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Från Orfeus till Eurydike : en rörelse i samtida svensk lyrik

The Orphic myth takes an important position through the history of poetry. Due to the cultural climate the myth has been assumed either to raise the position of the poet or to discuss the limitations of performed poetry. What I aim at in my thesis is to examine how the basic constellations of the myth are again made use of by Swedish poets during the period 1974-1995, and to give evidence of how a

A stakeholder participated system science based sustainable development indicator framework

The growing interest in sustainable development indicators (SDI) has resulted in the development and application of various SDI frameworks in the past two decades. Identification and selection of “right” indicators with such frameworks are essential, in the sense that, it is the information from these indicators that will help policy and decision makers to better understand the efficiency, effecti

Carbon Fiber Composite Materials in Modern Day Automotive Production Lines – A Case Study

New and innovative production equipment can be developed by introducing lightweight materials in modern day automotive industry production lines. The properties of these new materials are expected to result in improved ergonomics, energy savings, increased flexibility and more robust equipment, which in the end will result in enhanced productivity. Carbon composite materials are one such alternati

Protein aggregation: Computational modeling and Monte Carlo algorithm development

Popular Abstract in Icelandic Við könnumst flest öll við prótín (eggjahvítuefni) af innihaldslýsingu hvers kyns matvæla. En prótín eru annað og meira en bara orkugjafi. Prótín gegna fjölmörgum veigamiklum hlutverkum í nær öllum líffræðilegum ferlum. Þau hraða ýmsum efnahvörfum, flytja efni í gegnum frumuhimnur, aðstoða við boðskipti bæði innan og á milli fruma, og gegna mikilvægu hlutverki í starfAlthough organisms have evolved sophisticated cellular mechanisms for regulating their various protein networks, proteins sometimes start to clump together in an uncontrolled way. The aggregation of proteins has been associated with a range of serious diseases. In this thesis we develop and apply theoretical computer models to investigate different aspects of the aggregation process, and its under

The Interaction between Triblock Copolymers and Surfactants in Dilute Aqueous Solution

Popular Abstract in Swedish I detta arbete har lösningsegenskaperna av treblocksampolymerer samt deras växelverkan med tensider i utspädda vattenlösningar studerats med hjälp av statisk och dynamiskljusspridning i kombination med andra experimentella tekniker så som kalorimetri, lågvinkel röntgenspridning och själv-diffusionskärnspinresonans. Både hur treblocksampolymerer bildar olika typer av aggThe solution properties of dilute aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO) triblock copolymers and their interaction with surfactants have been investigated using static and dynamic light scattering, combined with small angle X-ray scattering, calorimetry and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. In aqueous solution, the triblock copolyme

Regulation of immunoglobulin transcription

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling är uppbyggd kring fyra artiklar som berör reglering av gener i B-celler. B-cellerna är en viktig del av vårt immunförsvar, de sköter produktionen av antikroppar som hjälper till att skydda våra slemhinnor och vårt inre från sjukdomsframkallande bakterier och virus. Kroppens försvar mot sådana patogener består av flera delar, inklusive vår hud och våra sEach Ig V-region has its own upstream promoter and the promoter of a mature Ig gene is thereby selected during the V(D)J recombination process. Upon comparison, it is evident that only one transcription factor binding site, the octamer, is preserved within all promoters. The octamer motif and the binding Oct-proteins are crucial for Ig promoter function, but not sufficient for a high level of tran

Subjective memory complaints : Relations to objective memory function, gender, personality, affective status and stress

Popular Abstract in Swedish I mitt arbete som neuropsykolog vid minnesmottagningen på psykogeriatriska kli¬niken (numera VO kognitiv medicin) vid Universitetssjukhuset i Lund har jag träffat många patienter som beskrivit besvärande minnessvårigheter i sin vardag. Patienterna berättade om svårigheter att lära sig nya rutiner på arbetet, att komma ihåg namn eller var de hade lagt sina saker. Många aThe overall aim of this thesis was to enhance the understanding of patients with subjective memory complaints. The thesis is based on three empirical studies examining middle-aged and young old (< 70 years) non-demented patients assessed at a memory clinic. In the first study the personality characteristics of the patients were compared with a Swedish normative sample. The patients scored higher o

Rate Limiting Factors For Protein Folding.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteiner är stora kedjelika molekyler som syntetiseras i cellen med utgångspunkt från arvsmassan, DNA. I alla organismer har proteinerna en mängd uppgifter som kan sträcka sig allt ifrån att vara byggnadsmaterial i senor och bindväv till att fungera som avancerade molekylära maskiner i organismens energiomsättning. I stor utsträckning reglerar olika proteiner också bilAbstract. This thesis describes factors that are rate limiting for the folding of two small proteins, U1A and CI2 which fold without accumulating intermediates. The [GdnHCl] dependencies of the unfolding- and refolding kinetics of U1A display downward curvatures. However, as the curvatures are precisely matched and no indications of formation of partially structured intermediates are seen, the fol