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Kvalitetssäkringars översättning - recentralisering av kontroll

Genom att föja kvalitetssäkringar inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården visas hur idén om kvalitetssäkring har tolkats på sin väg i fältet. Kapitlet visar bland annat att kvalitetssäkring i den svenska hälso- och sjukvården kan ses som ett exempel på den revisionstrend (auditing) som sköljt över flera andra verksamheter i västvärlden under 1990-talet.

Erfarenheter av konkurrensutsättning - En forskningsöversikt

Frågor kring konkurrensutsättning av offentlig verksamhet i allmänhet, och kommunal verksamhet i synnerhet, är ständigt högaktuella för såväl forskare som praktiker. Syftet med denna rapport är att presentera en aktuell översikt och en analys kring vad forskningen har visat vad gäller erfarenheter av konkurrensutsättning och upphandling av tjänster i svenska kommuner och landsting. En översiktlig

Generating random variates from a bicompositional Dirichlet distribution

A composition is a vector of positive components summing to a constant. The sample space of a composition is the simplex and the sample space of two compositions, a bicomposition, is a Cartesian product of two simplices. We present a way of generating random variates from a bicompositional Dirichlet distribution defined on the Cartesian product of two simplices using the rejection method. We deriv

Tool support for design patterns using specification with reference attributed grammars

Design patterns are abstract descriptions of solutions to often recurring problems. They are a means to communicate experience in design. Over the past years, along with the increase in popularity of object-oriented design patterns, some problems with the use of them have been identified. One of these lies in documenting software systems using design patterns. Experience has shown that both in the

Diffusive-Ballistic Heat Transport in a Two-Dimensional Square Plate Using Energy Conserving Dissipative Particle Dynamics

Diffusive-ballistic heat transport in a two-dimensional square plate was simulated using energy conserving dissipative particle dynamics (DPDe). The solution domain was considered to be a two-dimensional square plate surrounded by walls at constant temperatures, where DPD particles are uniformly distributed. The effects of phonon mean free path was incorporated by its relation to the cutoff radius

Material forces in computational single-slip crystal-plasticity

In this contribution, we elaborate the material force method with application to standard dissipative materials, in particular crystal-(elasto)plasticity. It thereby turns out that material heterogeneities caused by the gradient of the corresponding slip parameters induce additional material volume forces. As a result, we observe that these forces contribute to computations of typical boundary val

Chemical and Morphological Characterisation of Aerosol Particles in the Tropopause Region

Popular Abstract in Swedish Små partiklar i form av vätska eller fast material mellan 0.001 till 100 µm i diameter, kan sväva i luften och kallas då aerosolpartiklar. De påverkar direkt på klimatet genom att reflektera solstrålar ut till rymden. Detta gör att vi får ett kallare klimat. Indirekt kan de påverka klimatet genom att verka som kondensationskärnor vid molnbildning. Med detta påverkar de The aim of this work was to study atmospheric aerosols, focusing on the chemical composition, the morphology and the origin of the aerosol in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere. An aerosol sampler was developed for this purpose. A new method for quantitative analysis of the major components of the aerosol, i.e. C, N and O was developed, and methodologies for single-particle analysis

Near BER optimal partial response codes

Partial response signaling (PRS) codes with maximal minimum Euclidean distance have previously been found by linear programming. These perform very well in the narrowband-high energy region, but they were not optimized for minimal bit error rate (BER), so they are only optimal in the limit of infinite signal to noise ratio. Here we search for codes that perform better for more practical signal to

SOFC Modeling Considering Internal Reforming by a Global Kinetics Approach

Fuel cells (FCs) are promising for future energy systems, since they are energy efficient and fuel can be produced locally. When hydrogen is used as fuel, there are no emissions of greenhouse gases. In this study a two dimensional CFD (COMSOL Multiphysics) is employed to study the effect from porous material surface area ratio on reforming reaction rates and gas species distributions for an anode-

The Design of an Energy Efficient Highly Glazed Office Building

Many modern office buildings have highly glazed facades. Their energy efficiency and indoor climate is, however, being questioned. Therefore, when a modern office building (new construction) with larger glazing areas was planned, an investigation was carried out to determine the possibilities to: - efficiently use the increased access to daylight and thereby reduce the use of electricity for light