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Thermoelectric performance of classical topological insulator nanowires

There is currently substantial effort being invested into creating efficient thermoelectric (TE) nanowires based on topological insulator (TI) chalcogenide-type materials. A key premise of these efforts is the assumption that the generally good TE properties that these materials exhibit in bulk form will translate into similarly good or even better TE performance of the same materials in nanowire

Distributed Control with Low-Rank Coordination

A common approach to distributed control design is to impose sparsity constraints on the controller structure. Such constraints, however, may greatly complicate the control design procedure. This paper puts forward an alternative structure, which is not sparse yet might nevertheless be well suited for distributed control purposes. The structure appears as the optimal solution to a class of coordin

Genetic, molecular and functional analyses of factor I - an inhibitor of the complement system

Factor I (FI) is a serine protease that inhibits the complement system by cleaving activated C3 and C4 complement proteins, in the presence of cofactors. Mutations in the gene coding for FI have been identified in complete FI deficient- and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) patients. The mutations were introduced in recombinantly expressed proteins, purified and analyzed in functional ass

Risk aversion relates to cognitive ability: Preferences or Noise?

Recent experimental studies suggest that risk aversion is negatively related to cognitive ability. In this paper we report evidence that this relation may be spurious. We recruit a large subject pool drawn from the general Danish population for our experiment. By presenting subjects with choice tasks that vary the bias induced by random choices, we are able to generate both negative and positive c

Nordic City Regions in the Creative Class Debate: Putting the Creative Class Thesis to a Test

The Nordic countries have a quite different urban structure and social systems than the USA. Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden may then constitute a critical test of the empirical reach of Richard Florida's much cited creative class thesis beyond its empirical basis in the USA. This paper employs comparative statistics to examine the importance of the quality of place in attracting members of th

Electric control of a {Fe-4} single-molecule magnet in a single-electron transistor

Using first-principles methods, we study theoretically the properties of an individual {Fe-4} single-molecule magnet (SMM) attached to metallic leads in a single-electron transistor geometry. We show that the conductive leads do not affect the spin ordering and magnetic anisotropy of the neutral SMM. On the other hand, the leads have a strong effect on the anisotropy of the charged states of the m

Playing at work: professionals' conceptions of the functions of play on organizational creativity

The notions of creativity consultants on how play promotes workplace creativity was investigated. Play is often used by creativity trainers to promote creative performance. Seventeen experienced professionals were interviewed. The informants considered play to facilitate group creativity by increasing openness, intrinsic motivation and collaboration. Play was encouraged by permission to play, that

Breast compression in mammography: pressure distribution patterns

Background: Breast compression is important in mammography in order to improve image quality, better separate tissue components, and reduce absorbed dose to the breast. In this study we use a method to measure and visualize the distribution of pressure over a compressed breast in mammography. Purpose: To measure and describe the pressure distribution over the breast as a result of applied breast c

Plasmid DNA partitioning and separation using poly(ethylene glycol)/poly(acrylate)/salt aqueous two-phase systems.

Phase diagrams of poly(ethylene glycol)/polyacrylate/Na(2)SO(4) systems have been investigated with respect to polymer size and pH. Plasmid DNA from Escherichia coli can depending on pH and polymer molecular weight be directed to a poly(ethylene glycol) or to a polyacrylate-rich phase in an aqueous two-phase system formed by these polymers. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) and E. coli homogenate protein

Eccentricity and elliptic flow in pp collisions at the LHC

High-multiplicity proton-proton collisions at the LHC may exhibit collective phenomena such as elliptic flow. We study this issue using DIPSY, a brand-new Monte Carlo event generator which features almost-NLO BFKL dynamics and describes the transverse shape of the proton including all fluctuations. We predict the eccentricity of the collision as a function of the multiplicity and estimate the magn

Immunosuppresive properties of new potential drugs in transplantation

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att ett transplanterat organ ska accepteras av mottagaren behövs immunhämmande läkemedel. Dessa läkemedel dämpar immunförsvaret och förhindrar avstötning av det transplanterade organet. Immunförsvaret har olika sätt att angripa organet, som det uppfattar som kropps-främmande. Idag används olika läkemedel i kombination som behandling mot avstötning. Tyvärr är dessa mTransplantation of vital organs is today a widely used treatment when failure of the organ is a fact. To prevent rejection immunosuppresive treatment must be maintained lifelong, unless transplantation is perfomed between identical twins. Many immunosuppresive agents introduced in clinical practice have been benificial in improving graft survival rates, but adverse effects remains a huge problem t

Closely-packed UWB MIMO/diversity antenna with different patterns and polarizations for USB dongle applications

A closely-packed ultrawideband (UWB) multiple- input multiple-output (MIMO)/diversity antenna (of two elements) with a size of 25 mm by 40 mm is proposed for USB dongle applications. Wideband isolation can be achieved through the different patterns and polarizations of the two antenna elements. Moreover, the slot that is formed between the monopole and the ground plane of the half slot antenna is

Knee Arthroscopy Cohort Southern Denmark (KACS): protocol for a prospective cohort study

Background Meniscus surgery is a high-volume surgery carried out on 1 million patients annually in the USA. The procedure is conducted on an outpatient basis and the patients leave the hospital a few hours after surgery. A critical oversight of previous studies is their failure to account for the type of meniscal tears. Meniscus tears can be categorised as traumatic or non-traumatic. Traumatic tea

Cranial Osteology Of The Giant Mosasaur Plesiotylosaurus (Squamata, Mosasauridae)

Based on the type material and a new, virtually intact skull from the mid-Maastrichtian pail (probably Tierra Loma Shale) of the Moreno Formation, San Joaquin Valley, central California, the cranial osteology of the enigmatic mosasaurine Plesiotylosaurus crassidens (Squamata, Mosasauridae) is here described in detail. Plesiotylosaurus is characterized by a protruding rostrum on the snout and mandi

Paralytic shellfish toxin content is related to genomic sxtA4 copy number in Alexandrium minutum strains.

Dinoflagellates are microscopic aquatic eukaryotes with huge genomes and an unusual cell regulation. For example, most genes are present in numerous copies and all copies seem to be obligatorily transcribed. The consequence of the gene copy number (CPN) for final protein synthesis is, however, not clear. One such gene is sxtA, the starting gene of paralytic shellfish toxin (PST) synthesis. PSTs ar

Decomposing health: tolerance and resistance to parasites in animals.

Plant biologists have long recognized that host defence against parasites and pathogens can be divided into two conceptually different components: the ability to limit parasite burden (resistance) and the ability to limit the harm caused by a given burden (tolerance). Together these two components determine how well a host is protected against the effects of parasitism. This distinction is useful