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Birth after Caesarean Section
Popular Abstract in Swedish Förlossning efter kejsarsnitt Kejsarsnitt utgör för närvarande cirka 17% av alla förlossningar i Sverige. En konsekvens av detta är att allt fler kvinnor kommer till specialistmödravården för rådgivning om vilket förlossningssätt som är säkrast vid förlossningen efter ett kejsarsnitt. Två möjligheter finns: planerad vaginal förlossning eller planerat kejsarsnitt. När maBirth after caesarean section (CS) is an issue of growing importance. As a consequence of increasing CS rates, more women having experienced a prior CS will need counselling about preferred second delivery mode. There are two choices: elective repeat caesarean section (ERCS) or trial of labour (TOL). It is well known, that a TOL ending in an emergency CS carries the largest risks for mother and ch
Högre värdeutbyte genom våt- och torrlimning av sågade sidobrädor till egenskapsoptimerade träprodukter för byggmarknaden
The purpose of this project was to investigate the possibilities to manufacture wet-glued laminated beams for load bearing applications from Norway spruce side board lamellae and by that achieve products that are difficult to obtain from the centre yield of a log and also contribute to increased profitability in the sawmill industry. Properties such as shape stability, strength and stiffness of we
The City of Malmo as a Case Study
Impacts of Regional Climate Change on Swedish Forests: An Evaluation Using Process-based Regional Ecosystem Modelling Approach
The overall aim of this thesis was to provide a representative estimate of the potential impacts of climate change and increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations on Swedish forest ecosystems and the key ecosystem services they provide. In order to achieve this task, fi rst LPJ-GUESS, a process-based regional ecosystem modelling framework, was applied to explore how possible shifts in climatic zones
Deficiency for endoglin in tumor vasculature weakens the endothelial barrier to metastatic dissemination
Therapy-induced resistance remains a significant hurdle to achieve long-lasting responses and cures in cancer patients. We investigated the long-term consequences of genetically impaired angiogenesis by engineering multiple tumor models deprived of endoglin, a co-receptor for TGF-beta in endothelial cells actively engaged in angiogenesis. Tumors from endoglin-deficient mice adapted to the weakened
Collaborative Research: Examples from a Baltic Sea Project
No title
A critical source publication of an unknown letter from the late eighteenth century, of great importance for the later interpretation of the German Moravian spiritual tradition in Sweden.
Priority setting in Swedish health care: Are the politicians ready?
Background: Resource allocation in public health care principally involves politicians, administrators, and physicians. They all have their different roles, agendas and ambitions when it comes to how public health care resources should be spent. Previous studies on attitudes among health-care stakeholders have mainly focused on views and preferences among clinical decision-makers, while less atten
Vilken roll spelade polsk antisemitism i Förintelsen?
Recension av Kazimiera Ingdahl: Icke helt och hållet skall jag dö. Den ”judiska frågan” i Polen.
Från romartida skalpeller till senvikingatida urnesspännen : nya materialstudier från Uppåkra
Unoccupied electronic structure of graphite probed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
We report the observation of anomalous bands in graphite valence band structure in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments. The photon energy dependence of these bands shows a constant kinetic energy nature. Our results are supported by the very low energy electron diffraction data reported on graphite surfaces which essentially map the unoccupied states representing the phot
Clinical effect of increasing doses of lenalidomide in high-risk myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia with chromosome 5 abnormalities
Background Patients with chromosome 5 abnormalities and high-risk myelodysplastic syndromes or acute myeloid leukemia have a poor outcome. We hypothesized that increasing doses of lenalidomide may benefit this group of patients by inhibiting the tumor clone, as assessed by fluorescence in situ hybridization for del(5q31). Design and Methods Twenty-eight patients at diagnosis or with relapsed disea
Elemental mercury emissions from chlor-alkali plants measured by lidar techniques
Differential absorption lidar (DIAL) techniques have been utilized to measure elemental gaseous mercury fluxes from mercury cell chlor-alkali (MCCA) plants as a part of the European Union funded European mercury emissions from chlor-alkali plants (EMECAP) project. Three plants have been selected as study objects and a total of six measurement campaigns have been performed, one intercalibration cam
Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis as a common cause of tick-associated fever in Southeast Sweden: Report from a prospective clinical study
Between May and December 1998, tick-associated febrile illness was prospectively studied in Southeast Sweden in order to assess the occurrence of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE). Inclusion criteria were fever (greater than or equal to 38.0degreesC), with or without headache, myalgia or arthralgia in patients with an observed tick bite or tick exposure within 1 month prior to onset of symptom
Snabb behandling vid septisk chock räddar liv - Även om »early goal-directed therapy«-protokoll inte ger effekt i nya studier. : Fast treatment of septic shock saves lives. Although "early goal-directed therapy"-protocol does not show any effect in new studies
Three recent randomised trials have shown a lack of effect of EGDT for the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock. Notably, control group care was excellent in all trials, including early recognition, early and aggressive fluid resuscitation and prompt administration of antibiotics, and was reflected in a lower than expected mortality.The discussion emphasizes the need for continued vigilanceThree recent randomised trials have shown a lack of effect of EGDT for the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock. Notably, control group care was excellent in all trials, including early recognition, early and aggressive fluid resuscitation and prompt administration of antibiotics, and was reflected in a lower than expected mortality.The discussion emphasizes the need for continued vigilance
The Political Economy of Techno-Fetishism: Agency, Amazonian Ontologies, and Global Magic
Sture Packalén, Tyska minnesgemenskaper; nazism, krig, förföljelse och folkmord i tyskspråkig litteratur efter 1945 (Stockholm: Carlsson 2010). 327 s.
Decreased Neutrophil Apoptosis in Quiescent ANCA-Associated Systemic Vasculitis.
BACKGROUND: ANCA-Associated Systemic Vasculitis (AASV) is characterized by leukocytoclasis, accumulation of unscavenged apoptotic and necrotic neutrophils in perivascular tissues. Dysregulation of neutrophil cell death may contribute directly to the pathogenesis of AASV. METHODS: Neutrophils from Healthy Blood Donors (HBD), patients with AASV most in complete remission, Polycythemia Vera (PV), Sy
Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancer uppstår via genetiska förändringar som leder till ohämmad reglering av celltillväxt. Tumörer i mjukdelar utgör en grupp av solida tumörer, med över 100 histologiska typer. Mjukdelstumörer uppstår från mesenkymal vävnad, som inkluderar fett, bindväv, muskulatur, och det perifera nervsystemet. Mjukdelstumörer är en extremt heterogen grupp, både vad gäller morfologiThe focus of this thesis was to study cytogenetic and molecular genetic aberrations in lipomas. For this purpose, chromosome banding analysis, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), as well as high resolution single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)–arrays were used to identify recurrent chromosomal aberrations in lipomas. The possible molecular targets for these aberrations were further studied t