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Your search for "*" yielded 531672 hits

Influence of bark on fuel ethanol production from steam-pretreated spruce.

Bark and bark-containing forest residues have the potential for utilization as raw material for lignocellulosic ethanol production due to their abundance and low cost. However, the different physical properties and chemical composition of bark compared to the conventionally used wood chips may influence the spruce-to-ethanol bioconversion process. This study assesses the impact of bark on the over

Adaptive impedance matching performance of MIMO terminals with different bandwidth and isolation properties in realistic user scenarios

Using the metric of channel capacity, three dual-antenna multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) terminals with adaptive impedance matching were evaluated at LTE Band 13 in four different user scenarios using simulation. Each of the three terminals is equipped with a slot-monopole antenna and a planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA). The slot monopole is fixed at one edge of the chassis, whereas the locat

pH-responsive liposome-templated polyelectrolyte nanocapsules

Hollow nanocapsules made of polyelectrolytes, extensively useful for biomedical and biotechnological applications, are produced with a simple Layer-by-Layer approach using liposomes as template. The biocompatible polymers, alginate and chitosan, are alternatively adsorbed onto liposomes allowing the achievement of small size hollow nanocapsules with an average diameter of similar to 280 nm. Hollow

Diabetes Mellitus Glucose Prediction by Linear and Bayesian Ensemble Modeling

Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease of impaired blood glucose control due to degraded or absent bodily-specific insulin production, or utilization. To the affected, this in many cases implies relying on insulin injections and blood glucose measurements, in order to keep the blood glucose level within acceptable limits. Risks of developing short- and long-term complications, due to both too high

Predicting long-term carbon sequestration in response to CO2 enrichment: How and why do current ecosystem models differ?

Large uncertainty exists in model projections of the land carbon (C) sink response to increasing atmospheric CO2. Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiments lasting a decade or more have investigated ecosystem responses to a step change in atmospheric CO2 concentration. To interpret FACE results in the context of gradual increases in atmospheric CO2 over decades to centuries, we used a suite of se

Inductive tongue control of powered wheelchairs

Alternative and effective methods for controlling powered wheelchairs are important to individuals with tetraplegia and similar impairments whom are unable to use the standard joystick. This paper describes a system where tongue movements are used to control a powered wheelchair thus providing users, with high level spinal cord injuries, full control of their wheelchair. The system is based on an

G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER) in the female reproductive tract: from physiology to cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Östrogen är ett av de viktigaste/ mest studerade kvinnliga könshormonerna som styr utvecklingen av våra fortplantningsorgan och deras reproduktionsförmåga. Östrogen påverkar dessutom många av kroppens andra organ, bland annat hjärnan, skelettet, och hjärt-kärlsystemet. Mängden östrogen som finns i kroppen varierar vanligtvis under menstruationscykeln och med kvinnans ålEstrogen effects are mediated either through genomic action involving the classical estrogen receptors, estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and beta (ERß), which function as transcription factors in the nucleus, or through rapid non-genomic action via receptors associated with plasma membrane. Recently, a member of the G protein-coupled receptor family was ascribed estrogen receptor properties and propo

Cell-line-specific stimulation of tumor cell aggressiveness by wound healing factors - a central role for STAT3

Background: Local recurrence is a major factor affecting survival after treatment for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). It is possible that the normal processes involved in wound healing after surgical removal of a primary tumor can boost the regrowth of residual cancer cells, thereby contributing to the recurrent growth. In this work, we collected human wound fluids and used them to

Testing the quality of carriers: a field experiment on lizard signallers

In the Australian painted dragon lizard (Ctenophorus pictus), males occur in two different morphs with respect to gular color, with or without a yellow bib. Males without a bib lost within-clutch paternity significantly more often to rivals than bibbed males. Thus, it appears that bibs identify some phenotypic advantage linked to competitive ability. To test whether this could be related to whole-

Hypotermi efter perinatal asfyxi minskar risken för hjärnskada. Men för tidigt att rekommendera rutinmässig behandling

Måttlig hypotermi efter perinatal asfyxi reducerar mortaliteten och risken för överlevnad med svårt handikapp, visar två randomiserade, kontrollerade studier. Fler studier pågår och förväntas bli publicerade inom de närmaste åren. Den publicerade studien visar dock att det endast är barn med måttlig hjärnskada som har effekt av hypotermi. Hypotermi efter perinatal asfyxi kan ännu inte rekommenderaTwo randomised controlled trials evaluating intervention with moderate hypothermia after perinatal asphyxia will probably be published this year. The first study, evaluating head cooling with a "cool cap" is already published, and preliminary data from the other study evaluating body cooling earlier have been presented. Both studies indicate that moderate hypothermia, initiated within 6 h after bi

Skräddaren, sömmerskan och modet : arbetsmetoder och arbetsdelning i tillverkningen av kvinnlig dräkt 1770-1830

The aim of this study in textile studies and cultural history is to gain a greater understanding of what happened to the division of labour and manufacturing techniques when female fashions changed in the period 1770-1830. This was a time of upheaval as regards fashions, and a change in dress practice. The decades around 1800 were a period of major societal and cultural transformation. Female fash

Lavar på Jordö

Denna rapport baseras på två inventeringar. Dels en inventering av sten- och jordlavar som genomfördes den 25 juli 2009 av Lars Fröberg, dels en inventeringen av skyddsvärda träd som genomfördes mellan 21 oktober och 12 november 2008 av Mattias Lif och Sofie Willman. Jordö är en halvö vid västra delen av Almö som ligger i norra delen av Listerby skärgård. Området är troligtvis ett av de artrikaste

Människan och hunden under yngre stenålder : ett förändrat liv.....

New roles for dogs and humansBased on the archaeological finds during the Neolithic we interpret the relationship between humans and their dogs to have significantly changed. People gained an increased understanding of the dog's different, unique properties. The dogs were stimulated by the work and collaboration, and probably developed mentally. Maybe, dogs specialized in different tasks?The dogs

Coherence of a near diffraction limited undulator synchrotron radiation source

We present experimental measurements of the coherence of an undulator synchrotron radiation source near to the diffraction limit condition. These measurements have been done following two objectives. The first one is to verify a fundamental point of the theory of synchrotron radiation. To our knowledge, since it has been re-written by Geloni et al. [1], no experimental verification to validate the

Linear density response function within the time-dependent exact-exchange approximation

We have calculated the frequency-dependent exact-exchange (EXX) kernel of time-dependent (TD) density-functional theory employing our recently proposed computational method based on cubic splines. With this kernel we have calculated the linear density response function and obtained static polarizabilites, van der Waals coefficients, and correlation energies for all spherical spin-compensated atoms

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"Arca lui Noe" ("Noah’s Ark", 1944) is based on a folk tale influenced by Bogomilism. Brother and Unbrother stand for the antinomic duality of the absolute principle. Fellow and Unfellow are indestructibly united. Unbrother cannot be mastered and Brother would be an ontic sterility if his fellow absent. However the Bogomilic vision becomes complicated in Blaga's meaning. The greybeard Brother, the

A study of the metal-rich, thick disk globular cluster NGC5927, A stellar inventory

We present a list of 72 radial velocity member stars in the metal-rich globular cluster NGC5927. The radial velocities are based on multiepoch, multifibre spectra. We identify 46 RGB/HB stars and 26 turn-off stars that are radial velocity members in the cluster. This cluster is situated quite close to the disk and hence fore-and/or background contamination, especially in the outskirts of the clust

Long-term benefits of progressive resistance training in chronic stroke: A 4-year follow-up.

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the long-term benefits of progressive resistance training in chronic stroke. DESIGN: A 4-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of progressive resistance training. SUBJECTS: Eighteen women and men (mean age 66 (standard deviation 4) from the original group of 24 post-stroke participants. METHODS: The training group (n = 11) had participated in supervised progres