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Samröresbrottet - en rättfärdigad kriminalisering eller ett resultat av irrationell brottskontroll?

De senaste decennierna har sett omfattande kriminalisering av terroristbrottslighet. De flesta av de terroristbrott som har införts i svensk rätt är ett resultat av internationella och EU-rättsliga förpliktelser. Oftast har dessa kriminaliseringsåtaganden inneburit att gärningar på väldigt tidigt förberedande stadium har kriminaliserats. Det senaste i raden av dessa brott, samröresbrottet, kriminaThe last couple of decades has seen extensive criminalization of terrorist crimes. Most of the terrorist crimes that have been implemented into Swedish law are a result of international obligations and obligations derived from membership of the European Union. Mostly, these obligations have meant criminalizing conduct that is very remote from the harm it seeks to prevent. Thus, these crimes have a

Hets mot folkgrupp - symboler och förutsebarhet

Hets mot folkgrupp är ett lagrum som reglerar uttalanden som är av hotande eller missaktande karaktär som riktats mot en folkgrupp med anspelning på någon av en rad uppställda förhållanden. Uttalanden kan sin form som verbala uttryck men även i form av ”annat meddelande”, till exempel en symbol. I praxis tillskrivs symboler allt som oftast sin betydelse utifrån åklagarens gärningsbeskrivning, i viIncitement to racial hatred (Hets mot folkgrupp) is a legal space that regulates statements of a threatening or disrespecting nature directed against a group designated by the law, alluding to any of a number of criteria’s. Statements can be expressed as verbal expressions but also in the form of "other message", for example a symbol. In legal practice, symbols are usually attributed the

Energy Justice and Energy Access- Analyzing the Power Africa Initiative’s Strategies in Furthering Energy Access in Sub-Saharan Africa through Energy Justice Theory

Energy justice theory is still a nascent field in political science and especially underresearched in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa. Thus, this thesis aims to further the discourse on energy justice by analyzing the Power Africa Initiative, an international financing initiative which objectives include furthering energy access in the region, from the perspective of three energy justice dimensi

Emerging Powers in Global Climate Politics: The discursive story-lines used by the BASIC countries regarding the climate crisis, responsibilities and burden sharing in the UNFCCC

Global climate policy negotiations have become increasingly complicated with the rise of the socalled emerging powers as they have seen both great economic growth and increased emissions of greenhouse gasses – yet they continue to hold a developing country, or non-Annex I, status under the UNFCCC, which determines their responsibilities for addressing the climate crisis. This thesis examines the

Compassion - från riskfaktor till friskfaktor? En tematisk analys av hur terapeuter som arbetar med compassionfokuserad terapi upplever sin metod

Syftet med denna studie var att få en fördjupad förståelse av hur terapeuter som arbetar med compassionfokuserad terapi (CFT) upplever sin arbetsmetod jämfört med sedvanlig KBT samt hur arbetet med CFT påverkar deras upplevelse av stress, både yrkesmässigt och privat. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta terapeuter som arbetar med CFT på olika sätt. Tematisk analys användes som metod The aim of this study was to reach a greater understanding of how psychotherapists, working with Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), experience their psychotherapeutic method compared to usual CBT and how working with CFT affects their experiences of stress, professionally as well as in private life. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight therapists working with CFT in different ways.

Impact of Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) chapters in the free trade agreements of the EU on its imports of environmental goods: A gravity model analysis

Sustainable development agenda in general and environmental considerations in particular have become deeply embedded into the ways the public and decision makers are thinking about trade policy. European Union, while not being the very first adopter of ambitious policies on this front as part of its free trade agreements (FTAs), has emerged throughout the 2010s as the most consistent one. From the

Tax challenges arisen from the digital economy: compliance of the French DST with European Union Law

In this new era where an important part of the economy is made through digital services, the existing tax laws are lacking and thus gives possibility to base erosion and aggressive tax planning. In response many talked about new ways of taxing this ‘new economy’ but world wide taxation on digital economy is not yet achieved and at the European Union level it is yet not harmonized. It results that

Exploring entrepreneurial contributions to a post-growth world - a case study of the swiss outdoor equipment industry

Global warming, biodiversity loss, pandemics – humanity today suffers from many life-threatening phenomena beyond those mentioned here. The root cause of those phenomena lies in the overuse of limited natural resources. Economic growth drives this overuse dramatically. Economic growth in turn is inter alia driven by enterprises. This thesis investigates how outdoor equipment enterprises can contri

Dilemmat Gällande Återvändare - En studie av lokal implementation

In 2018, the Swedish Security Service (SÄPO) estimated that about 150 individuals who had participated in terrorist groups had returned to Sweden from Syria and Iraq. In this study, local implementation of national policy regarding the handling of returnees in the cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo has been analyzed. Interviews were conducted with coordinators from each city, whose area of

Sveriges militära alliansfrihet - ett minne blott eller en potentiell nitlott?

Social identity theory can be used to analyse group membership, as well as inter and intra relations between the in and out group. In this study, SIT has been used to analyse how a Swedish membership in NATO could affect the Swedish identity. Moreover, SIT has also been combined with fragments from neorealism to better understand how the power balance could change. The study is based on a handful

Urban transition experiments for global climate goals : learning from effective interventions to reduce car use in Lund municipality

To limit global warming to 1.5°C, concerted efforts to drastically reduce GHG emissions by 2030 are needed. Lund municipality has ambitious climate goals for 2030, however, high emissions from transport and especially private car use endanger their achievement. Building on transition management, this thesis aimed at supporting Lund’s climate goals by developing a knowledge base for the implementat

Organized Crime And Counterintelligence

Since 9/11, the threat of hostile non-state actors using counterintelligence has become a growing subject of research. This opens up a new way of thinking about domestic organized actors’ countermeasures. In Sweden, organized crime is a serious concern for the police. The new revelation of organized crime using Encrochats encryption service begs the question of what countermeasures organized crime

Territorial Peace Through Peace For the Territory: Analysing Conditions of Indigenous Peacebuilding in Colombia

The “territorial peace” runs as a buzzword around Colombian peacebuilding. A so-called territorial approach was adopted in the beginning of the Havana Peace Talks, as a means of creating locally based, differentiated modes of peacebuilding, and addressing the structural neglect of Colombia’s diverse rural areas. This study highlights the experiences of Colombian indigenous peoples in the context o

The Return of Hunger: A Case Study of Boko Haram and Its Impacts on Food Insecurity in North-Eastern Nigeria

Food insecurity is increasing globally again after declining for decades, and in Nigeria alone 13 million people are experiencing food insecurity. Particularly in North-East Nigeria food insecurity has reached emergency levels. Because of intrastate conflict between the Nigerian state and Boko Haram it has been difficult to mitigate food insecurity, even though Nigeria ranks in the top ten in worl

The Deadly Impact of Socio-Economic Inequality: How socio-economic inequality affects conflict intensity in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central- and South America

Civil wars continue to prevail, and the number of causalities increase in the last decade, while socioeconomic disparities within countries steadily widen in many parts of the world. Yet, the understanding of the potential correlations between these two trends remains incomplete. This thesis aims to probe this relationship by studying what effect socioeconomic inequality has on conflict intensity.

To antagonize food insecurity through the advancement of gender equality

While violent conflicts are perceived to be the primary driver of food insecurity globally, the degree to which people are affected by both violent conflicts and food crises vary greatly, mainly depending on gender, age and socio-economical position. With this as a background, the aim of this thesis is to investigate how FAO and the WFP address gender dimensions of food insecurity in their humanit

Rysslands telekrigs förmåga Telekrig i Ukraina ur ett NATO perspektiv

Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom mina frågeställningar besvara hur Rysslands användning av telekrig i Ukraina förändrat NATOs syn på sin egen förmåga på grund av ryska det telekrigshotet. För att göra detta använde jag mig av textanalys i form av en idé analys. Resultatet av analysen visar att det finns en övertygelse bland författarna till de rapporter som användes att Rysslands telekrigsförmåga

"Svenskfödd med utomnordiska föräldrar - en riskfaktor i grundskolan?" - En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av grundskolan för svenskfödda före detta elever med utomnordiska föräldrar

This is a qualitative study implemented through semi structured interviews involving seven young adults born in Sweden with parents born in other countries. The aim of this study is to examine how people born in Sweden with parents born in non-Nordic countries experienced their elementary school and if their foreign background affected their schooling and their current lives in some way. The concl

International Law and the ‘Spirit of the World’: Hegel’s Sovereignty in Contemporary International Legal Thought

This research inquires on the contemporary value of Hegel’s theory of international law. Looking at Hegel’s theory of right while taking his broader system into account, his description of international law gains a weight which demonstrates its observance of the fundamental issues of the nature of that system of law. In the centre of his elaboration lies the concept of sovereignty as the ultimate

Sprickan i existensen. Existentiella perspektiv på livet under covid-19-pandemin

Syftet med studien var att skapa en större förståelse för de existentiella teman som aktualiserats under covid-19-pandemin. Vi ville undersöka hur dessa teman upplevts och hanterats, samt vilka eventuella nya perspektiv och förhållningssätt till livsutmaningarna (Yalom, 1980) som tagit form. Ambitionen var att belysa de existentiella aspekterna av att vara människa under en pandemi, samt vad dettaThe aim of this study was to deepen the understanding of existential themes that have surfaced during the covid-19 pandemic, how these themes have been experienced and dealt with, and whether they have given rise to any new perspectives or approaches regarding the ultimate concerns of life (Yalom, 1980). The ambition was to shed light on the existential aspects of being human during a pandemic, as