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Öresundsgränser : rörelser, möten och visioner i tid och rum
Internationell kinesisk propaganda: Inte kasta pärlor för svin
Samtal med Serres
Fluid Flow, Combustion and Efficiency With Early or Late Inlet Valve Closing
This paper is a study of the effects of valve timing and how it influences the in-cylinder fluid flow, the combustion, and the efficiency of the engine. An engine load of 4.0 bar imepdndedt was achieved by setting the inlet valve closing time early or late to enable unthrottle operation. Inlet valve deactivation was also used and asymmetrical valve timing, i.e., valve timing with the two inlet val
Vowel harmony shift in Mongolian
It has generally been assumed that Mongolian has vowel harmony of the palatal (front-back) type, but in this article I will present acoustic data from several Mongolian dialects, which show that there has been a shift in the phonetic basis of vowel harmony from palatality in Classical Mongolian to pharyngeality in modern East Mongolian (including Khalkha and Inner Mongolian). I will also treat Mo
Clinical experience with a customized fenestrated endograft for juxtarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
Despite the numerous stent-graft devices available, unsuitable anatomy is still the greatest exclusion criterion for endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair (EVAR). The present report describes an on-site preprocedural customization of a conventional Zenith stent-graft device just before the endovascular procedure that includes the creation of fenestrations and scallops as necessary fo
Kvinnligt och manligt i danskulturen – en resa genom fyrahundra år
The effects of maternal exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on testicular steroidogenesis in infantile male rats
Exposure of adult male animals to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) decreases serum androgen concentrations. Reduction in androgen levels after maternal exposure has also been reported, but these results have not been reproduced. We have earlier shown that TCDD stimulates rather than inhibits testosterone synthesis in the prenatal rat testis. The aim of the present study was to elucidate
Solar Shading for Low Energy Use and Daylight Quality in Offices: Simulations, Measurements and Design Tools.
This thesis investigates the impact of solar shading devices on energy use and daylight quality in office rooms. The impact on energy use is analysed through computer simulations with the dynamic energy simulation program Derob-LTH while the impact on daylight quality is investigated through measurements in full-scale experimental office rooms and simulations with the program Radiance. This thesis
Beta 2-agonists administered by a dry powder inhaler can be used in acute asthma
Patients with acute asthma attending the emergency room were included in a double-blind, double-dummy and parallel group study to investigate whether a dry powder inhaler (Turbuhaler) can be used in acute asthma. If so, the aim was to establish the potency relationship between a beta 2-agonist (salbutamol) administered by the dry powder inhaler and the pressurized metered-dose inhaler (pMDI). Eigh
Breast cancer incidence in relation to smoking cessation
High plasma levels of oestrogens are associated with increased breast cancer risk. If smoking, as has been suggested, have both a tumour initiating mutagenic effect and a protective anti-oestrogenic effect, one would assume that smokers who give up smoking have the highest incidence of breast cancer. This was evaluated in the follow-up of a cohort of 10,902 women of whom 4,359 were premenopausal.
High prevalence of Hepatozoon spp. (Apicomplexa, hepatozoidae) infection in water pythons (Liasis fuscus) from tropical Australia
Molecular methods were used to identify blood parasites frequently observed in blood smears of water pythons (Liasis fuscus) captured in our study area in the Northern Territory of Australia. A nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers amplifying the 18s ribosomal RNA (IRNA) nuclear gene resulted in a short PCR product (180 bp) matching this region in the genus Hepatozoon. However, beca
Review of Klassen, L. Jade und Kupfer. Untersuchungen zum Neolithisierungsprozess im westlichen Ostseeraum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kulturenentwicklung Europas 5500-3500 BC. 2004.
Effects on the function of arctic ecosystems in the short- and long-term perspectives
Abstract in UndeterminedHistorically, the function of Arctic ecosystems in terms of cycles of nutrients and carbon has led to low levels of primary production and exchanges of energy, water and greenhouse gases have led to low local and regional cooling. Sequestration of carbon from atmospheric CO2, in extensive, cold organic soils and the high albedo from low, snow-covered vegetation have had imp
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Downstream Processing Using Membrane Technology
Popular Abstract in Swedish Membranteknik är en separationsteknik där stora partiklar skiljs av från mindre partiklar m.h.a. ett membranfilter. I min forskning har jag tittat på hur membranfiltrering kan användas inom bioteknikindustrin. Jag har tittat på hur mjölksyra kan renas upp från en lösning av jäst "vetemjölsvälling" samt hur första steget i uppreningen av protein A från en industriellt prMembrane filtration is a very gentle separation technique and can be used at low temperatures. This makes it suitable for liquids that contain micro-organisms and/or are heat sensitive, which is often the case in liquids processed in the field of biotechnology. However, one drawback is that these liquids are often very complex, which is a disadvantage when using membrane technology as it makes the
Med vektorprocessor blir Vaxen en superdator
UGT1A polymorphisms in a Swedish cohort and a human diversity panel, and the relation to bilirubin plasma levels in males and females.
Asymmetric Information and The Production of Health
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det samlade temat för de sju artiklarna i denna avhandling är att se på hur modern national-ekonomiska teori, som behandlar problem rela-terade till förekomsten av asymmetrisk infor-mation, kan användas för att studera insatser för åstadkomma bättre hälsa. Artiklarna rör dels vård på sjukhus,dels produktionen av läkemedel. För sjukhusen handlar det om hur man via olika The common theme of this thesis is the analysis of asymmetric information when applied to the market for health care production. The thesis consists of six more or less independent papers and an introduction to the thesis were purpose and methodology are stated (part one). Part two is an investigation into the pricing of pharmaceuticals in Sweden. This chapter deals with issues such as cost sharin