

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Spatiotemporal Group Dynamics in a Long-Distance Migratory Bird

Thousands of species migrate [1]. Though we have some understanding of where and when they travel, we still have very little insight into who migrates with whom and for how long. Group formation is pivotal in allowing individuals to interact, transfer information, and adapt to changing conditions [2]. Yet it is remarkably difficult to infer group membership in migrating animals without being able

A pan-European, multipopulation assessment of migratory connectivity in a near-threatened migrant bird

Aim: The extent to which individuals from different breeding populations mix throughout the non-breeding season (i.e. 'migratory connectivity') has important consequences for population dynamics and conservation. Given recent declines of long-distance migrant birds, multipopulation tracking studies are crucial in order to assess the strength of migratory connectivity and to identify key sites en r

In vivo XRF as a means to evaluate the risk of kidney effects in lead and cadmium exposed smelter workers

The effect on kidney function was studied in 22 smelter workers with concomitant exposure to lead and cadmium. One active and five retired workers showed early signs of kidney dysfunction. They all had a long-term and high lead exposure, while their kidney cadmium concentrations measured in vivo by XRF techniques were low to moderate. Thus, the exposure to lead has been a greater risk, although an

Migration, wing morphometry and wing moult in Spanish and House Sparrows from the eastern Balkan Peninsula

On the Balkan Peninsula, migratory Spanish Sparrows breed sympatrically with resident House Sparrows. While the two species share many biological and ecological traits, migratory patterns and adaptions to migratory lifestyle of the Spanish Sparrow are unknown. We tracked a Spanish Sparrow across its 1800 km long migration from Bulgaria to the nonbreeding sites in the Nile Delta. Stopovers were sit

Polymer gel electrolyte

A polymer gel electrolyte comprising a metal salt, a polymer, optionally a plasticizer, characterized in that the polymer comprises a carbon-hydrogen base chain having at least two reactive groups incorporated wherein the reactive groups have different reactivities. The polymer gel electrolyte neutralises a passivating layer in the form of waste products produced in the electrolyte phase by the me

Coating system providing low friction

The present invention relates to a coating system, in particular to a coating system for articles where plastic materials slide against flexible rubber materials. The coating system is a silicone oil based coating having a viscosity of at least 200,000 centistokes, i.e. a high viscosity coating. The coating comprises in a preferred embodiment a silicone oil based block or graft copolymer, or segme

Leisure-time physical activities and the risk of cardiovascular mortality in the Malmö diet and Cancer study

BACKGROUND: The association between leisure-time physical activity and cardiovascular mortality has been previously studied, but few studies have focused on specific activities and intensities.METHODS: The association between different leisure-time physical activities and cardiovascular mortality was investigated among 25,876 individuals without diabetes or cardiovascular disease from the populati

Negotiating the musical work : An empirical study

In this paper we explore the inter-relations between performer and composer through twoempirical studies and the result of this work is intended to lay the ground fora new work for guitar and computer by Henrik Frisk for Stefan Östersjö. Bybetter understanding the composer-performer interaction we also hope to betterunderstand the necessary conditions for a successful performer-computerinteraction

Ecosystem services in cities : towards the international legal protection of ecosystem services in urban environments

Biodiversity provides many ecosystem services in cities that are beneficial to human well-being including adaptation to the effects of climate change and positive effects of nature on human health. Rapid urbanization however is causing an adverse impact on biodiversity and the ecosystem services they provide. Protecting and restoring urban biodiversity and ecosystem services can increase human wel

Honeycomb Boron on Al(111) : From the Concept of Borophene to the Two-Dimensional Boride

A great variety of two-dimensional (2D) boron allotropes (borophenes) were extensively studied in the past decade in the quest for graphene-like materials with potential for advanced technological applications. Among them, the 2D honeycomb boron is of specific interest as a structural analogue of graphene. Recently it has been synthesized on the Al(111) substrate; however it remains unknown to wha

Grey Cast iron brake discs laser cladded with nickel-tungsten carbide-friction, wear and airborne wear particle emission

Airborne wear particle emission has been investigated in a pin-on-disc tribometer equipped with particle analysis equipment. The pins are cut out fromcommercial powder metallurgy automotive brake pads as with and without copper content. The discs are cut out from a commercial grey cast iron automotive brake disc as cut out and as in addition to a laser cladded with a powder mix of Ni-self fluxing

Remembering, Knowing and the Tulving-Wiseman Law

The Tulving-Wiseman law is an empirical law that describes the relation between successive tests of recognition and recall of the same set of individual subject-items. It relates the probability of recognising the recallable items to the probability of recognising all the items, regardless of whether they are recalled. The relation represents a moderate degree of dependency between the tests. Two

Designing Regulatory Frameworks for Access to Genetic Resources: A Multi-Stakeholder Multi-Criteria Approach

In this paper we conduct a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) from a multiple stakeholder point of view for the design of access and benefit sharing (ABS) agreements concerning genetic resources, in particular regarding the access component of such agreements. We start by analyzing the objectives defined by international law (viz. the Convention on Biodiversity and the Nagoya Protocol) that every party

Novel diagnostics and treatment of acute lung injury and transplantation - Preclinical and clinical implementation

Acute lung injury (ALI) and its most severe form, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) limit the utilization of donor lungs for transplantation but is also a common cause of death in the intensive care unit. There is a general lack of diagnostic tools by which to assess lung function in ARDS but, in addition, the treatments offered are limited. In the present thesis, the aim was to explored

Development of a noise related track maintenance tool

The purpose of this work-package within the Quiet-track, FP7, is to develop a noise related track maintenance tool, in the form of an on-board measurement system. As a first step, lab scale tests using a pin-on-disc tribometer were used in order to distinguish how noise changes when the wear mechanism in a sliding contact shifts from normal wear to severe and catastrophic wear. Once the potential