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Algoritmmedvetenhet i mötet mellan generationer : En forskningsrapport inom ramen för Digitalt först med användaren i fokus

Algoritmer är en bärande del av internets infrastruktur som påverkar allt från vilken musik vi får rekommenderad till oss eller vems inlägg som blir synliga för oss i sociala medier, till mer avgörande beslutsfattande processer i offentlig förvaltning. I den här rapporten presenteras resultatet av en studie som utförts inom ramen för Kungliga bibliotekets projekt Digitalt först med användaren i fo

Robustness and real-time performance of an insect inspired target tracking algorithm under natural conditions

Many computer vision tasks require the implementation of robust and efficient target tracking algorithms. Furthermore, in robotic applications these algorithms must perform whilst on a moving platform (ego motion). Despite the increase in computational processing power, many engineering algorithms are still challenged by real-Time applications. In contrast, lightweight and low-power flying insects

Asymptomatic Right Atrial Thrombosis After Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treatment

Right atrial thrombosis is a rare, but potentially serious complication of acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment. We conducted a retrospective multicenter study to assess the incidence, treatment, and outcome of asymptomatic right atrial thrombosis detected at routine echocardiography of children after acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Eleven (2.7%, 95% co

Massive MIMO Pilot Scheduling over Cloud RAN

Cloud-RAN (C-RAN) is a promising paradigm for the next generation radio access network infrastructure, which offers centralized and coordinated base-band signal processing. On the other hand, this requires extremely low latency fronthaul links to achieve real-time centralized signal processing. In this paper, we investigate massive MIMO pilot scheduling in a C- RAN infrastructure. Three commonly u

On Parade : Making Heritage in Lindsborg, Kansas

This study deals with the Swedish cultural heritage in the United States and aims to examine how and why individuals living in the U.S. select and affirm certain concepts and phenomena as particularly Swedish. The focus is on Lindsborg, Kansas, a town of some 3,000 inhabitants who identify themselvesas Swedish Americans, Swedes, and non-Swedes, and on how they organize, prepare and enact parades i

Modets metamorfoser : Den klädda kroppens identiteter och förvandlingar

Den klädda kroppens identiteter och förvandlingar lockar i modets metamorfoser en read nordiska akademiska skribenter att skriva om kläder, mode, kropp; om kläder mode och plats liksom om mode och makt. Tanken med boken är att överbrygga den polarisering som ibland görs mellan kläder och mode, men också studera kulturella processer om hur identitet kan baseras på något materiellt som just plagg.

Effect of symmetrical restoration for the migration of uncemented total hip arthroplasty : A randomized RSA study with 75 patients and 5-year follow-up

Background: Inferior placement of a femoral stem is predictive for early loosening and failure, but does restoration of the original hip anatomy benefit the function and survival of a total hip replacement? Methods: Seventy-five patients with primary unilateral hip osteoarthritis operated with an uncemented anatomical stem were randomized for either standard or modular stems. We used 50 ABG II ste

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By definition, radiofrequency (RF) pulses are the pivotal elements of NMR pulse sequences. Vice versa, the effect of a particular pulse on the evolution of magnetization will depend on the context of the sequence. While the product operator formalism provides a general framework to describe the effect of hard pulses on weakly coupled spin systems, there is no consistent framework describing the ef

Prostate cancer risk SNP rs10993994 is a trans-eQTL for SNHG11 mediated through MSMB

How genome-wide association studies-identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) affect remote genes remains unknown. Expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) association meta-analysis on 496 prostate tumor and 602 normal prostate samples with 117 SNPs revealed novel cis-eQTLs and trans-eQTLs. Mediation testing and colocalization analysis demonstrate that MSMB is a cis-acting mediator for S

What do patients prefer? A multinational, longitudinal, qualitative study on patient-preferred treatment outcomes in early rheumatoid arthritis

OBJECTIVES: To explore treatment outcomes preferred by patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and how these change throughout the early disease stage across three European countries. METHODS: A longitudinal, qualitative, multicentre study was conducted in Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden. 80 patients with early RA were individually interviewed 3-9 months after treatment initiation and 51

Globalization, Recruitments and Job Mobility

Previous research indicates that exporting firms are willing to pay a premium to poach workers from other exporting firms if experience working for an internationally engaged firm reduces trade costs. Since international experience is less valuable to non-exporters, we would expect to see differences in recruitments between firms that are internationally engaged and those that serve only their dom

Ideella organisationers medverkan i tvister på dataskyddsrättens område

EU:s dataskyddsförordning innehåller bestämmelser om vissa ideella organisationers behörighet att uppträda som ombud för registrerade samt om sådan organisationers talerätt. Syftet med denna artikel är att undersöka vilka möjligheter sådana organisationer enligt gällande svensk rätt har att delta i övervakningen av dataskyddsreglernas efterlevnad.