Publikationer från CTR
Artiklar (sida 11 av 31)
- Pedersen Schmidt, S. (2019). Lytter vi efter? : Praktiske erfaringer og teologiske overvejelser over Grøn Kirke. Dansk tidsskrift for teologi og kirke, 46, 153-159. Menighedsfakultet Aarhus.
- Persson, E., Abbott, J., Balkenius, C., Cabak Rédei, A., Capova, K. A., Dravins, D., Dunér, D., Gunneflo, M., Hedlund, M., Johansson, M., Melin, A. & Persson, P. (2019). How Will the Emerging Plurality of Lives Change? : How We Conceive of and Relate to Life?. Challenges. MDPI AG.
- Petersen, J. (2019). Media and the Female Imam. Religions, 10. MDPI AG.
- Petersen, J. (2019). Pop-up Mosques, Social Media Adhan, and the Making of Female and LGBTQ-Inclusive Imams. Journal of Muslims in Europe, 8, 178-196. Brill.
- Petersen, J. (2019). Receptionen af Islam i Dødevaskeren. Chaos. Skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionhistoriske studier, 65-91. Forlaget Chaos.
- Pålsson, K. (2019). Angelic humans, glorious flesh : Jerome's reception of Origen's teachings on the resurrection body. Zeitschrift fur Antikes Christentum, 23, 53-81. De Gruyter.
- Scheuer, B. (2019). Whom Do We Trust? Biblical Interpretation as a (Fe)Male Business : A Response to Judith McKinlay. Bible and Critical Theory, 15, 29-33.
- Svenungsson, J. (2019). Christianity and Crisis : Uses and Abuses of Religion in Modern Europe. Eco-Ethica, 8, 101-118.
- Svenungsson, J. (2019). Hope in Dark Times : Theological Accounts of Hope as Critical Resources for Coping with Political Defeatism. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 95, 193-206. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Wikander, O. (2019). Opuscula Ugaritico-Accadico-Hebraica : Relative particles, paʿam, and Amraphel. Journal of the Hebrew Scriptures, 19.
- Wikander, O. (2019). Stop Being Fricative! : The Hebrew Šĕwāʾ Medium, Syllabic Consonants, Tidʿāl and the Aesthetics of Linguistic and Exegetical Models. Svensk exegetisk årsbok, 84, 125-166. Svenska exegetiska sällskapet.
- Wirén, J. (2019). A somewhat ambivalent relation to religion. Dialog, 58, 240-242. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Wirén, J. (2019). Ett ovälkommet hopp? : Om gästfrihet och teologisk integritet i kristen eskatologi. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 95, 179-191. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Zetterholm, K. (2019). Jewish Teachings for Gentiles in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies : A Reception of Ideas in Paul and Acts Shaped by a Jewish Milieu?. Journal of the Jesus Movement in its Jewish Setting : from the first to the seventh century (JJMJS), 68-87. Eisenbrauns.
- (2018). Ledare. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 94, 119-121. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Borgehammar, S. (2018). Findor : Kanik i Lund, prost i Dalby, munk i Helmarshausen. Personhistorisk tidskrift, 114, 141-158. Stockholm: Personhistoriska samfundet..
- Byrskog, S. (2018). Memory and Narrative – and Time : Towards a Hermeneutics of Memory. Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus, 16, 108-135. Brill.
- Byrskog, S. (2018). The Paradox of the Passion of Jesus : A Response to Joel Kuhlin. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 94, 145-150. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Cejvan, O. (2018). Initiatory Materials : An Ethnography of Contemporary Alchemy in Sweden. Correspondences, 6, 25-45.
- Claeson, E. (2018). ”Allt efter vars och ens fattningsgåvor!” : Predikningar till präster, ordenssystrar och lekfolk från Vadstena klosters bibliotek. Årsbok för Svenskt Gudstjänstliv, 93, 47-84. Artos & Norma.
- Dziaczkowska, L. (2018). Analysis of Selected Approaches to the Integral Pedagogy in Polish Pedagogical Thought. Paedagogia Christiana, 2, 33-51.
- Fridlund, P. (2018). Evil or the Lack of Meaning. – Rivista di filosofia, Journal of Philosophy, IV, 34-48. Mimesis Edizioni.
- Gammelin, L. (2018). Health-seeking nomads and faith-healing in a medically pluralistic context in Mbeya, Tanzania. Mission Studies, 35, 245-264. Brill.
- Gansten, M. (2018). Origins of the Tājika System of Astrological Aspects and Dignities. History of Science in South Asia, 6, 162-199.
- Gehlin, S. (2018). Unity, Action, and Spirituality. Prospects and Challenges at the Intersection between Contemporary Receptive Ecumenism and Nathan Söderblom's Ecumenical Vision. One in Christ, 52, 78-92.