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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3463 hits

European AI Act – Compliance and Enforcement

19 september 2024 09:00 till 15:30 | Konferens Fika-to-fika workshop* in Lund and online 19 September 2024. The AI Act has now been approved by the European Parliament and the Council, and is about to become binding law across all Member States of the EU. It is part of a very ambitious package of EU legislation that aims to “foster trustworthy AI in Europe and beyond, by ensuring that AI systems r - 2025-01-28

Res hållbart till jobbet

Lunds universitet arbetar för att främja ett hållbart resande till och från jobb och studier. Ambitionen är att öka andelen resor med cykel och kollektivtrafik samt minska pendlingsresorna med bil. Lunds universitet har verksamhet på ett flertal orter. Utöver Lund finns verksamhet även i Helsingborg, Malmö och Ljungbyhed, ofta i centrumnära lägen. Det gör att många som arbetar vid Lunds universite - 2025-01-28

Protokoll namnden for gs 200928

LUNDS UNIVERSITET SAMHÄLLS­ VETENSKAPLIGA FAKULTETEN PROTOKOLL 2020-09-28 1 Diarienummer Graduate School Nämnden för Graduate School, 2020-09-28 Närvarande Ledamöter Mikael Sundström Anne Jerneck Marta Kolankiewicz Rola EI-Husseini Annika Bergman Rosamond Shai Mulinari Anne Jerneck Rebecca Selberg Henrik Gutzon Larsen Anna Sonander Jan-Olof Nilsson Övriga Lucie Larssonova Frank Schreier Yagmur Yil - 2025-01-28


The hiker reaches out from the city, town, or village, intending to be alone. Away from sounds, away from paved roads and houses, away from streetlights and phones, away from people. But what is ‘nature’, and who has the right to it? The untouched landscape shaped by nothing but the earth itself is today hard to find. Human activity is close to everywhere. Even in Sarek National Park, an area of d

PSP 220202 nr1 protokoll

PROTO KOLL I :2022 Dnr STYR 2022/35 I LUNDS UNIVERSITET lnstitu ti onen for psy kolo g i Lednings g ruppen f or psy kologprogrammet Sammantradesdatum 2022-02-02 Nlirvarande ledamoter Jonas Bjarehed Kristian Almquist Ines Bramao Daiva Daukantaite Robert Holmberg Tomas Jungert Tomas Kempe Erik Lundin Elia Psouni Erik Palsson Elinor Schad Catharina Strid Susanna Vestberg Njordur Viborg Margit Wangby - 2025-01-28

The Power to be Creative: Unveiling the Influence of Power on Creativity Within Open Innovation Environments

Title: The Power to be Creative - Unveiling the Influence of Power on Creativity Within Open Innovation Environments Authors: Savana Alves Pires and Arianna Isabelle Ragonese Purpose: This thesis aimed to explore the impact of power on creativity within an open innovation environment. Methodology: We employed a qualitative study utilizing the interpretivist tradition while using an abductive a


Vid Lunds universitet finns både allmän studievägledning för hela universitetet och specialiserade ämnesinriktade studievägledare vid de olika institutionerna. Vilken typ av vägledning behöver du? Ämnesinriktad studievägledningOm du redan vet vilket ämne eller vilken utbildning du är intresserad av så ska du vända dig till våra ämnesinriktade studievägledare. De kan besvara mer specifika frågor, o - 2025-01-28

LU-gemensamt Mejlutskick Nr 7-v 8-2021

NYTT FRÅN LUNDS UNIVERSITET Mejlutskick på svenska och engelska som vänder sig till fakultetskommunikatörer vid Lunds universitet för vidarespridning i fakultets- och institutionskanaler – Nr 7 v 8 - 2021. CORONARELATERAT Test och isolering rekommenderas vid inresa till Sverige från utlandet Folkhälsomyndigheten rekommenderar att alla som reser in i Sverige testar sig för covid-19 och testar sig y - 2025-01-28

HSD Webinar DEC 2022

HSD Webinar DEC 2022 THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMAN RIGHTS ENHANCING ECONOMY 3 W E B I N A R S I N O C T O B E R , N O V E M B E R , D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2 Bringing together scholars, economists, politicians & civil society in conversation HERNÁN SANTA CRUZ DIALOGUE SERIES 2022 T H I S I S T H E F I N A L I N S T A L L M E N T O F T H E 2 0 2 2 H E R N A N S A N T A C R U Z D I A L O G U E S E R I E S E - 2025-01-28

Previous alumni events

Asian Studies - a career for the future! Alumni events are held annually under the title "Asian Studies: A Career for the Future." These events aim to provide insights into career paths and opportunities related to Asian studies through guest speakers, who are alumni that have pursued various career paths in the field. This provides a valuable networking opportunity for current students who are in - 2025-01-27

January 28th 2021

From the Management An idea brought up during the staff days is the need of a CEC Research Seminar series. This is now being planned and will be launched during spring! More information, including how you can participate in what will be the CEC meeting place to present, discover and discuss research in environmental sciences, is coming your way soon. The CEC Plan of Operations 2021 has been transl - 2025-01-27

11 March 2021

From the management Congratulations to Julia Kelly who successfully defended her thesis yesterday and is now a Doctor in Environmental Science. About Julia Kelly on CEC Staff Pages Be on time when applying for funding Are you planning to apply for funding this spring? Please note that all applications must be approved by the CEC director beforehand. This applies to all applications where a researc - 2025-01-27

23 September 2021

From the management The management group had a kickoff last Thursday (the first IRL meeting in almost a year!) where we discussed working forms and started the process with the Plan of Operations for 2022. To make space for more desks at CEC, some people have changed offices. Karin Hofvendahl will now be found in D351, next to Per Persson in D350. Karins former room will host Veronica Hederström a - 2025-01-27

13 January 2022

From the Management Welcome back to a new year and a new semester! We hope you had time to renew your energy and are looking forward to new challenges, research findings and interesting meetings. We would like to inform you on the compositions on some boards and committees: The CEC Board has been appointed a new member in research coordinator Juliana Dänhardt, substituting Anna Ekberg who commence - 2025-01-27

Service and support for outbound students

The role of the officer vs that of the nominated studentExchange students need to take great responsibility when applying for exchange studies through Lund University. The international coordinator supports and facilitates the process. The boundary between the student's own responsibility and that of the international coordinator sometimes needs to be clarified. The role of the international coord - 2025-01-27

Sop nikon a1 confocal v1.2

PowerPoint Presentation LBIC Nikon confocal A1+ Standard operating procedure Version 1.2 June 2019 (1) Motorized stage power Brightfield lamp power A1 controller Laser on/off key Laser buttons (2) Turning on/off the system 1. Turn on computer 2. Power on A1 controller and laser power supply. 3. Turn the key and select the needed lasers by pressing the buttons. 4. Turn on stage power supply and DIA - 2025-01-28

Sop nikon a1rhd confocal v1.2

PowerPoint Presentation LBIC Nikon confocal A1RHD Standard operating procedure Version 1.2 August 2019 (1) (2) Turning on/off the system 1. Turn on computer 2. Power on A1 controller 3. Power on lasers by turning the key. 4. Turn on piezo stage controller 5. Turn on stage power supply (bottom box) and DIA lamp if bright field is needed 6. Power on microscope, wait until startup sequence is finishe - 2025-01-28

Work Report 2021 updated

The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies work report 2021 The Centre for East and South- East Asian Studies Work Report 2021 CENTRE FOR EAST AND SOUTH-EAST ASIAN STUDIES 2 CENTRE FOR EAST AND SOUTH-EAST ASIAN STUDIES WORK REPORT 2021 Work report 2021 for the Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies OVERVIEW The pandemic has continued to affecte the Centre in different ways, most obvious - 2025-01-28