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Strategic Use of Public Procurement – Limits and Opportunities

The term ‘strategic use of procurement’ indicates that the procurement (also referred to as sustainable procurement) is about more than just saving money. Other important interests such as social and environmental considerations can be promoted through public procurement. Procurers can, according to newly proposed Directives on public procurement, make better use of public procurement in support o

Seven elements for capacity development for disaster risk reduction

Capacity development for disaster risk reduction is an important process to substantially reduce disaster losses, which threaten sustainable development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. This paper presents a theoretical framework with seven elements for capacity development for disaster risk reduction that has been tested in practise with noteworthy results. The seven eleme

Optimal intra-symbol spectral compensation for multicarrier modulation

Spectral compensation aims at maximising the throughput of a multicarrier transmission system under a given power spectral density (PSD) constraint. A set of carefully chosen tones, the so called compensation tones, is modulated with a linear combination of the data transmitted over the complementary set of tones. The compensation tones support shaping of the transmit PSD so that the overall trans

The Euro Effect on Bystanders

This paper investigates trade effects of the euro focusing on the impact on bystanders. A common currency is expected to lower both variable and fixed trade costs, inducing increased trade flows between currency-union members on both intensive and extensive margins of trade. While this trade-creating effect has gained attention in recent work using firm-level data, few studies have looked on the p

The absence of women’s voices in Hofstede’s Cultural Consequences: A Postcolonial Reading

Embedded in the Western scientific rationality Hofstede’s methodological approach is constructed on a quantitative method characterized by a carefully selected sample of well educated white ‘men’ from the middle classes working for the same company and sharing similar occupation. The appointment of these men as the norm for national culture might mislead one to believe that Hofstede perceive of cu

Biophysical modelling in diffusion MRI: The role of tissue microstructure and water exchange

Popular Abstract in Swedish En magnetkamera kan med hjälp av diffusionsviktad bildtagning användas för att avbilda hjärnans nervsystem. Denna teknik kan utnyttjas för studier av hur hjärnans delar är sammankopplade, men även för att indirekt mäta egenskaper hos hjärnans mikrostruktur. Detta avhandlingsarbete vidareutvecklar de biofysikaliska modeller och mätmetoder som används för denna indirekta Diffusion MRI is widely used to study brain structure in vivo. While this technique is often applied to investigations of brain connectivity, it can also be used to infer specific information about the tissue microstructure; for example, to estimate the axon diameter. In the present work, the role of tissue microstructure and water exchange in biophysical models employed in diffusion MRI was inves