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Veranda för en tenor (1998) (film review)
The relationships of hassles and uplifts to experience of health in working women
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In October 1992, severe dilatation of the right atrium was detected in a 35 week foetus. The septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve seemed to be displaced distally causing massive tricuspid regurgitation. The diagnosis of Ebstein's anomaly was made and confirmed after birth. Refractory right heart failure occurred at the age of 10 months and the little girl was operated. At surgery, the right atriu
Predictors of falls in the elderly by location
Background and aims: In the elderly, balance and walking impairments are assumed to play an important role in causing falls. We have assessed prospectively the predictive ability of health, function and balance variables regarding falls and their location. Methods: Falls which occurred during one year in a random sample of 307 women aged 75 years and over (mean 80.8 years, response rate 74.5%) liv
Jesus som provokation
Two new species of Allodia subgenus Brachycampta Winnertz from Norway and Sweden (Diptera : Mycetophilidae)
Allodia (Brachycampta) huggerti sp. n. from Sweden and Allodia (Brachycampta) rindeni sp. n. from Norway and Sweden are described based on a few adult males. Detailed illustrations of their terminalia are provided. The A. (B.) barbata species group is defined for species of which both dorsal and ventral branches of the male gonostylus are reduced to slender lobes, and the two new species both belo
En essä om estetisk efterrättelse
Popular Abstract in Swedish Meads centrala påstående var att medvetandet uppstår mellan människor. Det individuella subjektet framträder därmed som en effekt. Jag har lyft fram det faktum att Miget ? agenten snarare än subjektet ? föregår och ingår i den sociala interaktionen. I och med det föregår Miget subjekt/objekt distinktionen vilken blir relevant först när interaktionen är en realitet. Den This thesis is about aesthetic observance. By these terms I intend to give an account of a social phenomenon considered an angle of approach on the understanding of norms. I narrow down the problems with the perspective from social psychology. The central claim by George Herbert Mead was that mind arises from human interaction. The individual subject by this means appears as an effect. I whish to
Identification of Dynamics of a Distillation Column
Indophenol and o-quinone derivaties immobilized on zirconium phosphate for NADH electro-oxidation
The electrocatalytic properties for NADH oxidation of five organic dyes, two indophenol derivatives (2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol and indophenol) and three o-quinone derivatives (phenanthrenequinone, pyrroloquinoline-quinone, and 1,2-naphthoquinone) were compared when adsorbed on zirconium phosphate entrapped in carbon paste. The electrochemical behavior of the immobilized dyes was investigated wi
Psychosocial work conditions, unemployment, and leisure-time physical activity: a population-based study.
Sex etnologiska avhandlingar 1935-1965
Quantum refinement - a combination of quantum chemistry and protein crystallography.
The combination of quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) is one of the most promising approaches to study the structure, function, and properties of proteins. We here review our applications of QM/MM methods to alcohol dehydrogenase, blue copper proteins, iron–sulphur clusters, ferrochelatase, and myoglobin. We also describe our new quantum refinement method, which is a combination of
Short and long term outcome of severe acute pancreatitis.
OBJECTIVE: Between 1985 and 1994, 883 cases of acute pancreatitis were treated in Malmö, Sweden (population 233,000). The purpose of this study was to report the short- and long-term outcome of the 79 cases that were severe, according to the Atlanta classification. DESIGN: Retrospective and follow-up study a median time of 7 years since the attack. SETTING: University hospital, Sweden. SU
P.B. Beaumont (1987), The Decline of Trade Union Organisation
Conflicts regarding dams with several functions
We are facing a water crisis because the world’s water resources must supplya population of record size. Strategic use of water and utilisation of damsin some form will be an important part of the solution. The pressure for multiobjective utilisation of dams will increase. But if one and the same dam isto be employed for a number of purposes, conflicts of interest may arise. Whendams are to provid
Ord och vision-kristna mystiker bland heliga texter
No title
Popular Abstract in Swedish På Internet initieras en mängd tjänster på många områden. Det är tjänster som på flera sätt ingår i vardagslivet. I avhandlingen undersöks en av dessa tjänster och sätthur den används. Avhandlingen är en studie av e-handel av livsmedel i Sverige i perioden 1998-2003. Det är en period då e-handel bedrivs av de flesta stora aktörer på den svenska livsmedelsmarknaden men äFrom a social constructivist point of view this thesis investigates how e-commerce of grocery develops in the period 1998-2003. The empirical research is done in Sweden. Most Swedish grocery concerns that have had e-commerce and have been forced to shut down as a result of lack of demand. The starting point for this thesis is that technological development is an ongoing process where different act
Effect of pulsed electric field on extraction of pigment from red beetroot
Fabrication of phosphor micro-grids using proton beam lithography
A new nuclear microscopy technique called ion photon emission microscopy or IPEM was recently invented. IPEM allows analysis involving single ions, such as ion beam induced charge (IBIC) or single event upset (SEU) imaging using a slightly modified optical microscope. The spatial resolution of IPEM is currently limited to more than 10 mu m by the scattering and reflection of ion-induced photons, i