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Your search for "*" yielded 529161 hits

Peace with the environment: Community perspectives from the Andean-Amazon foothills of Colombia

Half a decade after the signing of the peace agreement between the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP, the country continues to suffer from persisting violence and the need to address environmental destruction is more evident than ever. This research builds on a post-development critique of current peace efforts and responds to the call for including local perspectives in knowledge creation an

Global scale patterns and trends in tropospheric NO2 concentrations

Kvävedioxid (NO2) är en luftförorening som har negativ påverkan för både miljön och människors hälsa. Därför är det viktigt att förstå och övervaka koncentrationerna. För att göra det kan stationer på marken användas för att mäta koncentrationerna av NO2 i troposfären, det nedre lagret av atmosfären. Problemet med denna metod är att sådana mätstationer tenderar att vara koncentrerade i stadskärnorNitrogen dioxide (NO2) is an important air pollutant with both environmental and epidemiological effects. The main aim of this thesis is to explore spatial patterns and temporal trends of tropospheric NO2 concentrations globally using data from the OMI instrument aboard NASA’s Aura spacecraft. Additional aims are to validate the satellite data by comparing it to ground-based measurements, and to f

Processes in Public Sector Organisations – Like Flowing Water

Seminar date: June 3, 2021 Course: BUSN 79 Authors: Filip Olsson and Justus Melin Advisor/Examiner: Anna Glenngård/Anders Anell Five key words: Efficiency, Effectiveness, TDABC, Stakeholder and Public Value Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyse how processes of public sector organisations can become more efficient and effective. Methodology: This thesis is conducted wit

The igneous complex of Ekmanfjorden, Svalbard: an integrated field, petrological and geochemical study

Stora magmatiska provinser återfinns långt tillbaka i jordens geologiska historia, från Arkeikum till Kenozoikum, och kan ha en stor påverkan på det globala klimatet. Den hög-arktiska stora magmatiska provinsen (HALIP) bildades under tidig Krita och rester av denna storskaliga magmatism kan observeras i hela Arktis. Relativt få U-Pb åldrar har än så länge blivit analyserade och mer geokronologisk Large Igneous Provinces are widespread in the geological record, from the Archean to the Cenozoic, and can have a significant impact on the global climate. The High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP) was emplaced during the Early Cretaceous, and remnants of this large-scale magmatism can be found all over the circum-Arctic. Relatively few high-precision U-Pb ages have been analyzed to date, and

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This research examines metaphors of animal words in everyday life, with the aim to problematize gender constructions. The study concludes that most of the studied metaphors discriminates and/or subordinate women. In addition, it is concluded that the metaphorical meanings of animal words form part of the linguistic sexism due to the fact that they are verbal mechanisms that recreate and reproduce

Politisk polarisering ur olika perspektiv

Denna uppsats har i syfte att analysera och studera hur politisk polarisering framställs i ny och traditionell media i Sverige. Studien kommer att analysera detta genom att använda sig av en artikel och fyra twitter-inlägg där vi med hjälp av olika polariserings- teorier kommer att mäta och jämföra skillnaderna i mängden polarisering som framkommer beroende på om det är traditionell eller ny media

Study on the dynamic behavior of the pantograph and its infuence on current collection

The study of the dynamic interaction between pantograph and catenary by computer simulation is useful as it allows us to obtain much information about this system while minimizing the cost of line tests. With a program validated by the norm EN 50318, the behaviour of a pantograph-catenary couple at a certain speed can be accurately estimated. With the program INPAC, a parametric study on the curre

Evaluative neutralisation as a means to reduce social desirability in the SDO-7

An evaluative neutralisation process, whereby questionnaire items are phrased to be less evaluative, was used to create a new less socially desirable version of the social dominance orientation scale (SDO7). The main goal is to counteract the persistent floor effect which has affected the scale since its inception. The rationale behind the suggested correction is rooted with the problem of social

Shelter from the storm

Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on the 20th of September 2017. It was a category four hurricane with winds of up to 175mph. It was the strongest hurricane to hit the island since Hurricane Mitch in 1998 and said to be the worst natural disaster ever to hit the Caribbean Islands. Officials stated that the hurricane killed 64 people; however, the death toll was later revealed to actually have been 2

Andning, för att minska stress

Bakgrunden till detta arbete kom jag i kontakt med då jag under en längre period haft problem med skakningar under konserter. Skakningarna uppstår ofta när jag ska spela någon passage som är extra knepig och krävande eller när jag känner mig kall och ouppvärmd. Jag har tidigare provat metoder för att aktivera kroppen innan man ska spela för att det inte ska uppstå men det problem som kvarstår är aI came into contact with the background of this thesis because I had been struggling with shaking during performances. The shakes would often occur in a difficult passage or when that my hands were cold. I’ve previously tried methods to activate my body before a preformance to try to reduce the amount of shaking but what I’ve encountered is that it often tends to get worse as the concert goes alon

Designing and developing an application for online hate speech detection on social media

Social media platforms have a significant impact on the world. Through connecting people over the globe, social media has resulted in multiple positive effects. However, the impact is not only beneficial. Social media platforms have also caused polarization and criminal uprisings, leading to events such as the Rohingya genocide in Burma. By tracking the discourse on social media channels, it is po

The Key Drivers of the Final Energy Consumption in the Italian and Swedish Residential Sector

This thesis analyses the energy consumption of the Italian and Swedish residential sector during the last two decades. It has two main purposes: (1) to test the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis that stipulate a decoupling relation between environmental harm and economic growth and (2) to investigate on four factors that could explain such decoupling relation. The key factors are the ch

Is Externalism Compatible with the KK-thesis?

In this paper I discuss the compatibility of externalism about epistemic justification with the well-known KK-thesis in epistemic logic. A weaker form of the KK-thesis (if one knows, one is also in a position to know that one knows) is first defended against Williamson's anti-luminosity arguments. Given some base assumptions about the nature of human beings and states of knowing, it is argued

Is bitcoin money?

This thesis attempts to analyze whether bitcoin can act as a store of value, unit of account and a medium of exchage, which is the three functions of money.

The Danish Model - A Study Investigating the Effect of the Flexicurity System on Unemployment

The main objective of this paper is to assess the impact of the flexicurity system, which was implemented in Denmark in 1994, on unemployment. The Synthetic Control Method (SCM) is used to construct a counterfactual scenario of what the situation would have been like in Denmark in the absence of the flexicurity reform. Our results suggest that the unemployment level in Denmark has been on average

All makt åt Tegnell - Vår befriare och förgörare

Sammanfattning Examensarbetes titel “All makt åt Tegnell - vår befriare och förgörare” - en kvalitativ dokumentstudie om följares konstruktioner av Anders Tegnell på Twitter Handledare Nadja Sörgärde Fem nyckelord Följare som konstruktörer av ledarskap, Anders Tegnell, Twitter, Kris och Attribution Forskningsfråga Hur framställs Anders Tegnell på Twitter? Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att

Narratives of recent migration: Young, well-educated Croats in Ireland

In July 2013 Croatia has become the latest member state to join the European Union. Access to this single European area, in particular, to economically well-developed countries with a more robust labor market and a higher standard of living than Croatia resulted in intensification of emigration from Croatia. This has particularly affected young, well-educated Croats; ambitious, unsatisfied with th

Delaktighet på avstånd : Hur coronaviruspandemin påverkat de svenska folkbibliotekens digitala uppdrag under ett år

In this thesis, I examine how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected six libraries in the Swedish public library system through interviews with employees at said libraries during the period between March 2020 to March 2021. In the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, access to digital media, the Internet and assistance from library staff have been limited. Most activities aiming to promote digital li

Statlig övervakning & Personlig integritet: En narrativ litteraturgenomgång & kvalitativ dokumentanalys av hemlig övervakning, personlig integritet och statlig maktutövning

Hemlig övervakning är något som myndigheter uppskattar i sitt arbete mot brottslighet, men den kan även vara problematisk då den hamnar i konflikt med det grundläggande fri- och rättigheter som omfattar skyddet av den enskildes integritet. Bakgrunden i uppsatsen redogör för den personliga integriteten med koppling till lagar om tvångsmedel och därefter presenteras maktteorin utifrån Foucaults makt

"Who writes the rules on the internet?" - The conversation about Facebook in German news media between 2012 and 2021

Facebook is one of the most powerful internet companies worldwide with little to few alternatives on the market. With the power and size, scandals are part of the company’s history, and the public perception is ever-changing. How Facebook is viewed by the public has an impact on the company’s success, especially since it is built on its users’ data. The public opinion can be impacted by how conver