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Benchmarking i hotellsektorn

The purpose of this thesis is to study and analyze how benchmarking as a tool is being practiced in the Swedish hotel sector, and also to study what potentials and abilities for learning and development there are. In order to fulfill the purpose we have compared how selected hotels apply benchmarking in practice. We applied a qualitative method with a deductive approach in terms of a multiple cas

Advanced processing of vertically aligned nanodevices

Lithography technique is highly dependent on the photoresist that is used for the processing of the nanodevices. S1800 series photoresist is probably the most used positive photoresist for UV-lithography process. In this project the electrical and optical properties of the photoresist S1800 are studied in order to find if photoresist could be used as a transparent insulator for photo detectors/sol

Two Dimensional Design of Axial Compressor - An Enhanced Version of LUAX-C

The main scope of this thesis is to have a strong tool for a preliminar design and sizing of an axial compressor in a bi-dimensional way, this means that all the parameters are referred to the hub, to the midspan and to the tip of the blade. This goal has been reached improving a pre existent MatlabTM code based on a monodimensional design. The developed code, using different swirl law, allow to u

Humanisters informationsbeteende : informationssökningsprocesser hos forskarstudenter inom humaniora

The Humanities consist of a broad array of academic disciplines that study human language, thought, artistic creations etc. The history of the Humanities is long and complex and the tensions between tradition and new ways of doing things form an essential part of the contemporary situation of this academic field. Such tensions offer an interesting perspective of the information behaviour of the ne

Towards an Understanding of Long Stay Motivation: Case of Swedish Tourists in Thailand

This paper provides a comprehensive understanding the Swedish long stay tourism in Thailand. The motivation approach was the main approach to this research through highlighting the major push and pull factors. The participation involved the total of 120 respondents. To enhance the analysis of the data, both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were employed. The total push factors that

Power Sources for Hybrid Electric Vehicles

This thesis has been carried out to investigate a few areas concerning electric and hybrid electric powered land vehicles. The main objective has been to analyze the efficiency of such power trains to compare them with canonical combustion engines, both in a tank-to-wheels basis and a well-to-wheels basis. One of the question formulations is if an electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charge

Hybridregimer: En studie kring hybridregimer och dess legitimitetsproblem

Denna uppsats kommer behandla ett område som kommit i skymundan av styrelseskicken demokrati och diktaturer. Under 1900-talet skedde en demokratiseringsvåg i världen, men många länder utvecklade inte full demokrati och hamnade i ett mellanting vi idag benämner som hybridregimer. En av de största anledningarna till bristande demokrati anses vara de legitimitetsproblemen som finns i länderna mellan

Proportionalitetsbedömningen av nationella inkomstskatteregler - en analys av rättsutvecklingen i EU-domstolens praxis

En medlemsstats nationella inkomstskatteregel som hindrar eller inskränker EUF-fördragets bestämmelser om fri rörlighet kan anses vara rättfärdigad om den uppfyller vissa kriterier. Det centrala i denna uppsats är den bedömning som EU-domstolen gör för att avgöra huruvida regeln är rättfärdigad eller ej. Detta innebär att uppsatsen innehåller en redogörelse för det så kallade rule of reason-testetA member state’s national income tax legislation, which prevents or restricts the provisions on free movement in the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union, can be justified if it meets certain criteria. The essence of this thesis is the assessment made by the European Court of Justice (the Court) to determine whether the legislation is justified or not. This means that this thesis contai

Polis, ordningsvakt och väktare – vem gör egentligen vad?

De senaste 30 åren har stora delar av den offentliga sektorn tagits över av privata företag. Vårdbolag, friskolor och privata vårdcentraler har ett efter ett tagits över av privata företag. En offentlig tjänst som gradvis blir mer privatiserad är den polisiära. Bevakningsföretag tar över tjänster som förr sköttes av polisen och patrullerande poliser ersätts med ordningsvakter. De ekonomiska krav s

Framework for Analysing Climate Policy Integration in the EU's Policies. A Case Study of the EU's Energy Efficiency Policy.

Climate change represents one of the most serious threats to international environmental, social and economic security. The growing energy consumption is producing enormous amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which are fastening climate change and polluting the environment. For this reason, the European Union (EU) desires to act as a global leader in combating climate change and is therefor

A Tale of an Uneven Urban Development: The socio-economic and socio-cultural contradictions of Tarlabasi Renewal Project

This paper audits, theoretically and empirically, how the nature of the renewal projects in Turkey and social justice are closely connected by looking at spatial and urban politics with a special emphasis on the case of Tarlabasi Neighborhood in Istanbul. Based upon the theoretical framework of Henri Lefebvre's spatial triad, the study aims to illustrate the socio-economic and socio-cultural c

Optimering av växelbyten

At this point, railway switching systems exchange takes about 15 hours to perform. It means that long time is needed if performing multiple exchanges. It even means that traffic on tracks has to be disallowed for a long amount of time. It costs maintenance companies like Infranord a lot of money to keep tracks free from other vehicles during the work. The company needs to purchase special permissi

Development and Validation of a Turbulent Flame Propagation Model

The aim of this thesis was to develop a model for flame propagation, to implement in a zero-dimensional engine simulation tool (DARS 0d-SRM) which previously only used fitted Wiebe-functions to describe the flame propagation. The idea was to create a model which could replace or complement the Wiebe function, but with predictive capabilities, avoiding the need to perform curve-fitting when certain

Ålders- och könsskillnader i uppfattningar om tand- och allmänhälsa: en attitydundersökning

Tandhälsobeteende styrs till viss del av attityder. Därför undersöktes attityder genom en enkätundersökning med 218 medverkande (studenter n=159, seniorer n 58) med ett bekvämlighetsurval. Svarsfrekvens 76,6%. Arbetet kartlägger existerande attityder till tandsjukdomar och tandhälsa, samt behandlar hur viktig tandhälsa uppfattas, jämfört med hur viktig allmänhälsa. Tandhälsa och allmänhälsa ansågs

Konsten att verka inom orimlighetens gränser : En studie om socialsekreterares strategier för att hantera sin arbetssituation

Social Work Education today places great importance to convey values such as respect in the relation between social worker and client, and to embrace a user perspective in the professional practice. Yet, many clients find themselves mistreated and ignored and experience social service work as arbitrary and inaccessible. The purpose of this study is to examine what takes place in the encounter betw

Development of a spectroscopic technique for assessment of optical properties and gas content in porous turbid media

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Spektroskopi handlar om teoretiska modeller och experiment där man observerar ljus som har växelverkat med materia. Spektroskopiska metoder används inom många olika ämnesområden som exempelvis kemi, fysik och biologi. Ett jordnära exempel på tillämpad spektroskopi är människans öga. Reflekterat ljus från olika föremål samlas in av linsen i ögat, avbildas på näthiIn this thesis a novel spectroscopic method consisting of a combination of frequency domain photon migration (FPDM) and gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy (GASMAS) is developed, for assessment of the mean optical path length and gas absorption in porous media. The system stability is experimentally investigated and measurements are performed on balsa and pine wood to evaluate the rela

Fysiskt sätt händer det ingenting

Grooming is a widespread problem all over the Internet. Swedish research proves this issue to be more common than suspected for youth spending time on the Internet. This study focuses on Internet relationships from the perspective of exposed grooming victims. Central questions are: What are the consequences for young people after establishing contacts with unknown persons? Which are the main featu