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Skapandet av den ideala migranten - En WPR-analys av Socialdemokraterna, Moderaterna och Sverigedemokraternas migrationspolitik

Migrationspolitik berör territoriella gränsdragningar mellan medborgare och icke-medborgare, men även politiska gränsdragningar inom nationen. Det ställer frågan om vem som tillåts att fullt ut tillhöra det svenska samhället. Med ett fokus på inkludering och exkludering ur en svensk samhällsgemenskap visar studien hur skapandet av den ideala migranten kan synliggöra hur ideala medborgare konstruerMigration policy concerns territorial demarcations between citizens and non-citizens, but also political borders within the nation. This asks the question of who is fully allowed to belong to Swedish society. With a focus on inclusion and exclusion from a Swedish societal community, the study shows how the creation of the ideal migrant can reveal how ideal citizens are constructed. The aim of th

”Jag vill ju bara leka som alla andra”

Bakgrund: Lek är en grundläggande aktivitet och en mänsklig rättighet. Genom att delta i lek tillägnar sig barn nya erfarenheter vilket leder till utveckling. Lekplatsers unika miljö möjliggör barns utveckling men för barn med funktionsnedsättning kan denna miljö innebära utmaningar av fysisk, social eller kognitiv karaktär. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att kartlägga hur miljön på offentliga lekplatBackground: Play is an essential activity and a human right. Through participation in play children can get experience which leads to development. The playground is an important place for children but for children with disabilities the occupations on playgrounds can often mean physical, social or cognitive challenges. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore how environmental factors in public pl

Framing the COVID-19 Vaccine: An Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Gain and Loss Frames on Intention to Receive COVID-19 vaccination

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccination hesitancy has not become a new phenomenon, but a new threat. Although a large body of research literature exists that focuses on the influence of frames on intention to vaccinate, no framing studies exist yet that address the COVID-19 vaccine due to the recent pandemic. This study aims to produce new knowledge on the influence of gain and lo

Mätsystem till test av material för släpkontakt på konduktiva elvägar

Teknikutveckling för elvägar är högaktuell i dagens samhälle. Flertalet olika tekniker och infrastruktur för laddning under körning av elfordon testas i Sverige idag. En möjlig elvägslösning är laddning konduktivt från ett spår eller skena placerad på vägen under elfordonet. Vid sådan konduktiv laddning släpar en kontakt i spår eller på skena och laddar elfordonet. Detta sätter stora krav på kontaThe development of technology for electric road systems is highly relevant today. Plenty of technologies and infrastructure for charging while driving electric vehicles are being tested in Sweden today. One possible solution for an electric road system is conductive charging from a rail on top of, or milled into, the road below the electric vehicle. In this type of conductive charging an electric

Exploration, Exploitation and Ambidexterity in the R&D of Pharmaceutical Companies

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to find out what pharmaceutical companies are doing in exploitation and exploration to improve R&D productivity. This research will also investigate the implications of management and control theories in combining exploration and exploitation in the context of pharmaceutical R&D. Methodology: Multiple case study interviews. Theoretical perspective

Pollinator-mediated selection on three deceptive Dactylorhiza Marsh orchids

It has been shown that pollinators mediate selection on floral traits of food-deceptive orchids. However, few studies have disentangled the mechanisms linking floral traits to performance and fitness, providing an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the process of natural selection. In this project, we studied trait-performance-fitness relationships on three food-deceptive Dactylorhiza o

Fill up the bottle with iconic liquid: a qualitative research conceptualising iconic packaging

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how a brand’s packaging design becomes iconic through entering pop culture/art. Design/methodology/approach: This paper is of qualitative nature, based on a traditional literature review along with multiple case-study research. This approach allows for deep analysis into the dimensions of iconic packaging. Finally, template analysis was made to

Dustiness Testing and Particle Characterization of CNT-enhanced Concretes

The introduction of fibers into concrete is a common way of reinforcing the mechanical properties and preventing cracking. The fibers act as bridges between the composite components and help reduce the porosity. Today, micrometer-sized fibers are widely used, but there is an increased interest in using smaller fibers e.g. carbon nanotubes (CNTs), as they are able to stop smaller cracks and the ini

Aging Populations and FDI Outflows - Exploring the effects of increasingly older populations on present and future levels of foreign direct investment

Most of the world’s rich countries are experiencing increasingly high life expectancies and low fertility rates. Fewer people of working age need to somehow support the many elderly, which puts pressure on the economy to reprioritize and change. This study investigates what possible effect this may have on international capital movements, and particularly foreign direct investment (FDI). The liter

Bland rävar och igelkottar. Ibsen, Strindberg och det moderna dramat som kunskapshistoria

Bland rävar och igelkottar. Ibsen, Strindberg och det moderna dramat som kunskapshistoria (Among Foxes and Hedgehogs: Ibsen, Strindberg, and Modern Drama as History of Knowledge) is an exploration of modern drama as it relates to one of main features of modernity – specialization. The thesis is meant to function as a pilot study for a larger research project wherein the twofold aim is i) to shed l

Bönders användning av besprutningsmedel i Bangladesh - Ett försök att förstå samband genom OMCA

This thesis uses ordered multiple correspondence analysis to study data and investigate how to further visualise and understand potential correlations. The method is applied on data collected from a survey that was executed by Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) where face-to face interviews were held with 917 farmers from four different regions in Bangladesh. The survey aimed to study the f

Detention of Non-Citizens Suspected of Future Terrorist Crimes: A study of the relationship between preventive security detention in Swedish immigration legislation and fundamental principles of justice and the rule of law

Uppsatsen undersöker hur förvarsbestämmelserna i lagen om särskild utlänningskontroll (1991:572, härefter LSU) förhåller sig till rätten till frihet och säkerhet, oskyldighetspresumtionen samt legalitetsprincipen. Detta syftar till att utreda huruvida lagstiftningen utifrån ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv är en lämplig åtgärd för att förhindra terrorism. Uppsatsen syftar även till att placera LSU i eThe thesis examines the relationship between the detention regime in the Special Controls of Aliens Act (SFS 1991:572, SCAA) and the right to personal liberty and security; the presumption of innocence; and the principle of legality. The aim is to assess whether the legislation is a suitable counter-terrorism measure from a rule of law perspective. The thesis also aims to place the SCAA in an inte

The Impact of ESG on Stock Performance - A Case Study of Developing and Developed Countries: South Africa and Sweden.

Following the increasing sustainability trend and awareness, investors now look beyond only financial considerations when purchasing stocks. This paper analyzes the relationship between Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) scores and stock performance, measured by returns. It investigates if splitting the sample period would result in a different magnitude of abnormal returns. This study furthe

Cambodia: The Pursuit of Sustainable Economic Development. Genuine Savings 1970-2019

This thesis estimates Genuine Savings for Cambodia during 1970-2019 following Blum, Ducoing, and McLaughlin (2017). By including additional components, the estimates of the World Bank are enhanced. The results suggest that Cambodia has followed an unsustainable development path until the turn of the millennium, but it has evolved positively over the last two decades. However, to foster this sustai

Advanced control of chromatography systems for automated analysis of monoclonal antibodies

Nedströmsprocesser för rening av biologiska läkemedel som monoklona antikroppar rör sig från batch-processer till kontinuerliga, och vidare till helt automatiska, kontinuerliga nedströmsprocsser. En del av visionen för automatiska reningsprocesser är möjligheten att automatiskt analysera från olika steg av reningen. Orbit är ett program som tillåter advancerad styrning av ÄKTA kromatografisystem fDownstream processes for purification of biological pharmaceuticals such as monoclonal antibodies are moving from batchwise to not only fully continuous, but also fully automated production. A part of the vision for fully automated purification processes is to be able to automatically analyze from sample streams of the purification steps. Orbit is a software that allows for advanced control of ÄKT

Securing Successful Omni-Channel Logistics: An Investigation of Required Competencies to Adapt to the Trends and Challenges of the Retail Industry

Omni-channel retailing, the concept of offering consumers a seamless experience by integrating physical stores and online channels, is growing within the retail industry. This transformation has forced entire organizations to rethink their logistics network and fulfillment operations, which has resulted in an endeavor to work more cross-functionally in businesses. This shift makes the competence r

Jag sjunger med fingrarna: En studie om symbiosen mellan ackompanjatör och sångare från ett pianistiskt perspektiv

Denna studie undersöker de aspekter som påverkar det musikaliska framförandet mellan pianoackompanjatör och sångare. Studien undersöker även de förhållningssätt och musikaliska verktyg ackompanjatörer och sångare har att tillgå inom denna musikaliska konstellation inom olika genrer. Studien har studerat musikexempel som är typiska inom K-pop, jazz och västerländsk konstmusik samt gjort fyra kvaliThis study examines the aspects that affects the musical performance between an accompanist and a singer. It also examines the different tools and approaches the accompanist and the singer have at their disposal in different genres. The study has examined three performances from three different genres and conducted four interviews with two pianists and two singers. The study shows that the activit

Hantering av teknisk skuld inom den finansiella sektorn

Digitaliseringen har medfört en strukturomvandling som genomsyrar hela vårt samhälle. Det har lett till en teknologisk revolution för samtliga branscher, där spelplanen för aktörerna förändrats. Inte minst inom bankmarknaden där digitaliseringen medfört nya spelregler med PSD2 och Open Banking. Detta har ökat konkurrensen då många nya aktörer äntrat marknaden med nya innovativa produkter och tjäns