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Nonsuture end-to-end microvascular anastomosis using intravascular stents

The objective of this report is to describe a new method of nonsuture end-to-end microvascular anastomosis. The vessels to be anastomosed are prepared separately before division by inserting a cylinder-shaped intravascular stent into each vessel. The anastomosis is completed after dividing the vessels. The vessels containing the stents are approximated. The anastomosis is then performed by sliding

Varying frequency of acute appendicitis in different phases of the menstrual cycle

From the results of this study, it can be concluded that a difference is noted in the frequency of acute appendicitis and the number of appendectomies performed in different phases of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the female sex hormones might play an important role in the cause of acute appendicitis. This is further supported by the lower sex specific incidence of acute appendicitis for women i

The level of copper, zinc and certain free amino acids in the plasma of patients with acute appendicitis

Many forms of inflammatory conditions are associated with alterations in physiology, metabolism and concentrations of trace elements such as copper, magnesium, zinc and calcium and of amino acid patterns and C-Reactive protein levels in plasma (1). Decreased levels of zinc and a reciprocal increase of copper in plasma has been seen in many human diseases (2). Nothing concrete is documented concern

Towards Prestige Mobility? : Diplomatic Prestige and Digital Diplomacy

This article responds to previous efforts to calculate diplomatic prestige while adapting these methodologies to the exigencies of digital diplomacy. In particular, we are interested in how digital diplomacy provides opportunities for diplomatic actors lacking in material resources to overcome prestige deficits. We adapt approaches used in earlier studies to calculate the material and ideational c

Haematopoietic stem cells retain long-term repopulating activity and multipotency in the absence of stem-cell leukaemia SCL/tal-1 gene

The production of blood cells is sustained throughout the lifetime of an individual by haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Specification of HSCs from mesoderm during embryonic development requires the stem cell leukaemia SCL/tal-1 gene product. Forced expression of SCL/tal-1 strongly induces blood formation in embryos, indicating that this gene has a dominant role in commitment to haematopoiesis. In

Avian MHC : Characterization and expression patterns of classical and non-classical MHC-I genes

Alla ryggradsdjur har ett immunförsvar vars funktion är att skydda oss mot mikroorganismer som kan orsaka sjukdom, såsom bakterier och virus. Dessa sjukdomsframkallande ämnen kallas patogener. Immunförsvaret behöver kunna skilja mellan proteiner som kommer från den egna kroppen och från patogener. Molekylerna som kodas av gener i major histocompatibility complex (MHC) har en viktig del i denna igeThe function of the vertebrate immune system is to enable recognition and elimination of microorganisms that can cause harm (pathogens). A key component in adaptive immunity is the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) that codes for molecules with antigen presentation function. There are two main types of MHC molecules, class-I (MHC-I) and class-II (MHC-II) and the focus of my thesis has been MH

Two more counterexamples to the infinite dimensional carleson embedding theorem

The existence of a counterexample to the infinite-dimensional Carleson embedding theorem has been established by Nazarov, Pisier, Treil, and Volberg. We provide an explicit construction of such an example. We also obtain a non-constructive example of particularly simple form; the density function of the measure (with respect to a certain weighted area measure) is the tensor-square of a Hilbert spa

The influences of sidewall proximity on flow and thermal performance of a microchannel with large-row pin-fins

Sidewall proximity, characterized by the gap distance (G) between border pin-fin column and sidewall in a pin-finned microchannel with in-line arrangement, plays a significant role on pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics. To better understand the thermal performance and explore the underlying mechanisms, a comprehensive comparison is numerically developed among three representative micr

Harmonizing GIS Education: South - North Perspectives : Lessons learnt from Mozambique, Rwanda, Sweden, and Uganda

The aim of this paper is to critically examine, discuss, draw conclusions, and come up with ideas how to harmonize GIS education in order to realize the envisaged clientele benefits globally. The paper draws experiences and lessons learnt, with examples from ongoing joint GIS MSc programs/courses being implemented in Mozambique, Rwanda, and Uganda. All the five courses (3 in Uganda, 1 in Mozambiqu

Effect of long-term storage on dietary fibre in different cultivars of carrots

The effect of refrigerated long-term storage (six months) on dietary fibre in raw carrots was investigated in twelve cultivars representing five different groups. In three of the cultivars the viscosity of water-soluble fibre polysaccharides was analysed as well. Further, the bulking capacity of eight cultivars was evaluated through balance experiments in rats. A decrease of certain dietary fibre

Acute Appendicitis and Dietary Fiber

The role of dietary fiber in the cause of acute appendicitis was evaluated. By means of food diaries the average daily fiber consumption was determined in 31 patients with acute appendicitis and in 30 control patients, matched for age and sex. The average daily dietary fiber intake was 17.4 g in the group with appendicitis and 21.0 g in the control group. The difference is statistically significan

The effect of intraperitoneal fluid on the prevention of small intestinal obstruction after appendicectomy. Preliminary results.

In 173 patients (study group), undergoing appendicectomy because of suspected acute appendicitis, normal saline solution, in the amount of 10 ml per 1000 g of patient weight, was injected into the peritoneal cavity before closing the incision. A control group of patients undergoing appendicectomy was selected, matched for age and sex. The mean observation period was five years for both groups. One

National Parliaments and Political Control of EU Competences

It is clear that the formal inclusion of the national parliament as a political actor within the EU decision-making process has been one of the most important innovations of the Lisbon Treaty.Their role, however, remains controversial. It is on the one hand disputed whether national parliaments enjoy sufficient powers to tame'competence creep’. On the other hand, it is contested to what extent it

The Ambulatory Geriatric Assessment - A Frailty Intervention Trial (AGe-FIT) - A randomised controlled trial aimed to prevent hospital readmissions and functional deterioration in high risk older adults : A study protocol

Background Care of old people with multimorbidity living at home is often fragmented with lack of coordination and information exchange between health care professionals, the elderly and their relatives. This paper describes the protocol of a randomised, controlled study, which aims to compare the efficacy of caring for older people with multimorbidity and three or more hospital admissions in the