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Your search for "*" yielded 530891 hits

Early Pharmacodynamic Changes Measured Using RNA Sequencing of Peripheral Blood from Patients in a Phase I Study with Mitazalimab, a Potent CD40 Agonistic Monoclonal Antibody

CD40-targeting therapies can enhance the dendritic cell priming of tumor-specific T cells and repolarize intratumoral macrophages to alleviate the tumoral immunosuppressive environment and remodel the extracellular matrix. Mitazalimab is a potent agonistic CD40 monoclonal IgG1 antibody currently under clinical development. This study used RNA sequencing of blood samples from a subset of patients f

Few-cycle pulse generation by double-stage hybrid multi-pass multi-plate nonlinear pulse compression

Few-cycle pulses present an essential tool to track ultrafast dynamics in matter and drive strong field effects. To address photon-hungry applications, high average power lasers are used which, however, cannot directly provide sub-100-fs pulse durations. Post-compression of laser pulses by spectral broadening and dispersion compensation is the most efficient method to overcome this limitation. We

Boreal Forest Wildfire in a Changing Climate

Den boreala regionen innehåller 40% av jordens kol (C) som lagras i vegetation och mark med sina skogar som står för nästan 30% av den terrestra C sänkan. Boreala skogar upplever några av de snabbaste hastigheterna för klimatuppvärmning och ökningar i brandaktivitet, vilket hotar att släppa ut stora mängder av deras C reserver till atmosfären. Även om klimat och skogsbränder har stark kontroll öveThe boreal region contains 40% of the earth’s carbon (C) that is stored in vegetation and soils with its forests accounting for almost 30% of the terrestrial C sink. Boreal forests are experiencing some of the most rapid rates of climatic warming and increases in fire activity, threatening to release large amounts of their dense C reserves to the atmosphere. While climate and wildfire place strong


The MAX IV 3 GeV linac delivers electron beams to two synchrotron rings and to a dedicated undulator system for X-ray beam delivery in the Short Pulse Facility (SPF). In addition, there are plans to use the linac as an injector for a future Soft X-ray Laser (SXL). For both SPF and SXL operations, longitudinal beam characterisation with a high temporal resolution is essential. For this purpose, a t

i ett hus vid skogens slut

Manus till teaterföreställningen i ett hus vid skogens slut som gjordes på Turteatern i Stockholm."Vid civilisationens ände tittar människan yrvaket upp. En ångest som liknar en tomhet dånar i hennes inre. Strategierna för distraktion fungerar inte längre. Information flödar in i henne utan att hitta fästpunkter, politiken är lika död som de för länge sedan bortglömda gudarna, och själva pengasyst

Three-pion scattering : From the chiral Lagrangian to the lattice

In recent years, detailed studies of three-pion systems have become possible in lattice QCD. This has in turn led to interest in 3-to-3 scattering of pions in the chiral perturbation theory framework. In addition to being an interesting study of multi-meson dynamics in its own right, it provides a valuable handle on finite-volume effects and the pion mass dependence, thus complementing the lattice

Targeting in International Law : Counterinsurgency and the Legal Materiality of the Principle of Distinction

This book is about how distinctions are drawn between civilians and combatants in modern warfare and how the legal principle of distinction depends on the technical means through which combatants make themselves visibly distinguishable from civilians. The author demonstrates that technologies of visualisation have always been part of the operation of the principle of distinction, arguing that the

Identification of ARMH4 and WIPF3 as human podocyte proteins with potential roles in immunomodulation and cytoskeletal dynamics

The podocyte is a specialized cell type critically involved in maintaining the selective filtration barrier of the kidney. Podocytes are primary or secondary targets for a multitude of kidney diseases. Despite intense investigation, the transcriptome and proteome of human podocytes remain incompletely characterized. Here, we analyzed publicly available RNA-Seq data from human kidneys (n = 85) to c

Out of the tropics : Macroevolutionary size trends in an old insect order are shaped by temperature and predators

Aim: Global interspecific body size distributions have been suggested to be shaped by selection pressures arising from biotic and abiotic factors such as temperature, predation and parasitism. Here, we investigated the ecological and evolutionary drivers of global latitudinal size gradients in an old insect order. Location: Global. Taxon: Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies). Methods: We compiled

Evaluating effect modification by HIV testing history to understand the mechanisms behind the impact of announcing HIV self-testing availability in a clinic system in Kenya

Background: In sub-Saharan Africa, truckers and female sex workers (FSWs) have high HIV risk and face challenges accessing HIV testing. Adding HIV self-testing (HIVST) to standard of care (SOC) programs increases testing rates. However, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. HIVST may decrease barriers (inconvenient clinic hours, confidentiality concerns) and thus we would expect a gr

The effect of relative humidity on eddy covariance latent heat flux measurements and its implication for partitioning into transpiration and evaporation

While the eddy covariance (EC) technique is a well-established method for measuring water fluxes (i.e., evaporation or 'evapotranspiration’, ET), the measurement is susceptible to many uncertainties. One such issue is the potential underestimation of ET when relative humidity (RH) is high (>70%), due to low-pass filtering with some EC systems. Yet, this underestimation for different types of EC sy

Tuning atomic-scale mixing of nanoparticles produced by atmospheric-pressure spark ablation

Nanoparticles (NPs) mixed at the atomic scale have been synthesized by atmospheric-pressure spark ablation using pairs of Pd and Hf electrodes. Gravimetric analysis of the electrodes showed that the fraction of each material in the resulting mixed NPs can be varied from ca. 15-85 at% to 85-15 at% by employing different combinations of electrode polarities and thicknesses. These results were also q

Beyond ambidexterity : universities and their changing roles in driving regional development in challenging times

Around the world today, universities are expected to play a unique role as creators of regional growth and innovation. While there appears to be a consensus that the role of universities has been expanded, critiques show that the contribution of universities to their regions is still not well defined. There have been some developments in the literature on the concept of modern universities such as

Fear and posting in Nepal : countering spectacles of fear through everyday social media practices

This article sheds light upon the cultural politics of fear in post-war Nepal by narrowing in on the Nepal banda–a recurring political spectacle in which the organizers seek to shut down Nepalese society through violent means–tracing both how it shapes and is appropriated in (offline and online) everyday life. In doing so I demonstrate how the online tactics that people employ to navigate the Nepa

Post-traumatic stress disorder and drug use disorder : examination of aetiological models in a Swedish population-based cohort

Background: There are two primary phenotypic models of comorbidity between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and drug use disorder (DUD), i.e. self-medication (PTSD precedes and causes DUD) and susceptibility (DUD precedes and causes PTSD). We sought to clarify the longitudinal relationship between PTSD and DUD, while examining sex differences. Method: We used approximately 23 years of longitu

Player and Spectator Engagement and Co-Creation in E-Sports Gaming Events During and Post-COVID-19

Events, occasions on which people gather for a particular purpose, represent a well-established tourism-based distribution channel. Given recent technological advances, virtual tourism events offer a growing platform. As a particular virtual tourism event subtype, e-sports gaming events are online sports-based video-gaming competitions. During COVID-19, the number of e-sports game players and -spe

Sex-related differences in left ventricular assist device utilization and outcomes : results from the PCHF-VAD registry

Aims: Data on sex and left ventricular assist device (LVAD) utilization and outcomes have been conflicting and mostly confined to US studies incorporating older devices. This study aimed to investigate sex-related differences in LVAD utilization and outcomes in a contemporary European LVAD cohort. Methods and results: This analysis is part of the multicentre PCHF-VAD registry studying continuous-f

Defect-driven antiferromagnetic domain walls in CuMnAs films

Antiferromagnetic (AF) materials offer a route to realising high-speed, high-density data storage devices that are robust against magnetic fields due to their intrinsic dynamics in the THz-regime and the lack magnetic stray fields. The key to functionality and efficiency is the control of AF domains and domain walls. Although AF domain structures are known to be sensitive to magnetoelastic effects

Alzheimer Disease Blood Biomarkers in Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Importance: Blood phosphorylated tau (p-tau) and amyloid-β peptides (Aβ) are promising peripheral biomarkers of Alzheimer disease (AD) pathology. However, their potential alterations due to alternative mechanisms, such as hypoxia in patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest, are not known. Objective: To evaluate whether the levels and trajectories of blood p-tau, Aβ42, and Aβ40 following cardiac a