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In-Cycle Closed Loop Control Of The Fuel Injection On A 1-Cylinder Heavy Duty Ci-Engine

The focus of this article is on implementation of real time combustion control by using an FPGA. The feedback used for the controller is the heat release. Due to the desire to avoid using division on the FPGA an alternative way of calculating the polytropic exponent is investigated. When this method is compared against using a constant exponent it shows less fluctuations in regards to cycle to cyc

NSB 2014 - 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics - Abstract book

The Nordic Symposium on Building Physics started in Lund in 1987 on an initiative by the Moisture Research Centre in Lund and has been arranged every third year. The venues of the previous symposia were Lund (1987), Trondheim (1990), Copenhagen (1993), Espoo (1996), Gothenburg (1999), Trondheim (2002), Reykjavik (2005), Copenhagen (2008), and Tampere (2011). Now it is organized for the 10th time a

Extended constituent-to-dependency conversion for English

We describe a new method to convert English constituent trees using the Penn Treebank annotation style into dependency trees. The new format was inspired by annotation practices used in other dependency treebanks with the intention to produce a better interface to further semantic processing than existing methods. In particular, we used a richer set of edge labels and introduced links to handle lo

Befintligt ljus. Carl Henrik Svenstedts filmer 2007 – 12

The films of Swedish filmmaker and writer Carl Henric Svenstedt (b. 1937)are discussed within the framework of the tradition of poetic cinema and documentarism. In focus are four of his later films, Winter Gale (2007), Harg! Platsens musik (2010), Änglastämman (2010), and Tidens gång - Im Lauf der Zeit (2012).

Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of water self-diffusion in porous systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett poröst material är ett material med hålrum fyllda av gas eller vätska. Transport av molekyler genom ett poröst material beror på materialets struktur och har betydelse för områden som oljeutvinning, katalytisk avgasrening och blöjors uppsugningsförmåga. Porösa material vars struktur förändras beroende på vattenhalt är svåra att studera eftersom många av de traditioProton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to study the self-diffusion of water in porous systems that respond to a change in water content in order to elucidate the porous structure and the properties of the confined water. In the carbohydrate systems cellulose fibers and starch granules, water is free to move throughout the porous objects, albeit with a rate reduced from the value of the

Upplysningens självreflexion : Aspekter av Theodor W. Adornos kritiska teori

Popular Abstract in SwedishDenna avhandling består av en samling tidigare publicerade eller på annat sätt presenterade artiklar som behandlar Theodor W. Adornos (1903-1969) filosofiska, sociologiska och estetiska författarskap. Avhandlingens titel är tänkt att stå som en programmatisk överskrift för ett tema som genomsyrar Adornos författarskap.Kapitel ett, ?Adorno och Frankfurtskolan?, behandlar This dissertation consists of a collection of previously published or otherwise presented essays dealing with the philosophical, sociological and aesthetic writings of Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969). The title of the dissertation is intended to cover a common programmatic theme running through Adorno's writings. Chapter one, ?Adorno and the Frankfurt school?, deals with the biography of Adorno and

Analyzing the evolution of grains and contacts in sand under load

Shear banding in sand is an emergent fine-scale mechanism whose characteristic length scale is only a few particles. X-ray scanning a sand specimen under loading allows the analysis of the kinematics of individual grains and grain contacts during deformation. This paper summarises results from one such test performed on Hostun sand, and discusses some key issues that must be addressed in order to