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The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side – Main Factors Influencing International Students’ Happiness

The number of international students in higher education is steadily increasing, so their experiences in the new environment is a topic gaining more and more interest from academics (Wu & Hammond, 2011). The current research suggests a model for determining international students’ happiness. The determining factors in the hypothesized model are university satisfaction, residential satisfaction

Climate Change and Precipitation Variability Influence on the Greenland Ice Sheet

Climate changes have a large impact on precipitation patterns and precipitation variability change. With this in mind, precipitation over Greenland is studied. This is done for present day precipitation model data from 1991-2010 compared to future model simulations of precipitation for 2081-2100. Furthermore, precipitation drives Surface Mass Balance (SMB), which is the sum of accumulation and the

Relationella skillnader i anställningsrelationer

Vi syftar till att undersöka hur relationella skillnader i två olika anställningsrelationer utspelar sig i praktiken. Sambandet mellan identifierade teman som målsättningar, upplevd rättvisa och individers engagemang undersöks i vår specifika kontext. Vi argumenterar för att tidigare forskning lagt för lite fokus på kombinationen av ett psykologiskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv på anställningsrelatioWe aim to investigate how relational differences in two different employment relations take place in practice. The relationship between identified themes such as goals, perceived justice and individuals' commitment is investigated in our specific context. We argue that previous research has put too little focus on the combination of a psychological and economic perspective on employment relati

Att läsa för att förstå sin hotade omvärld: en aktionsforskningsstudie om klimatdidaktik och dialogbaserad strategiundervisning.

Denna uppsats syfte är att undersöka sätt att utveckla engagemang i och förståelse av klimatfrågan genom läsundervisning. Metoden jag har valt för att utreda det är aktionsforskning, genomförd på en gymnasieskola i södra Skåne. Där gjorde jag med sex elever en övning utifrån min valda sorts läsundervisning, lässtrategin dialogbaserad strategiundervisning, och en aktuell text om klimathotet. På så

Museum as Activist: (Re)inventing Institutional Paradigm at the Museum of Movements in Malmö

Vad händer bakom museimontrar och magasindörrar? Vem bestämmer vilket kulturarv som ska bevaras och vilken del av det ska utställas? Vem driver det osynliga maskineriet av museernas backstage-funktioner och genomför dagliga museirutiner? Museer som modernitetsinstitutioner har en särskild roll i processen för kunskapsproduktion och maktfördelning inom samhällen, först och främst genom att synliggöWhat exactly happens behind museum displays and repository doors? Who decides what heritage has to be preserved and what part of it should be exhibited? Who operates all this invisible machinery of the museums’ backstage functions and executes its daily routines? Museums as institutions of modernity have a specific role in the process of knowledge production and power redistribution within societi

Organisationskultur på beställning: En kvalitativ studie om teknologi i förhållande till organisationskultur

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ett teknologikoncept som implementeras genom en mobilapplikation, påverkar organisationskulturen i ett serviceföretag. Arbetet har utgått från följande frågeställningar för att besvara syftet: hur visar sig organisationskulturen hos de anställdas beteende i en organisation med ett appkoncept och hur påverkar teknologin de anställda och deras beteende i denna

Konsumtion och identitetsskapande - En studie om konsumtionssamhällets påverkan på individen

Avsikten med denna uppsats är att undersöka varför människor konsumerar i den utsträckning de gör, varför vi känner ett behov att fortsätta konsumera, men även att undersöka om detta behov kan härledas till ett identitetsskapande, det vill säga om det finns ett samband mellan konsumtion och identitetsskapande. Den undersökning som ligger till grund för uppsatsen utgörs av sex stycken semistrukture

Homogenization of yoghurt milk

Yoghurt is a dairy product that is well known around the world. When producing yoghurt, the homogenization process is one of the most energy demanding steps. In order to decrease the energy consumption the aim of this master thesis was to understand if the homogenization pressure, the homogenization temperature and the positioning of the homogenizer (upstream or downstream) affect the quality of t

Legitimizing the Legislation: Peace and Security for all? Constructing a narrative of inevitability

Japan continuously attempts to reinterpret war-renouncing Article 9 while at the same time stressing its devotion to pacifism, most recently through the Legislation for Peace and Security. The new Legislation allows Japan to engage in collective self-defense, which was considered unconstitutional for 70 years. This thesis examines Japan’s legitimization of such change, answering the question; how

The effect of the fermented tea beverage kombucha on the gut microflora

Introduction The fermented tea drink kombucha has gained large popularity over the past years. It has been praised for its nutritional content, organic acids and living community of beneficial bacteria. Multiple studies have been conducted on the effect of the nutrients and organic compounds on the body, but none on the effect of the microbial community on the human gut microbiota. That is thus th

The impact of Medicaid expansion in 2014 on prescription second-generation antidepressant utilization in Washington State: An interrupted time series analysis

Background Depressive disorders, specifically major depressive disorder (MDD), is predicted to become the leading cause of disease burden worldwide by 2030. In the United States, MDD is already the leading cause of disability. Yet, less than 50 percent of US adults diagnosed with a mental disorder seek treatment, often due to lack of health coverage or affordability. In 2014, the Affordable Care A

Sediment transport and bathymetric change at Hornafjörður tidal inlet - Field data analysis and mathematical modeling

Commercial fishing makes the coastal inlet in Hornafjörður to an important navigational link for the port of Höfn in southeast Iceland. Low water depth caused through sediment accumulation along the ebb shoal generates navigational problems and the phenomenon of glacial rebound seems to intensify this problem. Economic losses caused by the inability of fishing boats to navigate through the coastal

Differences in perception on entrepreneurial learning and venture development in a social accelerator – A case study

Existing literature on entrepreneurial learning and venture development within accelerators is limited to the perspective of the organisers of such programs. ost studies have been conducted on developed for high-tech ventures in commercial sectors. This paper aims to new insights into the start-up’s perception on skill development an accelerator for social entrepreneurship. Whil the need for socia

Ethernet Bypass Switch

An ASIC solution is studied and designed to solve a possible communication interruption due to power failures of automation servers connected in serial topologies. This installation method is widely employed in industrial Ethernet networks. However, it presents a disadvantage, a failure in a network’s node isolates the following nodes until maintenance repairs it. The solution studied during this

Trygghet, studiero och musik. Musikelevers ord om vad de behöver för att känna trygghet och studiero på gruppundervisningen i musik på gymnasiet

Orden trygghet och studiero återfinns i Skollagen (SFS: 2010:800). Som en elev som inte kände trygghet under min egen skolgång och nu med en ämneslärarutbildning i musik i ryggen har mitt fokus hamnat på lärarens uppgift och möjligheter att skapa trygghet och studiero för elever, och mer specifikt för de elever som jag kommer undervisa i musik. Med den ingången är studiens syfte att undersöka vad The words trygghet and studiero (to feel secure and have peace and quiet to study) can be found in the Swedish education act. During my own school years I was bullied and felt unsafe. I now have a master of education in music and my focus has shifted from a student’s perspective to a teacher’s perspective. With this study I therefore want to focus on how teachers can create a peaceful and secure e

Digital Nomads: Travel, Remote Work and Alternative Lifestyles

This thesis takes an ethnographic approach in the examination of the phenomenon of digital nomadism. Generally, the term describes people who have rejected the idea of working in a conventional office, but instead, they work and travel without a clear destination. Through the daily life experiences of 15 individuals from different parts of the world living now as digital nomads, the thesis investi

Identifiering av riskområden för extremer av markfuktighet med Soil Topografic Index : jordbruksmarken i Helsingborgs kommun i nutida och framtida perspektiv

STI (Soil Topografic Index) är ett hydrologiskt index som beskriver markfuktigheten i ett landskap. Då indexet är baserat på de relativt konstanta faktorerna topografi, jordens textur och jorddjup beskriver det ett generellt markfuktighetsmönster. Indexet applicerades på jordbruksmark i Helsingborgs kommun för att få kunskap om vilka områden markfuktigheten tenderar att vara låg eller hög. Vid extThe index STI describes water flow path in a landscape. Whit the help of STI it´s possible to detect areas where the soil moisture is expected to be very high or low. When comparing the result of the STI for the chosen study-area with interviews for farmers in the same area, where was a similarity between which areas the STI identified as risk for high soil moisture and which areas the farmers ide

Schizoid cynicism among fast-food restaurant workers

Based on an ethnographic case study, this paper offers a typology of how, and under what circumstances, employees at a fast food-restaurant are cynical. By conducting participant- and non-participant observations and 10 semi-structured interviews, combined with a document analysis, we sought to understand the social realities of employees at Berger. Thus, we have had an interpretive approach to re

The Distorted Communication of a City

This study argues that there is a problem in previous literature regarding theunderstanding of value in city brand communication. Value construction has been overemphasized, at the expenses of value destruction, which is problematic because there is a mutual relationship between value construction and destruction. City brand communication is distorted, and therefore, groups are excluded when inten

Museum of Finnish Form

This diploma project reclaims a soon-to-be expendable coal power plant in the heart of Helsinki and proposes a reuse idea for facilitating a multidisciplinary museum for Finnish visual arts, with an emphasis on spaces for learning and cultural growth.