

Din sökning på "*" gav 532950 sökträffar

Will Housing Prices Plague China’s Stock Market under Currency Appreciation?----A Study on the Interaction between Exchange Rates, Housing Prices and Stock Index in China

This paper is concentrated on analyzing the relationship between RMB exchange rate, real estate and stock markets in China. In particular, the study aims to investigate how these three markets are correlated and to what extend RMB appreciation will influence China`s housing and stock markets. Based on the empirical study, I find that the relations between RMB exchange rate, Chinese real estate and

Sequence stratigraphy, palynology and biostratigraphy across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary in the Röstånga-1 core, southern Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning En multiproxy-analys har utförts genom ordovicium-silurgränsen i borrkärnan Röstånga-1 från västcentrala Skåne. Målet med studien är att förbättra det biostratigrafiska och sedimentologiska ramverket, samt att tolka avsättningsmiljön under detta tidsintervall. Lagerföljden i Röstånga-1-kärnan tillhör det skånska litofaciesbältet och omfattar Sularpsskiffern, SkagA multiproxy study on sedimentary rocks spanning the Ordovician-Silurian boundary has been performed on material from the Röstånga-1 core, with the aims to improve the biostratigraphical and sedimentological framework and to interpret the depositional environment during this interval in Earth’s history. The sedimentary succession in the Röstånga-1 core is developed in the Scanian Lithofacies Belt

LIVET PÅ EN PINNE - a project about biodiversity

“Livet på en pinne” is a Swedish expression for having a carefree life, just like a bird. Unfortunately this is not the case in Sweden anymore. Birds aredecreasing in numbers day by day as a result of our actions and most severe is the situation within the intensified agricultural landscape. The goal with this project is therefor to increase the birds chance of survival by increasing the biodiver

Communication in crisis time: An analysis of the European Parliament’s online news coverage about the financial crisis

This dissertation is a combination of a quantitative and a qualitative content analysis around the discourse constructed on the website of the European Parliament, specifically concerning the recent economic crisis. I analyzed thirty articles published on the site by the Web Communications Unit in the Directorate General of the Communication of the European Parliament in Brussels. Based on a theor

Optimal Control Algorithms of Pulsed Accelerating Fields in Superconducting Spoke Cavities in ESS

The aim of this master thesis is to compare two different control algorithms with respect to reference tracking and simulation time for a superconductive cavity in ESS. The two control algorithms are PID and MPC. The most common type of controller is the PID due to its simplicity. However, an increased interest in finding a control algorithm which can handle the reference tracking better than the

Are tests for smooth structural change affected by data inaccuracies?

The size and power of tests for smooth structural change are evaluated in the presence of random measurement error in the explanatory variable or outliers in the dependent variable of a univariate regression model. It is shown that the considered tests are robust to measurement error of a magnitude that can be found in real economic data. By contrast,outliers are found to distort both the size and

How to manage and improve inventory control : A study at AB Ph Nederman & Co for products with different demand patterns

Backgrund: Nederman har ett långsiktigt mål att förbättra enheten i Helsingborg. Ett steg i detta är att se om det finns några förbättringar att genomföra i lagerstyrningen i form av lager- och servicenivåer. Detta då de anställda upplever dagens verktyg som ganska trubbiga för det nuvarande produktsortimenetet och att detta kanske kan förbättras genom ytterliggare en dimension på det befintliga sBackground: Nederman has a long term goal of improving their supply unit in Helsingborg. One step of this is to investigate if there are any improvements to be made in the inventory control in terms of stock levels and service level. This since the employees at Nederman believes that the existing methods are too blunt as a tool for the product range and that their methods can be improved by adding

Avtalslicensen – en rättsfigur i förändring

Avtalslicensbestämmelserna ger en nyttjare rätt att, på vissa i upphovsrättslagen angivna områden, träffa avtal om användning av upphovsrättsligt skyddade verk med en organisation som företräder ett flertal svenska upphovsmän på området. Genom avtalslicensen får användaren även rätt att nyttja verk av det slag och på de villkor som preciseras i avtalet av upphovsmän som inte är medlemmar av den avThe extended collective licenses grant a user the right to, under provisions that are stated in the Swedish Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic works, enter agreement about exploitation of works with an organization that represent a substantial number of Swedish authors in the field concerned. Thanks to the extended collective license, the user is granted the right to use works protected by

Spatially Resolved Photocurrent Mapping of Nanowire Array Solar Cells for Analysis of Factors Affecting Cell Efficiency

This thesis develops a laser-based technique for spatially resolving the photocurrent from nanowire array solar cells. The technique has been demonstrated to provide information on processing induced defects e.g. poor device contacts, and defects related to the sample e.g. missing nanowires, resolving features down to ~800nm. Moreover, the technique provides information that can be used to relate

The Triangle of Mistrust: A Utility's Struggle to Engage Effectively in the Informal Settlements of Nairobi

“Water is life”. During the past decade this phrase has been used repeatedly to emphasize the importance of a number of issues surrounding water services provision including, supply, distribution, governance and political will. This research seeks to investigate the Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company (NCWSC), a water utility in Kenya, which faces the monumental task of providing water and san

Effects of visual feedback on the temporal aspects of argumentative writing

The effects of visual feedback in writing have mainly been investigated in the context of L1 handwriting and findings generally point to the detrimental effects of visual suppression, in terms of lower quality of the text, shorter clauses and lack of coherence. An investigation of visual feedback effects in computer-based L2 text production has not been undertaken yet. More specifically, findings

Koncept för abonnemangsoptimering och riskanalys- En studie på E.ON Elnäts effektabonnemang i anslutningspunkter mot andra nätägare

E.ON Elnät Sverige(EES) decides on 150 contracts towards other net owners each year and the cost for these is a significant part of EES’s budget. If the electricity load in one point of connection exceeds the contract levels EES is subject to a severe fine. It is therefore desirable for the company to have a thorough analysis of what causes power volumes to exceed contract levels and to quantify t

Handhygien inom restaurangbranschen

The result from this study shows that it exists a lack of knowledge about the microorganisms our hands get in touch with every day in the restaurant business. The restaurant personal know that there are microorganisms but they do not know much about them. Their poor knowledge means that they do not know much about in what conditions the microorganisms thrive. The restaurant business itself seems t

Doing business in a post-growth economy : defining a research programme for post-growth and operationalizing a tool for steady-state-companies

The main interpretation of sustainable development for business is efficient technology, but this does not yield absolute environmental throughput reduction. Post-growth addresses the failure of the efficiency paradigm and enlarges the solution space, therefore opening a promising avenue for businesses. But it lacks a systematic approach for companies to follow. There is a huge theoretical and pra

Etiska krav i offentlig hållbar upphandling

The aim of this study was to evaluate a central service for the monitoring of supplier compliance with Code of Conduct for social and ethical performance that the Sub-Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKI) in Sweden provides for several Swedish municipalities. The evaluation has been carried out via combination of two approaches: a)A survey of participating municipalities’ thoughts an

Planning green infrastructure using habitat modelling : a case study of the common toad in Lomma Municipality

Om ett ekosystem ska fortsätta att förse samhället med viktiga tjänster måste det vara anpassningsbart. Som en del av ett ekosystem är arters förmåga att förflytta sig över landskapet vitalt för anpassningen. Grönstruktur underlättar förflyttningen av arter i ett landskap fragmenterat av bebyggelse och barriärer. Vid ett förändrat klimat är grönstruktur viktigt av två anledningar. Ökat antal extreFor an ecosystem to be able to continue to provide important services to society, it must be able to adapt to change. As part of an ecosystem, the ability of a species to migrate in the landscape is vital for the adaption to change. A green infrastructure allows the movement of species in a landscape fragmented by human influenced land use. The importance of a green infrastructure is twofold in a