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Enzymatic and Immunological Detection Principles for Environmental and Biological Applications

The aim of the thesis was to develop new analytical detection principles based on enzymatic and immunological reactions for sensitive, selective, cost-effective and high sample through-put detection devices. The thesis presents the basic elements and reaction paths necessary for the construction and development of enzyme based amperometric biosensors and immunoassays. The developed biochemical det

Fungal Lectins. Molecular structure and function of a member of a novel lectin family.

Popular Abstract in Swedish En typisk egenskap för de flesta proteiner är att de kan binda specifikt och reversibelt till olika ämnen. Välkända exempel är enzymer som kan binda till olika substrat och inhibitorer samt antikroppar som binder till antigen. Under min tid som doktorand vid avdelningen för mikrobiologisk ekologi vid Lunds universitet har jag studerat en grupp av proteiner i svamp som kLectins defined as non-enzyme, non-immunoglobulin carbohydrate binding proteins, have been found in a wide variety of viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants and animals. Although lectins have been purified from more than 60 different species of fungi, the structure and biological functions of these proteins are not well known. I examined the molecular structure of a lectin (designated AOL) isolated from

Karl Barth som den andre: En studie i den svenska teologins Barthreception

This dissertation discusses the reception of Karl Barth in Swedish theology, with particular emphasis on the period since 1947. Harmonising tendencies arechar2cteristic of Swedish theology, and therefore, by its emphasis on discontinuity between I iod and man Barth's theology becomes the natural 'other' of Swedish theology. Barth's theoiogy is trivialised either through exclusion or through subsum

Fruktan, fascination och frändskap. Det svenska musiklivet och nazismen

Considers the close musical connections between Sweden and Germany, and how they were affected by the cultural policies of Nazi Germany in 1939-45. A wide range of topics are discussed including the reception of Swedish music in Nazi Germany, the relationship between Kurt Atterberg and Moses Pergament and national socialism, and the reaction of Swedish radio audiences to German music.

Machinability and process stability when turning Alloy 718 with standard and produced by selective laser sintering toolholders

The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of machinability and dynamic stability when turning a nickel-based superalloy with WRA tools in a conventional and prototype toolholders. The use of the prototype toolholder with a spatial structure is shown to significantly suppress vibrations during the machining and stabilize the process within the cutting speed range between 200 and 400

Strategize in order to succeed

The memo is a short summary of the impressions that have come out of the LUSAX research to date from an alliance perspective. The main focus is on the lack of clear vision of intended goal or target within the industry. The end conclusion being that companies that wish to succeed need to formalize a strategy with a clear goal and a positioning towards that goal, with explicit intent and coordinati

På gränsen till framtiden – Möjligheter till koordinatbestämda fastighetsgränser

Popular Abstract in Swedish I Sverige bestäms fastighetsgränsers sträckningar i första hand av gränsmärken på marken, därefter av förrättningskartor och mätuppgifter. Under senare år har efterfrågan på digital fastighetsinformation ökat kraftigt, inte minst beträffande lägesnoggranna gränsdata i den nationella registerkartan. Den utvecklade positioneringstekniken med GPS utgör idag en grundförutsäIn Sweden, the course of a property boundary is first and foremost determined by boundary marks on the ground, and only secondly by cadastral survey plans and measurements. In recent years, the demand for digital property information has increased substantially, not least in respect of accurate boundary data in the national cadastral map. Today, well-established techniques such as GPS positioning

Primary hemiarthroplasty in old patients with displaced femoral neck fracture: a 1-year follow-up of 103 patients aged 80 years or more

103 patients with displaced femoral neck fractures (Garden 3-4) treated with primary hemiarthroplasty in the Department of Orthopedics, Malmö University Hospital, Sweden 1998-1999 were followed in a prospective, consecutive study for 1 year. Inclusion criteria were age of at least 80 years, signs of mental changes and/or residence in an institution. The control group consisted of 69 patients with

Study of the vortex breakdown in a conical swirler using LDV, LES and POD

Modeling and understanding the vortex breakdown is a key issue of modern Lean Premixed Combustors. The main difficulty of the problem is the unsteady behavior of this type of flow: Large structures resulting from vortex breakdown and the swirling shear-layers, affect directly the flame stabilization leading to heat-release fluctuations and combustion instabilities. Consequently, one needs to captu


I present the status of the ThePEG project for creating a common platform for implementing C++ event generators. I also describe briefly the status of the new versions of HERWIG++ and Ariadne which are implemented using this framework.

ID3-SD: an algorithm for learning characteristic decision trees by controlling the degree of generalization

Decision trees constructed by ID3-like algorithms suffer from an inability of detecting instances of categories not present in the set of training examples, i.e., they are discriminative representations. Instead, such instances are assigned to one of the classes actually present in the training set, resulting in undesired misclassifications. In this report, twomethods of reducing this problemby le