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Historieförmedlingens villkor, möjligheter och problem – i Danmark och annorstädes
Reflexioner kring det danska projektet Humanistisk historieformidling.
Link Load Balancing Optimization of Telecommunication Networks: a Column Generation based Approach
This paper deals with optimal load balancing in telecommunication networks. For a capacitated telecommunications network with single path routing and an estimated traffic demand matrix, we wish to determine the routing paths aiming at min-max optimization of link loads. To solve this problem, we propose a column (path) generation based heuristic. In the first step, we use column generation to solv
Från skräp till lyx. Målade romerska glasbägare och maktutövning i järnålderns Skandinavien
Sr II and [Sr II] Emission in the Ejecta of eta Carinae
We have discovered four extremely surprising emission lines of strontiumin ejecta near eta Carinae. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) SpaceTelescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) observations made in 1999 show twonarrow features whose wavelengths correspond to the forbiddentransitions of Sr II, and we have found no other plausibleidentification for these lines. The identifications are confirmed by newHST
Inflammatory transcription factors in atherosclerosis
Transcription factors such as nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB), activator protein-1 (AP-1) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) may play important roles in atherogenesis, by regulating chronic subclinical vascular inflammation. In the first study, we showed that VLDL activates the proinflammatory transcription factor NF-kB in endothelial cells both in vitro and in vivo. Oxidation of V
Kollektivavtalens täckningsgrad samt organisationsgraden hos arbetsgivarförbund och fackförbund
Det fackliga medlemsras i Sverige som pågick under 2007 och 2008 upphörde år 2009 om man undantar några arbetargrupper i de privata tjänstenäringarna. På arbetsgivarsidan saknar det fackliga medlemsraset helt motsvarighet. Tvärtom kännetecknas arbetsgivarnas organisationsgrad av stabilitet (1995-2012). Detsamma gäller i stort sett även kollektivavtalens täckningsgrad (1995-2012). Mest uppmärksamhe
Medeltidens lärda värld
A survey of the learned world of the Middle Ages, the rise of the universities, and the content of medieval learning and the mental universe of the great scholastics, theologians and philosophers
Organic acids in root exudates and soil solutions. Importance to calcicole and calcifuge behaviour of plants.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Många växtarter kan inte kolonisera kalkjordar och det är stora skillnader i artsammansättningen mellan kalkjordar och närliggande surare jordar. Detta beteende kallas ofta för kalkskyende och tycks orsakas av en oförmåga hos dessa växtarter att lösa och ta upp fosfat och järn ur kalkjordar. Kalkjordar innehåller mycket låga halter av järn och fosfat löst i marklösningeMany vascular plant species are unable to colonise calcareous sites, the floristic composition of adjacent limestone and acid silicate soils differing markedly. The inability of these 'calcifuge' species to establish themselves and grow on limestone soil appears to mainly be related to their low capacity for solubilising and absorbing phosphate and/or iron from such soils. Differences between calc
Att dela in studenter i grupper
Gender and spatial patterns in the Scandinavian farmstead and outland
In the article the spatial organisation of everyday life at two deserted medieval farmsteads/hamlets, and the practise of outland use in their surrounding landscapes are discussed from a gender perspective. A gender hierarchy, with male domination, is clearly visible in the matierals.
Desertification and Theories of Desertification Control: A discussion of Chinese and European concepts
The word “desertification” was introduced in 1949 by the French scientist Aubreville in his report “Climats, forêts et désertification de l´Afrique tropicale”. The concept, however, was discussed earlier by European and American scientists in terms of increased sand movements, desiccation, desert and Sahara encroachment and man made deserts. Desertification, at the beginning of last century, mea
Recognising the Challenge: How to Realise the Potential Benefits of ICT Use in SMEs?
There is evidence to suggest that small businesses often start with innovative business ideas but fail within the first 3 years because the proprietors lack the expertise to make them thrive. In this context, it has been suggested that SMEs would benefit from support to select suitable ICTs that can help them to make the most of their business potential. Such suggestions tend to overlook a need to
Compromises and Rewards: Stable and Non-manipulable Probabilistic Pairing
Can we reconcile stability with non-manipulability in pairing problems by selecting lotteries over matchings?We examine the problem of eliciting preferences to make pairs as introduced by Gale and Shapley (1962). We develop ex-ante notions of stability and non-manipulability that are parameterized by collections of utility functions. In particular, we study the collection of utility functions with
An IS Success Evaluation of a DSS in a Police Organization
Population biology and conservation of beetles and pseudoscorpions associated with hollow oaks
Popular Abstract in Swedish Eftersom gamla träd har blivit mycket ovanligare de senaste 200 åren, både i skogslandskapet och på ängs- och hagmarker, har djur som lever i gamla träd blivit mycket sällsyntare och många arter är utrotningshotade. I gamla ekar bildas ofta mulm i stammarnas håligheter. Mulmen består av murket trämjöl och i den lever en rik och specialiserad fauna som framför allt utgörMany species associated with old trees are threatened, as this habitat has decreased severely in Europe during the last 200 years. In old oaks, hollows with wood mould often form in the trunks and these harbour a specialized fauna mainly consisting of beetles, flies and pseudoscorpions. This thesis contains the first quantitative examination of the habitat requirements and population ecology of sp
A third way to travel: The place of Thai in motion event typology.
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