

Din sökning på "*" gav 526986 sökträffar

Det anrika universitetet och stövelfabriken

The Prestigious University and the Boot Factory The purpose of this paper was to examine whether students in the School of Social Work experience differences between the students in Lund and Helsingborg. Since we ourselves have experienced that the teachers have told us several times that our study results are worse than students in Lund, we wanted to see if other students, than ourselves and tho

Att konstruera internsvinn på sjukhus – En kvalitativ studie om varför personal tillgriper sådant som tillhör arbetsplatsen

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att beskriva och analysera tillgreppsbrott på en arbetsplats utifrån personalens synvinkel. Vad är det som gör att personal tillgriper sådant som tillhör arbetsplatsen? Denna studie kom alltmer med informanternas resonerande att luta åt ett ifrågasättande av den fria viljan och hur stor vikt ”god” bakgrund egentligen innehar gällande arbetsrelaterade tillgre

Feasibility Study of Reverse Mortgages for Pension —— A Case of Hangzhou, China

Since the aging problem became increasingly serious all around the world, the solution of aged care turns to an important issue which received wide concerning. As China own the one fifth population of the world, a well formed aged care system is urgently needed. The aim of this paper is to explore a possible form to relieve the more and more severe aged care pressure by taking Hangzhou as an empir

The concept of normal commercial operations and its compatibility with value shifting practices

The work has several aims, which are linked to each other. The first aim is to define the term and the concept behind “normal commercial operations” which was introduced alongside with the concept of abuse of rights in the field of VAT and show its role. The second aim is to draw a line on value shifting, define its essential features and prerequisites. The third and the principal aim is to invest

Profitability of Momentum Strategies Around the World

In this paper we investigate the international profitability of momentum strategies for a number of countries during the time period between 1995 and 2010. Positive abnormal returns were generated over 3 to 12 months by strategies buying the best past performance stocks and selling the worst past performance stocks. Although adjustments for risk-, size- and value factors didn’t result in any signi

The Gendered Resistance and Adaptation to the Neoliberal Globalization: based on a qualitative case study in Mosuo matrilineal communities

Women gain less advantage than men in the history of neoliberalism. In this thesis, the author reviews the influence of neoliberal globalization on local women in the comparison of Swedish and Chinese context and discovers their different ways of doing gender. In order to examine the impact of neoliberal capitalism and globalization upon Chinese indigenous women, the author reviews a Mosuo documen

Vad är skolk? Betydelsetillskrivningar bland gymnasieelever på naturvetarlinjen

I det här arbetet belyses en problematik i begreppet skolk som tar avstamp i nio berättelser från gymnasieelever på ett naturvetenskapligt program. Problematiken mynnar ut i en diskussion som ifrågasätter tillämpning av olovlig frånvaro som universal definition till skolk. Syftet är att samla in gymnasieelevers idéer och föreställningar om skolk för att belysa vad skolk är och vilka betydelser el

Risk Management in Corporate Loan Portfolio - Default Correlation

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to estimate different industries’ default rate correlation over time. The intention is to observe if banks have any diversification opportunities in their corporate loan portfolio and to what extent this may disappear in stressful economic situations. Methodology: In this paper, the dynamic conditional correlation model is applied to analyze the default corr

En studie av organisatoriska förändringar ur ett medarbetarperspektiv

Sammanfattning Vår omgivning genomgår ständig förändring för att utvecklas och förnyas. Verksamheter i samhället arbetar mot nya strukturer för att öka såväl effektivitet som produktivitet. I följande uppsats är syftet att undersöka hur en verksamhets medarbetare upplever att de påverkas av organisatoriska förändringar. Studien baseras på ett sjukhus som genomgått två olika förändringsprocesser, f

Frivårdsinspektörens yrkesroll och handlingsutrymme - en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fyra frivårdsinspektörer

The aim of this study was to examine the probation inspector, how the percieve their professional role and discretion, and how they experience their work with emphasis on the dual roles of control and support. This is a qualitative study where I interviewed four probation inspectors from a probation office in southern Sweden. The concepts which I applied in the analyze were social psychology, sym

Musikhjälpen, välgörande folkbildning : en produktion med två ändamål

Denna uppsats diskuterar meningsskapande och värderingar utifrån Musikhjälpen. Musikhjälpen är ett projekt som sker i samarbete mellan Sveriges Radio, Radiohjälpen och Sveriges Television. Det är alltså främst ett radioprogram som sänds i sex dygn i sträck för att dels informera, dels samla in pengar till ett specifikt ändamål. Den första Musikhjälpen hölls i Malmö år 2008, därefter i Göteborg år

Finansiering av kommunala utgifter

I Sverige ligger ansvaret för stora delar av den offentliga verksamheten på kommunal nivå. Internationellt sett har svenska kommuner en hög grad av självbestämmande och stort ansvar för viktiga områden samtidigt som en stor del av beskattningen sker på central nivå. Tillsammans med målet om lika utbud av offentliga tjänster i hela landet innebär det att inkomstutjämningen mellan kommunerna fått en

"Det fanns ju bara indicier" - En studie om grundskolelärares reflektioner kring anmälningsplikt

Authors: Malin Körner and Martin Halling Title: “Det fanns ju bara indicier” - En studie om grundskolelärares reflektioner kring anmälningsplikt Supervisor: Tove Harnett Among others, elementary school teachers in Sweden are obligated by law to report to the social services if they suspect that a child is maltreated in one way or another. Nevertheless, research indicates that only few of the sus

Syndikeringsprocessen vid garantier och lån

Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda skillnader och likheter mellan syndikerade lån och syndikerade garantier. De garantier som behandlas är demandgarantier samt standby letters of credit. Dessa garantier är speciellt anpassade för de krav som ställs på den internationella transaktionsmarknaden. Standby letters of credit eller standby remburser har utvecklats för att motsvara demandgarantier och dThis thesis aims to investigate differences and similarities between syndicated loans and syndicated guarantees. For this purpose I have chosen to examine demand guarantees and standby letters of credit. These guarantees are especially adjusted and well suited for challenges on the international transaction market. Standby letters of credit have been developed to match demand guarantees and the sp

Affärsutveckling – från produkt till helhetslösning

Problem definition: In recent years, Kalmar has received an increased number of requests and indications from the market concerning automated solutions in the industry. In the paper industry this is mainly caused by the increased costs in the customer's key processes that possibly could be reduced by fully automated solutions. However, there is currently no clear view of the market potential a

Analysis of a coordinated multi-echelon inventory control system

Even though the coordinated inventory control is becoming more well-known, it is relative unused by companies, whose advantages of using it should be obvious. This master thesis illustrates the result of using coordinated inventory control compared to a currently used non-coordinated inventory control. There exist precise coordinated methods for control of a multi-echelon inventory system, but the

Performance Measurement in a Process Oriented Organization – a study of IKEA Supplying Process, and its core process Plan & Secure Supply

Purpose: The purpose is to map current measures in the main process Supplying and to select those that can be used to support the core process Plan & Secure Supply. Further, recommendations of new suitable measures for Plan & Secure Supply shall be given. Method: This is a qualitative study, mainly based on answers from semi-structured interviews with employees at IKEA. 51 interviews, with

Marking of products and tranportation units-information contents and marking technologies

During this master thesis work that was conducted as a case study together with SWEP International, we have investigated marking standards and marking technologies that support handling of varying customer demands and increased information density. We also studied SWEP’s internal information handling and traceability. We were asked to specifically look at the usefulness of RFID for SWEP, and came