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Kvinnliga ingenjörer i byggbranschen - En studie kring hur branschen upplevs av kvinnorna
Title Female engineers in the construction industry - A study of how the industry is perceived by the women Authors Caroline Falk and Louise Åkesson Supervisors Radhlinah Aulin, Lund University and Gert Johansson, Gerjo AB Examiner Stefan Olander, Lund University Background Statistics show that the number of women graduates in construction-related educations in Sweden slowly is increasing, but thi
Global health – a change of perception. The role of health in the post-2015 development agenda.
Health has been a recurring topic on the development agenda during the recent decades. During the 1980ies and 1990ies there was a great focus on the impact of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. In 2001 these three diseases were included in the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) alongside with the health goals of reducing maternal and child mortality until 2015. As
Ultra-sensitive diagnostic method based on Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy on plasmonic beads in suspension
In this work, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) was combined with dielectrophoresis (DEP) to realize a controllable in situ detection method of enhanced Raman signals from molecules in suspension environment. Polymer beads coated with gold nanoparticles were prepared as SERS ‘hot spot’ substrates. Several DEP electrode designs were evaluated and the stripe electrode succeeded in manipulat
Development of Indicator for Hand Brake Arrangement
Is the sustainability information useful? A qualitative study of the Swedish institutional investors.
Title: Is the sustainability information useful? A qualitative study of the Swedish institutional investors. Seminar date: 2012-05-31 Course: BUSN69 Degree Project – Accounting and Auditing, 15 ECTS Credits Authors: Gustav Rybrink and Lisa Törnblom Advisor/s: Amanda Tan-Sonnerfeldt Five key words: Sustainability information, Institutional investors, Usefulness, Integrated Reporting, GRI Guide
The dynamic evolution of stock market integration between China, Japan and South Korea. What are the key determinants of regional stock market integration between these countries?
This paper investigates the dynamic evolution of the conditional correlation between the stock markets of China, Japan and South Korea by using the DCC-MGARCH model and investigates the key determinants of regional stock market integration by using a linear equation framework. The sample period is from January 1995 until December 2012. We first derive the dynamic conditional correlation between th
The Impact of China’s Rise on Developing World: The Relationship between Trade Openness with China and Growth in Africa
This research tries to prescribe Chinese trade impact on Africa by analyzing the underlying link between trade openness and growth. We invoke trade openness theoretical and methodological tools to instrument our explanatory variable and control for causation, allowing us to measure the relationship between geographical component of trade and the level of income. We find no significant relationship
Causation and effectuation in the context of product development process in a large-sized established company
Effectuation represents entrepreneurial way of thinking and it is commonly applied to new ventures. Causation, as the inverse logic to effectuation, represents traditional way of thinking, and it is commonly used among large existing organizations. Recent research on effectuation shows that causation and effectuation are two relative logics, and effectuation can be extended to the existing organiz
Utveckling av androidapplikation för kollektivtrafik
This thesis involves creating an extending an application called “Var f-n är bussen?” (something like “Where the hell is that bus?”) for the company Trivector Systems in Lund. “Where the hell is that bus?” is an application for smartphones that will show departure time for buses from a chosen bus stop, linepath, bus stops and buses for a chosen bus line and the next bus stops and departure time fr
Sancho Panza i svensk språkdräkt – Om översättning av språkliga förvrängningar i Don Quijote
I den här masteruppsatsen jämförs två svenska översättningar av Miguel de Cervantes roman Don Quijote de la Mancha: Ingrid Bergquists översättning från 1954 och Jens Nordenhöks översättning från 2001. Uppsatsen behandlar översättningen av Sancho Panzas språkliga förvrängningar, vilka ger upphov till språk- och ordlekar. Syftet är att jämföra de två översättningarna med avseende på vilka strategier
Multi-level converter topologies for low voltage drives
Inverters synthesizing output voltages consisting of two levels, commonly known as two-level inverters, have dominated the global market for a long time. Today, further emphasis is being put on inverter efficiency and power quality. One way of improving these aspects is to use an inverter synthesizing a staircase voltage waveform consisting of three or more levels. Such inverters are known as mult
Psykosociala effekter av aktiviteter med kreativa inslag för personer med demenssjukdom. En litteraturstudie.
Familjecentrerad vård på neonatal intensivvårdsavdelning. En litteraturstudie.
Chinese-initiated Special Economic Zones in Africa: a case study of Ethiopia’s Eastern Industrial Zone
The current paper addresses the Chinese-initiated Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Africa through a case study of the Ethiopian Eastern Industrial Zone (EIZ). The paper investigates the development potential of this innovative cooperation strategy for Africa based on the theoretical foundation of an unbalanced growth-strategy, offering a new perspective of understanding the role of SEZs as a devel
"Reva står mig upp i halsen" : en studie om projektet Reva, en symbol för den institutionella diskrimineringen?
In 2009 the project Reva was initiated with the purpose of ameliorate legal certainty and to reduce the trial period, increasing the efficiency and procedures for enforcing the administration of asylum seekers in Sweden. The project was first launched as a pilot project in Malmö in 2011. The project is now operative in the Swedish society at large. The news and social media began reporting how the
The Sincerity of Oscar Wilde’s Socialism
Marknadsrisk i livförsäkringsprodukter med garanti. En optionsreplikations-studie av ”Nya världen”
Enligt Solvens 2-direktivet är Länsförsäkringar AB ålagda att varje kvartal kvantifiera ex-ante risken för bolagens skuld och samlade tillgångar. För tillgångssidan görs detta genom en simuleringsmodell, Economic Scenario Generator (ESG), och för kvantifiering av risken i bolagets skuldsida används andra simuleringstekniker. För fondförsäkringsprodukter med garantimoment är det svårt att hitta för
"Last month, it was a snowstorm" - A Study of the Use of 'It' as a Dummy Subject by Swedish L2 Learners of English
This study investigates whether Swedish students, at two different levels of study, are able to distinguish between ‘it’ and ‘there’ when using the two as dummy subjects. This particular feature was chosen since previous research (e.g. Estling- Vannestål, 2007; Köhlmyr, 2003; Davidsen-Nilsen & Harder, 2001 ) has shown that Swedish students tend to overuse ‘it’ in such constructions: something
The Particle wo in Japanese - From Exclamative Particle to Case Marker
This thesis investigates the different usages of the wo particle in the Japanese language, from the time of the earliest sources of the 8th century up until today, by presenting examples from different genres and time periods. It shows that the accusative function of the particle has remained in the language at least from the earliest sources while the exclamatory and interjectional usages started