie om den svenska brottmålsprocessens förenlighet med rätten till rättvis rättegång
Den svenska brottmålsprocessen är i grunden kontradiktorisk, men har inkvi-sitoriska inslag. Exempelvis är rätten, enligt 30 kap. 3 § rättegångsbalken, inte bunden av de angivna bestämmelserna i åklagarens stämningsansökan. Det är i stället rättens ansvar att, i enlighet med officialprincipen, bestämma den rättsliga innebörden av gärningsbeskrivningen. År 1995 inkorporerade Sverige EuropakonventioThe Swedish criminal procedural system is fundamentally based on the ad-versarial principle, but it also includes inquisitorial elements. For instance, according to Chapter 30, Section 3 of the Code of Judicial Procedure, the court is not bound by the specified legal provisions in the prosecutor's writ-ten indictment. Instead, it is the responsibility of the court, in accordance with the offic
Den praktiska bedömningen av hobby- och näringsverksamheter - En rättsfallsstudie av två sektorer
Placeringen av verksamheter i olika inkomstslag innebär skattemässiga följder för såväl den enskilde idkaren som för statens skattehandläggning och statskassan. Huruvida en verksamhet ska utgöra hobby eller näring är en bedömningsfråga för Skatteverket och, inte så sällan, för domstolarna. Denna bedömning försvåras av att olika sektorer skiljer sig åt i sina verksamhetsutformningar. I denna uppsaThe allocation of activities to different categories has tax implications for both the individual entrepreneur and the state's tax administration and treasury. Whether an activity should be considered a hobby or a business is a question that comes down to judgement for the Swedish Tax Agency and, potentially, the courts. This is complicated by the fact that activities in different sectors vary
The Ordovician Tøyen Shale (Floian) and its graptolite fauna at Kinnekulle, Västergötland, Sweden–a regional overview
The graptolites of the Tøyen Shale Formation of Kinnekulle in Västergötland, south-central Sweden, are described for the first time and their biostratigraphic distribution is documented from drill core and outcrop material. The faunas indicate an age of mid to late Floian (Billingenian), thus showing a reduced biostratigraphic range of the Tøyen Shale as compared to other areas where this rock uni
Förbättrade arbetsvillkor och utrymmet för solidaritet mellan arbetstagare : ett perspektiv på medborgarskap i ett föränderligt EU
Novel avenues of tau research
INTRODUCTION: The pace of innovation has accelerated in virtually every area of tau research in just the past few years. METHODS: In February 2022, leading international tau experts convened to share selected highlights of this work during Tau 2022, the second international tau conference co-organized and co-sponsored by the Alzheimer's Association, CurePSP, and the Rainwater Charitable Foundation
Migratory birds found to be flying much higher than expected – new research
Emerging role of microRNAs as regulators of protein kinase C substrate MARCKS and MARCKSL1 in cancer
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as pivotal regulators of gene expression, playing essential roles in diverse cellular processes, including the development and progression of cancer. Among the numerous proteins influenced by miRNAs, the MARCKS/MARCKSL1 protein, a key regulator of cellular cytoskeletal dynamics and membrane-cytosol communication, has garnered significant attention due to its multifa
Sexual selection buffers the negative consequences of population fragmentation on adaptive plastic responses to increasing temperatures
Whether sexual selection facilitates or hampers the ability to plastically respond to novel environments might depend on population structure, via its effects on sexual interactions and associated fitness payoffs. Using experimentally evolved lines of the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus, we tested whether individuals evolving under different sexual selection (monogamy vs. polygamy) and popula
Genetic evidence for a causal relationship between type 2 diabetes and peripheral artery disease in both Europeans and East Asians
BACKGROUND: Observational studies have revealed that type 2 diabetes (T2D) is associated with an increased risk of peripheral artery disease (PAD). However, whether the two diseases share a genetic basis and whether the relationship is causal remain unclear. It is also unclear as to whether these relationships differ between ethnic groups.METHODS: By leveraging large-scale genome-wide association
Time-dependence of NIHSS in predicting functional outcome of patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with intravenous thrombolysis
ObjectivesThe National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) is a predictor for the prognosis of acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) and its prediction is time-dependent. We examined the performance of NIHSS at different timepoints in predicting functional outcome of patients with thrombolysed AIS.MethodsThis prospective study included 269 patients with AIS treated with recombinant tissue plasminogen
Nonlinear phenomena in contemporary vocal music
Complex and multiphonic voice signals of vocal improvisors are analyzed within the framework of nonlinear dynamics. Evidence is given that nonlinear phenomena are extensively used by performers associated with contemporary music. Narrow-band spectrograms of complex vocalizations are used to visualize the appearance of nonlinear phenomena (spectral bifurcation diagrams). Possible production mechani
Ordinary and extraordinary greening : Tensions amidst Saint-Henri, Montréal’s development boom
The neighborhood of Sant-Henri in Montréal’s Southwest borough has long been associated with poverty, marginality and squalor. But this is rapidly changing as both extraordinary, large-scale green infrastructures and small-scale, more ordinary forms of greening are expanding across the neighborhood, amidst private luxury housing development and rising rents. Both extraordinary and ordinary greenin