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Evaluation of in-situ technology performance and decision analysis by combining economic and environmental impact analysis for a case study
In the contemporary global context, the global focus on reducing environmental impacts in any formats has intensified. This study intends to assess the environmental impacts and life cycle costs associated with the A1-A5 stages (production and construction stages) of the Köping Port project and eight additional proposed scenarios. The Solidification/ Stabilization method along with the in-situ tec
Public sphere
On Spatial vs Referential Isotropic Fourier’s Law in Finite Deformation Thermomechanics
This paper deals with the issue of isotropic heat conduction in thermomechanical large-strain problems. The aim of the paper is a comparison of different variants of Fourier’s law used in the literature for a large strain problem. In particular, Fourier’s law is specified either in the reference or in the deformed configuration by using different options of heat flux density vectors which are pres
A case report of a chronic migraine patient treated with three different anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies : which parameters better represent the efficacy?
Objective: To report the efficacy of different anti-calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) on headache frequency, intensity, and duration. Background: Blockade of CGRP receptors or neuropeptide with anti-CGRP mAbs have been successfully used for several years for the prevention of chronic and episodic migraine. The response is usually assessed by improvement seen in th
Revision of the Diagnostic Criteria for Infective Endocarditis Is Needed-Please Do It Thoroughly
"Den lidande konstnären" - är psykisk ohälsa en förutsättning för konstnärsskap?
ASSERT - Kontroll av markstabilisering med resistivitetstomografi (ERT)
Markstabilisering blir allt vanligare för exploatering av områden med dålig bärighet.Det finns dock behov av bättre och volymstäckande kontrollmetoder förkvalitetssäkring. Kontrollmetoderna kan delas upp i två steg, där det första sker iomedelbar anslutning till inblandning av bindemedel för att kontrollera om manlyckats behandla hela den avsedda volymen, eller om det finns zoner som behöverkompleSoil stabilisation is becoming increasingly common for the development of areas withpoor bearing capacity. However, there is a need for better and volume-wide controlmethods for quality assurance. The control methods can be divided into two steps,where the first takes place in immediate connection to the mixing of binders to checkwhether the entire intended volume has been successfully treated, or
A randomized trial involving a multifunctional diet reveals systematic lipid remodeling and improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors in middle aged to aged adults
BACKGROUND: A multifunctional diet (MFD) combining foods and ingredients with proven functional properties, such as fatty fish and fiber-rich foods, among others, was developed and shown to markedly reduce cardiometabolic risk-associated factors.OBJECTIVE: Here, we aim at examining metabolic physiological changes associated with these improvements.METHODS: Adult overweight individuals without othe
Winter Wheat Drought Risk Assessment by Coupling Improved Moisture-Sensitive Crop Model and Gridded Vulnerability Curve
The crop drought risk assessment is an important basis for mitigating the effects of drought on crops. The study of drought using crop growth models is an integral part of agricultural drought risk research. The current Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) model is not sufficiently sensitive to moisture parameters when performing simulations, and most studies that conduct di
Activity quantification of 177Lu using a 360◦ CZT gamma camera - comparison with a dual-head Anger camera
Radionuklidterapi är en nuklearmedicinsk behandling där man använder sig av ett radioaktivt läkemedel för behandling av diverse sjukdomar, ofta kan det vara olika former av spridd cancer. Det görs genom att administrera radioaktiviteten i patienten där den söker sig till cancern och där strålar och därmed behandlar tumören. Den utsända strålningen från radionukliden består av laddade partiklar vilBackground and Aim: New SPECT cameras that use CZT detectors in a 360◦ configuration has recently been introduced. Together with Bayesian reconstruction methods employing Median Root Prior (MRP) and Relative Difference Prior (RDP), this constitutes an alternative to Anger-based SPECT for activity quantification. The aim of this thesis is to, by the use of both OS-EM and Bayesian reconstruction met
Produktiv övning - En undersökning i hur effektivt två olika instuderingsmetoder kan tillämpas på musik med olika karaktär.
I denna uppsats har jag undersökt och tillämpat två olika instuderingsmetoder och tagit reda på hur effektiva de är vid instudering av olika typer av musikstycken. Jag har även reflekterat över möjliga utvecklingsområden för de båda metoderna. Med den ena metoden utgår jag mer från musiken och dess karaktär och den andra mer utifrån ett tekniskt perspektiv. Jag har övat in fyra olika stycken, tillIn this essay I have analysed and applied two different methods of practice and found out how effective they are when studying different kinds of musical pieces. I have also reflected on how to improve the two methods. One of the methods centres around the music and it’s character and the other one around a more technical point of view. I have studied four different pieces and applied the two diff
Characterising the RNA-binding protein atlas of the mammalian brain uncovers RBM5 misregulation in mouse models of Huntington’s disease
RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are key players regulating RNA processing and are associated with disorders ranging from cancer to neurodegeneration. Here, we present a proteomics workflow for large-scale identification of RBPs and their RNA-binding regions in the mammalian brain identifying 526 RBPs. Analysing brain tissue from males of the Huntington’s disease (HD) R6/2 mouse model uncovered differe
Less Is More : Simplified Fluorene-Based Dopant-Free Hole Transport Materials Promote the Long-Term Ambient Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells
The stability of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) is greatly affected by the interface between the perovskite active layer and the hole transport material (HTM). The rational design of HTMs with effective anchoring to the perovskite surface is an emerging elegant strategy to promote compact and ordered interfaces that lead to highly efficient and stable PSCs. Herein, we propose two fluorene-based HTM
Protocol for the systematic review of return-to-activity criteria in adolescent patients following an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is a debilitating knee injury associated with sequela such as joint instability and progressive degeneration. Unfortunately, following surgical ACL reconstruction in adolescents, the rates of ACL graft failure range from 17 to 19%. A contributing factor to the high reinjury rate in this population may be the limited evidence regarding appropriat
Accelerometer sampling requirements for animal behaviour classification and estimation of energy expenditure
Background: Biologgers have contributed greatly to studies of animal movement, behaviours and physiology. Accelerometers, among the various on-board sensors of biologgers, have mainly been used for animal behaviour classification and energy expenditure estimation. However, a general principle for the combined sampling duration and frequency for different taxa is lacking. In this study, we evaluate
All publicitet är bra publicitet, eller?
Denna studie syftar till att bidra till en bredare bild av varumärkeskommunikation med fokus på sambandet mellan provokativ marknadsföring samt attityder och beteenden. Frågeställningarna är utformade för att undersöka potentiella konsumenters upplevelser av provokativ marknadsföring och hur de talar om det i förhållande till varumärket. Studien bygger på ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på strategiThis study aims to contribute to a broader picture of brand communication with a focus on the relationship between provocative marketing and attitudes and behaviours. The questions are designed to investigate potential consumers' experiences of provocative marketing and how they talk about it in relation to the brand. The study is based on a theoretical framework based on strategic brand manag
The Rapid Onset of Stellar Bars in the Baryon-dominated Centers of Disk Galaxies
Recent observations of high-redshift galactic disks (z ≈ 1-3) show a strong negative trend in the dark-matter (DM) fraction f DM with increasing baryon surface density. For this to be true, the inner baryons must dominate over DM in early massive galaxies, as observed in the Milky Way today. If disks are dominant at early times, we show that stellar bars form promptly within these disks, leading t
Using Composite-Cryogel Advantages for Environmental Applications
Evaluation of Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction memristor for in-memory computation in real world use cases
Machine learning algorithms are experiencing unprecedented attention, but their inherent computational complexity leads to high energy consumption. However, a paradigm shift in computing methods has the potential to address the issue. This shift could be a move towards analog in-memory computing, a method which uses Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Laws, and carries out the processing directly where data res