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For the last couple of years, the popularity of e-bikes has grown substantially. Thanks to the electric motor people can now ride uphill and longer distances without arriving at their destination sweaty and exhausted. But even if the function of electric bikes is great I saw problems in the design of the bikes that are currently on the market. Problems that made them very unattractive for

Metaphors and their Making: Bodily, conventionally and contextually motivated metaphors in inter- and intra-generational conversations

This thesis examines and compares spontaneous metaphor usage in conversations within and between generations. It investigates to what extent they can be seen as motivated by bodily, conventional and situated factors with the help of the Motivation and Sedimentation Model (MSM), which operates with these three levels of meaning. The model combines and integrates earlier accounts of metaphor motivat

Isolation and genomic characterization of three PHA degrading bacteria from the marine environment

The broader goal of this project was to investigate what kind of effects the accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) in the marine environment might have on the microbial world. Bacteria were isolated from biofilms fouling PHA pellets placed in the sediment-water interface; the goal was to isolate PHA degraders that were also sulphate reducers. Eleven strains were isolated and for three of the

Fördel för försiktiga?

Examensarbetets titel: Fördel för försiktiga? Seminariedatum: 3/6 2019 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i finansiering, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Jesper Lindgren, Philip Nossmy och Adam Persson Handledare: Anamaria Cociorva Fem nyckelord: Kreditbetyg, betingad konservatism, redovisning, Standard & Poor’s, regressionsanalys. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finTitle: Advantage for the cautious? Seminar date: 3/6-2019 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS‐cr) Authors: Jesper Lindgren, Philip Nossmy and Adam Persson Advisor/s: Anamaria Cociorva Keywords: credit rating, unconditional conservatism, standard & poor’s, accounting, regression analysis

Top Income Shares and Regional Inequality - Long-term patterns, 1900-2010

After decades of convergence, income inequality has increased substantially in many European countries, as well as in the US. Additionally, a similar pattern has been observed for regional income disparities as well. This thesis examines the extent to which the top income shares and regional income disparities have moved in tandem on a national level during the 1900-2010 period, in both Europe and


This study has aimed to understand the experiences of the Turkish women who share their knitting videos on YouTube through using the virtual ethnography conducted. The participant women mostly describe themselves as a “housewife” and/or specify their roles through association with domestic tasks, which is related to the position of assigned to many women by Turkish society. Most of them were born

Arbitrary Decimation for High Sample Rates, Algorithm Design and FPGA implementation

This master thesis investigates how to perform irrational decimation, the process of reducing the sample rate of a signal, for high throughput systems. The thesis work consists both an algorithmic part and an implementation part. In the algorithmic part, an algorithm that could cope with the requirements is found, and investigated due to different aspects. A group of filters that are investigate

“Den där bekräftelsen på att jag inte var som andra” En narrativ analys av hur missbruk framställs i självbiografier

The aim of this study was to examine how addiction identity is created and changed and also to examine the link between alcohol and drug addiction, social norms, and stigma by analyzing four autobiographies. A qualitative research method, with a focus on the narrative aspects of the autobiographies, was used to investigate how the authors described their experiences, and how they create understand

Storytelling and employee engagement from the CCO perspective: A case study in a nonprofit organization

Employee engagement has become more of an important issue for nonprofit organizations as they have to maintain an unprofitable social mission with often stringent resources. This study problematizes that most research about employee engagement is from a managerial approach, while research from the “communication constitutes organization” (CCO) perspective recognizes the close link between communic

Open access och de institutionella arkivens roll i vetenskaplig kommunikation vid universitet och högskolor : en systematisk litteraturöversikt

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the research on open access and institutional repositories between the years 2002-2016. 2002 was seen as a natural starting point because of the Budapest Open Access Initiative and represents a pivotal point in the history of open access. Further, the paper aims to analyze the positioning of institutional repositories within open acc

”Babblarna” i förskolan, intervjuer med förskollärare om deras arbete med talspråksutveckling bland 1,5–3 åringar

Enligt en av tidernas utvecklingspsykolog Vygotskij är talspråket en av de viktigaste tillgångarna vi människor har. Det är så vi kommunicerar och interagera med varandra menar Vygotskij (Bråten, 1998). Vi pratar ofta om språkutveckling, men i denna uppsats kommer jag att fokusera på talspråksutvecklingen. I takt med att samhället förändras, så måste vi snabbt lära oss att interagera med varandra,

Är det möjligt att med dagens förutsättningar förlänga hållbarheten från 24 h till 48 h på butikspackad blandfärs?

Kort hållbarhet på malet kött förpackat utan modifierad atmosfär kan leda till svinn i butiker. När denna förpackningsmodell används sätts ofta hållbarheten till 24 h vilket innebär en begränsad period för försäljning. Om hållbarheten förlängs till 48 h för att minska svinnet krävs det att den mikrobiologiska säkerheten bibehålls samt att den upplevda kvaliteten (doft och utseende) fortsatt är god

"Var kommer du egentligen ifrån?" - en kvalitativ studie om hur andragenerationsinvandrare i Sverige beskriver sitt identitetsskapande

The purpose of this study was to analyze how second-generation immigrants describe their identity formation in Swedish society, how the social environment influenced the identity formation and how labeling affect the process of identity creation. Our analysis is based on the globalization theory with its relevant theoretical concepts; hybridity, cultural and ethnical belonging and diaspora. The em

Prisutvecklingen på bostäder i Malmö - En statistisk jämförelse med Stockholm och Göteborg

Bostäder består antingen av hela fastigheter eller av delar av fastigheter. Fastigheter och deras priser är intressanta i förhållande till andra varor då de är knutna till en precis lokalisering. Priset på en fastighet säger mycket om värdet av den lokalisering som fastigheten har. För en stad är prisutvecklingen en slags temperaturmätare och speglar en förändring i attraktivitet för ett visst lägReal estate and its prices are interesting in relation to other goods due to the strong linkage to a precise location. The price of a property says a lot about the value of its location. For a city, price development is a strong indicator and reflects a change in attractiveness for a particular location. The purpose of this Master Thesis is to explain the deviation in price development on dwellin

Bibliotekariers diversifierade profession : en studie av folkbibliotekariers upplevelser av en yrkesroll i förändring

Public libraries have in recent decades been affected by widespread cultural, political and societal changes and there are several opinions about what public libraries’ role in society should be. Three major areas that has largely affected the development of public libraries and thus librarianship are: the academization of the library- and information science educational programs, professionalizat

Who can an organization believe in social media? Exploring the process of believability assessment

Data driven decision-making is becoming more and more important for an organization to stay competitive. Data collected and analyzed from social media can teach an organization about its customers in a way that was not possible before. However, in social media there is circulating a lot of data with questionable believability, such as fake news, which risks influencing an organization’s decision-m

Likvärdig bedömning - en utopi. En kvalitativ studie om gymnasiesvensklärares bedömningar av tre elevtexter.

Bedömning av elevtexter i svenskämnet på gymnasiet verkar vara komplicerat eftersom nuvarande kunskapskrav ger utrymme för tolkning och därmed inte är helt tydliga. Vad en lärare anser motsvarar kunskapskraven för de högre betygen anser kanske inte en annan lärare. En likvärdig bedömning blir därför inte helt lätt att uppnå eftersom bedömningar utgår från lärares individuella tolkningar av kunskap

Biståndshandläggning och kulturspecifika behov: en kvalitativ studie av biståndshandläggares upplevelser av behovsbedömningen hos äldre som invandrat sent i livet

The aim of this study was to explore how Swedish care managers in elderly care experience the assistance assessment of late-in-life immigrants and their cultural needs. The informants of this study consisted of six care managers in a municipality in the county of Skåne. The municipality was chosen due to its high number of arriving migrants during the last couple of years. The care managers all wo

Att stå vid sin sida - en studie om självmedkänsla

Studiens syfte var att undersöka 1) vad deltagarna i studien upplever underlättar respektive försvårar utövandet av självmedkänsla, samt hur de upplever att dessa faktorer påverkar utövandet, och 2) vilka effekter av utövandet av självmedkänsla som deltagarna i studien upplever att det ger, samt på vilket sätt de upplever att utövandet leder till dessa effekter. Urvalet bestod av sex kvinnor mellaThe purpose of this study was to examine 1) what the participants in the study experience as facilitating as well as obstructing regarding the practicing of self-compassion, and in which way they experience that these factors affect the practice, and 2) which effects the participants experience from practicing self-compassion as well as how they experience that the practice leads to these effects.

The Effect of Customer-base Diversification on Idiosyncratic Volatility

The study sets out the objective to investigate how a firm’s customer-base diversification affects its stock return idiosyncratic volatility. The research paper primarily focuses on the way that the distribution of sales impacts the firm specific risk that is unrelated to the risk of the market, and it does so through the use of both a geographical and an operating customer-base concentration meas