Publikationer från CTR
Artiklar (sida 9 av 31)
- Goldman, A. J. (2020). On Fear and Trembling’s Motif of the Promise : Faith, Ethics and the Politics of Tragedy. Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook, 25, 57-84. De Gruyter.
- Gorniok, L., Roos, L., Illman, R., Zetterholm, K. & Lundgren, S. (2020). Editorial. Nordisk Judaistik - Scandinavian Jewish Studies, 31, 4-6. Sällskapet för judaistisk forskning.
- Gorniok, L., Roos, L., Zetterholm, K. H., Illman, R. & Lundgren, S. (2020). Editorial. Nordisk Judaistik, 31. Sällskapet för judaistisk forskning.
- Holmsgaard Eriksen, U. (2020). “The Great Initiate of God’s Grace” : A Kontakion on Saint Nicholas by Pseudo-Romanos [translated with Thomas Arentzen] with an introduction by Uffe H. Eriksen. Patristica Nordica Annuaria, 35. Collegium Patristicum Lundense.
- Illman, R. & Lundgren, S. (2020). Editorial. Nordisk Judaistik, 31, 2-2. Sällskapet för judaistisk forskning.
- Jarlert, A. (2020). Erling Eidem i närbild : Några personliga hågkomster nertecknade av Hilding Pleijel. Utgivna med kommentarer. Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift, 120, 138-149. Svenska kyrkohistoriska föreningen.
- Jarlert, A. (2020). Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift 2020. Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift, 120, 9-10. Svenska kyrkohistoriska föreningen.
- Jarlert, A. (2020). The Religious Scene After the End of the Swedish State Church Since 2000. Religion - Staat - Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift für Glaubensformen und Weltanschauungen/Journal for the Study of Beliefs and Worldviews, 20, 135-142. LIT Verlag.
- Kuhlin, J. (2020). Neither God nor Ghost : Rhetorical Spectrality in the Gospel according to Mark. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 96, 353-373. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Kuhlin, J. & Björk, M. (2020). Ledare. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 96, 293-296. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Kuhlin, J. & Smith, A. P. (2020). The World is a Prison to Believers : Naming and Worlds in Malcolm X. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 96, 29-45. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Linjamaa, P. (2020). “Mocked by the Archon of Lust” : Panarion 1.26 and Epiphanius’ Hyperboles on Sex and Ascetics Read in Light of Fourth Century Ecclesiastical Debates. Vigiliae Christianae, 74, 316-334. Brill.
- Lundgren, S. (2020). The Failure of the Assyrian lobbies at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. Chronos - Revue d'histoire de l'Université de Balamand, 41, 63-73.
- Morgan, J. (2020). Finding Belonging, Finding Agency : Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Converting to Christianity in the Church of Sweden. Review of Faith and International Affairs, 18, 40-52. Taylor & Francis.
- Nyman, L. (2020). New Perspectives on the Old Covenant: 2 Corinthians 3 and Paul within Judaism. Neotestamentica, 54, 351-371. New Testament Society of Southern Africa.
- Otterbeck, J. & Skjelbo, J. F. (2020). “Music Version” versus “Vocals-Only” : Islamic Pop Music, Aesthetics, and Ethics. Popular Music and Society, 43, 1-19. Routledge.
- Petersen, J. (2020). I volti diversi del femminismo islamico in Europa. Oasis.
- Petersen, J. (2020). The Islamic Juridical Vacuum and Islamic Authorities' Role in Divorce Cases. NAVEIÑ REET: Nordic Journal of Law and Social Research, 67-84. University of Copenhagen.
- Poljarevic, E. & Ackfeldt, A. (2020). Towards an Understanding of the Political Theology of Malcolm X. Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift, 96, 1-11. Gleerups Utbildning AB.
- Svenungsson, J. (2020). The Art of Listening to the Past : Reflections on Theological History Writing. Patristica Nordica Annuaria, 29-43. Collegium Patristicum Lundense.
- Svenungsson, J. (2020). The Return of Religion or the End of Religion? : On the Need to Rethink Religion as a Category of Social and Political Life. Philosophy and Social Criticism, 46, 785-809. SAGE Publications.
- Vähäkangas, M. & Engberg, A. (2020). Obituary: Aasulv Lande (1937-2019). Mission Studies, 36, 361-362. Brill.
- Westergren, A. (2020). The ascetic twist : Comparing reformation theology and the Byzantine heritage. Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, 74, 94-129. Taylor & Francis.
- Wikander, O. (2020). “Go Out from Your Sign” : Rashi to Genesis 15:5 as a Reference to Astrological Primary Direction –Its Background in Rabbinic Literature and Parallels in Abraham bar Ḥiyya. Old Testament Essays, 556-581. Old Testament Society of South Africa.
- Wikander, O. (2020). Hiram, YHWH and Baal : Freemasonry and the Ancient Northwest Semitic Literary Tradition. Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, 133, 81-112.