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Your search for "*" yielded 244735 hits

Conservative logarithmic reconstructions and finite volume methods

A class of high-order reconstruction methods based on logarithmic functions is presented. Inspired by Marquina's hyperbolic method, we introduce a double logarithmic ansatz of fifth order of accuracy. Low variation is guaranteed by the ansatz and (slope-) limiting is avoided. The method can reconstruct smooth extrema without order reduction. Fifth order of convergence is verified in a numerical ex

4-aminobiphenyl-hemoglobin adducts and risk of smoking-related disease in never smokers and former smokers in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition prospective study

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether biomarkers of environmental tobacco smoke exposure [i.e, 4-aminobiphenyl-hemoglobin (4-ABP-Hb) adducts] were predictive of the risk of tobacco-related cancers and diseases. We did a case control study nested within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, involving 190 controls and 149 cases (incident cancer of the lung, bladde

Antigens for the selection of pan-variable number of tandem repeats motif-specific human antibodies against Mucin-1

Epitopes found on Mucin-1 are differentially expressed on tumour versus normal tissue. Such epitopes have also been shown to have a potential in immunotherapy and tumour detection. The major epitope explored in this context is located within the variable number of tandem repeats. It has however recently been demonstrated that this epitope exists in several sequence variants. The standard sequence

HCCI Combustion - Engine Operation and Emission Characteristics

The potential and limitations of the Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine concept has been experimentally investigated. The operation range, in terms of usable air/fuel ratio and engine load, and the emission characteristics have been studied. An 1.6 litre single cylinder engine based on a heavy duty six cylinder Volvo, was used for the tests. As follows the experimental work was

Particle emission time sequence in intermediate energy heavy ion reactions

The CHIC Collaboration has performed a series of simultaneous pp, np and nn fermion interferometry experiments in order to study the space-time evolution of the emission sources in intermediate energy heavy ion reactions. Furthermore, when correlations of non-identical particles are available, additional model independent information on the emission chronology of the particles is obtained. In this

Characterization of two distinct aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR2) genes in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and evidence for multiple AhR2 gene lineages in salmonid fish

The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediates the toxicity of several environmental contaminants, e.g. 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, and other halogenated hydrocarbons in vertebrates. This receptor initiates the transcription of several biotransformation enzymes, which in turn are responsible for causing severe harm to biological tissue. Here we describe the isolation and complete characteri

Development of lentiviral vectors for CNS gene transfer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Att leverera ett läkemedel till hjärnan är svårt då blod-hjärnbarriären effektivt stoppar de flesta kemiska substanser eller kräver att läkemedlet ges i höga systemiska doser. Om läkemedlet passerar blod-hjärnbärriaren påverkar det i så fall alla strukturer och celltyper. Detta är problematiskt i hjärnan då det här finns avgränsade strukturer med olika funktion, ibland Gene therapy in the brain is a promising treatment strategy that in the future may be used for several brain disorders, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and lysosomal storage diseases. By introducing a new gene, rather than providing a classical pharmacological drug, gene therapy offers the opportunity to treat neurological disorders by a single intervention. However, gene therap

Frequent intrapatient recombination between HIV-1 R5 and X4 envelopes: Implications for coreceptor switch.

Emergence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) populations that switch or broaden coreceptor usage from CCR5 to CXCR4 is intimately coupled to CD4(+) cell depletion and disease progression toward AIDS. To better understand the molecular mechanisms involved in the coreceptor switch, we determined the nucleotide sequences of 253 V1 to V3 env clones from 27 sequential HIV-1 subtype B isolat

Chronic carrier state in mothers of infants with group B streptococcal infections

Seven of eight women who had given birth to infants with early onset or intrauterine infection caused by group B streptococci remained carriers of the same serotype of group B streptococci up to 38 months after their pregnancy. In contrast, only 34 of 88 group B streptococci carriers who had given birth to healthy infants harbored the same serotype at the 34 months' follow-up (P = .009). Among the

Regulation of hematopoiesis by the Smad signaling pathway

Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje dag bildas ca 10^12 nya blodceller i människokroppen. Denna enorma produktion av celler utgår från benmärgen och pågår under hela vårt liv. Ytterst sett är denna process beroende av en till antalet liten cellpopulation av sk blodstamceller eller hematopoietiska stamceller. Den enorma potential som vilar i detta system illustreras av det faktum att en enda blodstamHematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) reside in the bone marrow (BM) of adult individuals and are ultimately responsible for the continuous production of blood cells throughout life. The regulation of HSCs in vivo is tightly regulated by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The Smad-signaling pathway is an evolutionary conserved signaling circuitry with critical functions during embryogenesis and throu

Circulating antipericyte autoantibodies: A Novel Modifier of Risk of Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy?

Background: Antipericyte autoantibodies (APAAs) are present in high frequency among diabetic subjects with and without nonproliferative retinopathy. This study aimed to determine whether progression of retinopathy in type 2 diabetes was associated with the same medical risk factors in APAA-positive subjects as in APAA-negative subjects. Methods: Type 2 diabetic patients with nonproliferative diabe

Macrolide therapy of chronic rhinosinusitis

There is growing evidence that several antibiotics exert their beneficial effect not only by inhibiting or killing bacterial pathogens but also by down-regulating pro-inflammatory mechanisms. This review aims to give an overview of the immunomodulatory properties of macrolide antibiotics in chronic rhinosinusitis and to present a treatment algorithm for managing the difficult CRS patient with long

Heat and mass transfer in chicken breasts - effect on PhIP formation

Heterocyclic amines are mutagenic/carcinogenic compounds that are found in cooked meat and fish. These compounds are of concern in the aetiology of human cancer and therefore it is important to minimise their formation during cooking, and their intake. PhIP (2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]-pyridine, CAS no: 105650-23-5) is one heterocyclic amine that is found at high levels in cooked chick

Celebrating the millennium: historical highlights of photosynthesis research, part 3

This paper introduces the third and final part of the 'millennium celebrations of historical highlights of photosynthesis research.' Part 1 ( 308 pages) was published in October 2002 as Vol. 73 of the journal Photosynthesis Research, and Part 2 ( 458 pages) was published in July 2003 as Vol. 76. Here, we recognize particularly the work of three major contributors to our understanding of photosynth