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Undersökning om peer support kan påverka aktivitetsutförande hos vuxna med psykisk ohälsa.

Bakgrund: I Sverige ökar psykisk ohälsa, vilket leder till större antal sjukskrivningar på grund av psykiska besvär. Psykisk ohälsa kan orsaka funktionsnedsättningar som försvårar möjligheter till aktivitetsutförandet. Därför finns det behov av effektiva rehabiliteringsmetoder som främjar aktivitetsutförandet för målgruppen. Trots att Socialstyrelsen nämner peer support som en positiv behandli

Den bästsäljande barnboken : en studie om hur det didaktiska innehållet marknadsförs genom paratexter

Denna uppsats avser undersöka didaktiska innehåll och perspektiv som finns i de moderna utvalda barnböckerna på dagens bokmarknad samt hur de presenteras i böckerna och marknadsföringen. Tillvägagångssättet för detta är genom en kvalitativ metod som består av en djupgående undersökning av paratexter och innehåll av de tre bästsäljande barnböckerna: Handbok för superhjältar (2017), Godnattsagor för

The Power in Working Together: Exploring how Small and Medium-sized Municipalities are Collaborating for Ambitious Climate Action

Reaching the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement not only requires ambitious goals from national governments, but also the active participation of local municipalities. It is in cities where climate actions need to be implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reach the international and national climate goals. While the importance of cities and their participation in networks has been wel

Deconstructing Informality: Evidence from South American Household Surveys

The persistence and growth of the informal economy in South America is considered one of the most relevant problems in the region. However, studying informality across countries can be a complicated task due to the lack of homogeneous concepts and measurements. In this study, a database is constructed and harmonized with household survey data from 9 South American countries for 2019. This research

Rödfärgade utfällningar i dammanläggningar orsakade av G. ferruginea och L. ochracea - Problemstatistik och mikrobiella levnadsförutsättningar

Vattenkraft är en omfattande nationell industri som förser Sverige med ungefär 45 % av dess energiproduktion (Molin 2016). Ett problem branschen brottas med är rödfärgade utfällningar som sätter igen mätinstrument och dränageledningar vid dammarna, så kallat. rödslam. Rödslammet produceras av järnoxiderande bakterier, FeOB, som oxiderar Fe(II) till Fe(III) (Hamrén 2013). Det partikulära järnet aHydropower is an extensive national industry which supplies Sweden with about 45 % of its total energy produced (Molin 2016). A problem which the industry is currently fighting is the presence of ochre-colored precipitations that clog vital measuring tools and drainage pipes at the dams, commonly called red mud. The red mud is produced by iron-oxidizing bacteria, FeOB, which oxidize Fe(II) to F

Should we #CancelHamilton? Discourse of the enslaved in the broadway musical Hamilton

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how criticism of the Broadway musical Hamilton is received and argued about when it comes to the representation of certain characters. The overall research question is How are discursive productions of historical retelling and identification created by the musical Hamilton? and it will be answered by dividing the question to How does the debate surrounding

Assessment of Groundwater Flow to Lake Bolmen

This work reports the research and findings concerning the processes of groundwater flow and distribution to lake Bolmen in the Småland region, Sweden. The watershed of Bolmen is of high interest since it provides water for drinking and energy purposes, representing a resource of notable importance for the society of southern Sweden. Among the main objectives there is the estimation of the water b

Ekosociala åtgärder i befintlig utemiljö

Ekosociala åtgärder i befintlig utemiljö - En studie som kartlägger Lunds kommuns samverkan med fastighetsägare Kommuner har fått ett allt större ansvar och större uppdrag när det kommer till hållbarhet. Kommuners hållbarhetsarbete och uppsatta mål är ofta sammankopplat med både nationella och globala avtal vilket kräver samverkan då kommuner ensamma inte besitter egen rådighet eller har råd Previous research indicate that social and ecological sustainability dimensions are handled separately within the work of goal fulfilment. Important key actors are having a hard time finding synergies between them which leads to a slower green and healthy transformation of cities. On the local level, this problem is connected to the decentralization of municipalities due to their growing assig

Scenario Dose Calculation for Robust Optimization in Proton Therapy Treatment Planning

Robust optimization plays a vital role in proton therapy treatment planning. A monoenergetic beam of protons has a finite range and delivers most of its dose at some specific depth in the patient. This allows the design of treatments that mainly damage the tumor and not any surrounding tissue. However, this property also makes proton therapy sensitive to uncertainties in the patient model used for

Real-time Scheduling in Datacentre Clusters

Industry 4.0 can be described as the next generation-factories that is characterised by putting a high demand for automation and flexible production lines. The proposed way to achieve this goal is through a large number of Industrial IoT devices(IIoT) in the factory, some having high availability- and low-latency requirements. This demands for a software that can monitor and manage the application

Playing Halite IV with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Playing games with reinforcement learning has for years been a target for research and has seen incredible breakthroughs in recent years. Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning, which can be combined with the concept of deep learning, resulting in what is called deep reinforcement learning. The promise of deep reinforcement learning attracts businesses that aim to get an edge over tr

The Effect of dams on invertebrate abundance and functional feeding group composition

How dams affect invertebrates Getting your electricity from naturally produced energy sounds good, but this has its consequences too. To produce electricity from water, dams must be constructed, and these form a barrier between upstream and downstream areas. This stops our migrating species such as salmons, trout's, and eels and a decline in these economically valuable fish. Not only do salmo

Livestock-MRSA in Danish Pig Farms

This study looks at factors contributing to LA-MRSA prevalence in Danish pig farms. LA-MRSA is a pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to methicillin (penicillin) and tetracycline antibiotics found in livestock such as pigs, poultry and cattle. By using logistic regression analysis, this study investigates which factors that might have increased the likelihood of having a positive LA-MRSA result

Politics of scale in urban food governance - A case study of Malmö, Sweden

Till följd av en ökad aktivitet inom internationella nätverk för städer har miljö- och klimatfrågor alltmer kommit att betraktas som karaktäristisk lokala i sin skala. Städer har i sin tur alltmer kommit att betraktas som betydande platser där innovativa lösningar på dessa frågor uppstår. Matfrågor, som tidigare har hanterats som landsbygds- och nationella frågor, har också funnit sin väg till denWith the rescaling of environmental issues through international city networks, cities are increasingly viewed as key sites where innovative solutions are formed. The issues concerning food, which predominantly has been viewed as rural and national issues, have also found its way onto the urban agenda. To provide further understanding of the rescaling process and the role which the city plays in t

Disruptive communication: How to overcome stigma - A case study of Kappahl, Tena, Estrid and Deodoc

Purpose: In this study, the purpose is to explore how disruptive communication can be used as a means to overcome stigma. Methodology: This paper has analyzed four case studies in order to get a deeper understanding of the phenomenon stigma. A literature review is conducted where the concepts ‘stigma’, ‘disruptive communication’ and ‘brand identity’ is applied. The theoretical foundations were bas

Evaluation of Instance Segmentation Methods in the Context of Construction Waste

Automatisk sopsortering med hjälp av artificiell intelligens På senare år så har värdet på återvunnet material ökat, vilket har lett till utvecklingen av robotar som automatiskt kan sortera sopor och avfall. Detta arbete utforskar möjligheterna att förbättra en sådan typ av robot. År 2018 så stod byggindustrin för 35% av Sveriges avfallsmängder, en siffra som har ökat kraftigt under det senaste åWith the progress made within the field of computer vision the last few years, it is starting to become possible to perform instance segmentation in real time with relatively cheap hardware. This paper's main purpose is to investigate different methods of instance segmentation in the specific case of segmenting construction waste with only a single class. The paper experiments with two models,

Barriers and Enablers for using E-commerce in a B2B Environment and their Implications for Strategy

As e-commerce continues to grow in the B2B industry many companies are tasked with implementing and updating their current working ways to fit the digital era. With an estimated market size value of 6.7 trillion USD in 2020 and a CAGR of 17.5% from 2020 to 2027 (Grand View Research, 2020) there is no denying that B2B e-commerce offers great opportunities to reap the benefits of the growth. However

The immunoproteasome activity directly regulates the tumor immunogenicity of spheroid grown melanoma cells

Hur cancerceller ska bli bättre på att göra sig synlig för immunförsvaret Immunförsvaret består utav många olika celler som alla är med i att försvara kroppen från hot, när dom upptäcker en fara finns en del celler som kan eliminera målet, dom kallas T-celler. Ett hot som uppkommer i kroppen är cancer. Det finns många olika orsaker till att cancer uppstår, däribland arvsanlag men också miljöfaktoThe many cases of malignant melanoma and the following relapses after standard-of-care treatment demands inventions on finding new treatment to this cancer disease. One of the reasons for reduced clinical response in melanoma is the downregulation of tumor specific antigens which results in decreased tumor recognition, followed by tumor escape and progression. This study investigated the potential