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Översättarens röst i fotnoten : Pragmatiska tillägg vid översättning av kulturspecifik argumentativ text

Denna magisteruppsats grundar sig på en översättning av första kapitlet ur Mitomanías argentinas – cómo hablamos de nosotros mismos av Alejandro Grimson.Uppsatsen inleds med en presentation och analys av källtexten med utgångspunkt i Hellspong och Ledins textanalysmodell från Vägar genom texten (1997). Sedan följer ett avsnitt om överväganden inför översättningen som baseras på Rune Ingos Konsten

From avengers to heroines: muslim*women dismantling hegemonic discourses

Hegemonic European discourses about muslim*women reduce the complex living realities of muslim*women to the singular of the gendered and racialized other. This thesis investigates the hegemonic functioning of these discourses and explores postcolonial and queer theoretical approaches for dismantling it. Employing Mouffe and Laclau’s discourse analysis newspaper articles from seven European countri

Quality of Life Impacts from Type 1 Diabetes: Evidence from Two Studies in Northern Sweden

Purpose: To estimate the impact upon Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) associated with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), both with and without associated diabetic complications, for enabling calculation of utility values – Quality of Life Weights (QLW) – for populations with T1DM. Method: Two cohorts from Northern Sweden, one of T1DM patients and one of a general population, were given survey

Impacts of organic and conventional farming practice and increasing proportion of semi-natural grasslands on pollination success of field beans, Vicia faba

As a consequence of increasing land-use intensity and changes in farming practices, many species of pollinators have been shown to decline. These declines have led to concerns about crop pollination services performed by wild pollinators. The aim of this study was to investigate whether farming practice (organic and conventional), and increasing percentage of semi-natural grassland in the surround

State aid in the financial sector during the financial crisis in Europe; Lessons to learn?

In response to the financial crisis in Europe the European Commission developed a new legal framework with Article 107 (b) TFEU (Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union) as its legal basis. This new legal framework consisted of the 2008 Banking Communication, the Recapitalization Communication, the Impaired Assets Communication, the Restructuring Communication and the 2013 Banking Communi

Good Cynicism : The Civic Potentials of Political Comedy and The Reasons for Its Absence on Colombian Television

This research addresses the potential of political comedy and satire as television genres in the construction of democracy and civic culture in Colombia. Through a set of elite interviews with representative individuals in the media, political humor and media scholarship circles of the country; and through genre-based and political, economical and cultural analyses, this research underscores the r

Accidental Citizens: Etherealizing Securitized Identities of Somalis in Kenya; Contesting Representation, Identity and Belonging

The Kenyan security apparatus has undergone immense transformations particularly after Kenya’s military incursion into Southern Somalia in 2011. The intervention dubbed ‘Operation Linda Nchi’ was an attempt to protect Kenya’s territorial sovereignty and create a buffer zone against the Somali linked Al-Shabab insurgency. At the time, the risk of Al-shabab was insignificant however following the op

Salixodling - mer än bara biomassa?

In order to secure a sustainable development it is important to switch our resource and energy production from finite sources to bio-based, renewable sources. Biomass is, although not the definitive solution to a sustainable society, a good stepping stone towards it. A lot of agricultural land in Sweden is unused and could be used for cultivation of energy forest. Salix is an energy wood that has

Cultural Adaptation of ´Global´ People Across National Contexts

The current geopolitical events of globalization have intensified multiculturalism across continents making the study of the process of acculturation and its impact on adaptation more relevant than ever. 708 international migrants and sojourners from 69 nationalities living in 43 countries were investigated by means of a web-based cultural adaptation survey. The following questions were addressed:

Discourse and Language in Marketing Communication, with Specific Regard to the Fear of Social Exclusion. A Single Case Study on Apple Inc.

The purpose of this study is to analyse the communication of Apple to illustrate how social exclusion is used to produce fear, and how it has played the role as a means of persuasion in a constructed reality. In the present investigation process the researchers have taken a critical stance. The authors aim at unveiling the structure of implicit means of persuasion in various Apple’s campaigns over

En hälsosam arbetsplats? - En kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares upplevelser av arbetsrelaterad stress i offentlig förvaltning

This study uses qualitative research by documenting experiences of social workers work-related stress in a governmental organization. The aim of this research is to investigate how social workers experience sense of coherence and how that relates to stress in their work-place. Both of these will hopefully allow for a clearer picture regarding what factors can help create a healthy workplace. Semi-

The Trade Effect of Aid for Trade in Sub Saharan Africa. Are Donors Self-Interested?

Sub Saharan African (SSA) countries are facing severe economic challenges such as high trade costs, poor trade performance and low growth levels. As a result development assistance is needed to overcome these difficulties. SSA countries receive the highest share of Aid for Trade (AfT) and therefore it is important to assess the effects of AfT. This study investigates the trade effect of AfT on tra

Neutralizing the Effects of Hybrid Mismatch Arrangements on a EU Level - To what extent can Member States be obliged to align their tax systems to each other?

Due to the on-going discussion regarding the OECD/G20 BEPS project and its particular actions it is an important task for the EU legislator to establish a reasonable and functional legal framework in order to ensure a certain degree of uniformity of Anti-BEPS measures within the European Union. In doing so, the protagonists must respect the boundaries set to domestic law as well as to measures of

The special schemes for small enterprises and farmers in EU VAT on the example of Germany

In the European Union there are special schemes in Value Added Tax that Member States may adopt. Those rules are set out in the VAT Directive. Two of those special schemes are the special scheme for small enterprises and the common flat-rate scheme for farmers. Along to the provisions of the VAT Directive there is also some case law from the CJEU that clarifies the application of the schemes. Ger

Är det här flamenco? – En studie om möjligheter och svårigheter i interkulturellt lärande.

I vilken mån kan man som svensk gitarrist spela och komponera autentisk flamencomusik? Denna studie bygger på författarens egen konstnärliga praktik som svensk flamencogitarrist. Tre spanska flamencogitarrister har fått lyssna till inspelningar av två av författarens kompositioner, kommentera inspelningarna och svara på en serie intervjufrågor. Målet med studien är att åskådliggöra möjligheter ochTo what extent can one as a Swedish guitarist play and compose authentic flamenco music? This study is based on the author’s own artistic practice as a Swedish flamenco guitarist. Three Spanish flamenco guitarists have been asked to listen to recordings of two of the author’s compositions, give comments to the recordings and answer a series of interview questions. The study aims to reveal possibil

Semi-automatic evaluation of lymph nodes in patients with rectal neoplasms with diffusion weighted MRI

Efter prostatacancer, bröstcancer och hudcancer är cancer i tjocktarm och ändtarm tillsammans den fjärde vanligaste typen av cancer i Sverige med omkring 11% av alla cancerfall. Förekomsten av tjock och- ändtarmscancer varierar i världen och den högsta förekomsten av denna välfärdssjukdom finns i USA, Europa, Australien och Nya Zeeland. De lägsta incidenserna finns i utvecklingsländerna. Relativt Background and purpose Several studies have shown that surgery with pre- or post-operative adjuvant radiotherapy reduces the local recurrence rate in rectal cancer patients. Preoperative evaluation of lymph node involvement is difficult but important for assessing the benefit of radiotherapy. Radiologists usually assess lymph node sizes and shapes to determine nodal involvement, but it can be diff

Bridging barriers - Pro-trade effects of immigration on Swedish exports

This study examines the pro-trade effects of immigration on Swedish exports. Beginning in the theory that immigrants through their unique set of networks and knowledge can facilitate international trade and bridge informational barriers to trade, this study will estimate the immigration effect on exports for Sweden. Unlike studies in similar settings, this paper applies a Pseudo poisson maximum li

Automated temporal NDVI analysis over the Middle East for the period 1982 - 2010

The NDVI time-series consist of trend, season and noise. Changes in the season component are related to climate factors and they happen gradually over long period of time. The changes in the trend component are often due to human activities, fires and etc. This paper implements two algorithms (PolyTrend and DBEST) in R language, in order to examine the vegetation changes in the Middle East and to