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Nordic Wood: Safety of Timber Structures : Summary reports
The Role of National Tax Policies in the European Union
Microbial glycoside hydrolases for biomass utilization in biofuels application
Renewable biomass is predicted to have the potential to meet at least a quarter of the world demand for transportation fuel, but to do so both terrestrial lignocellulosic as well as marine algal resources need to be efficiently utilized. In the processes where these biomasses are converted to different types of energy-carriers (for example fuel alcohols e.g. ethanol or butanol) microbial glycoside
Om den ryska kapitalismens "primitivism"
Abstract is not available
Introduction and development of the Swedish district heating systems - Critical factors and lessons learned
Entreprenörer inom entreprenörskapsforskningen
Utvecklingen vad gäller preciseringar för marknära ozon inför den fördjupade utvärderingen av miljömålet Frisk Luft
Utvecklingen vad gäller halterna av marknära ozon i norra Europa under de senaste drygt tjugo åren karakteriseras av att de högsta halterna har minskat medan de lägsta och medelhöga halterna har ökat. Stigande hemisfäriska bakgrundshalter förklarar troligen de stigande låga till måttliga ozonhalterna.Årsmaximum av glidande 8 timmars ozonmedelhalt minskar på ett statistiskt säkerställt sätt i södra
Image-based patient-specific dosimetry for radionuclide therapy
Publikstrategier vid Kulturen i Lund
Bilden, texten och kyrkorummet. En studie av scener kring Jesu födelse och Kristoffermotivet i Sydskandinaviens medeltida kalkmåleri
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen tar sin utgångspunkt i frågan om huruvida medeltidens kyrkomålningar kan berätta, och i så fall hur. Syftet är att utforska bildernas förhållande till texter, till betraktaren och det rum där bilderna och betraktaren befinner sig. Till grund för studiet ligger en inventering av medeltida kalkmålningar av Sankt Kristoffer och scener kring Jesu födelse ca 110The subject of the thesis is the narratives in medieval mural paintings in southern Scandinavia c 1100-1530. Its aim is to examine their relationship to texts, to the viewer and to the church space, where the viewer looks at the murals. Two different subjects have been chosen for study: S Christopher and the Nativity of Christ. From the corpus of preserved mural paintings with these subjects in so
SOLO taxonomin – en modell för kvalitativ planering och utvärdering av undervisning och examination
Passagerarfartyg som könskodande praktik
Vulnerable but not alone - Swedish farmers' situation after the 2005 storm Gudrun
Media Studies, Geographical Imaginations and Relational Space
A Case for Holistic, Multi-Criteria Benefit Analysis
Molecularly imprinted polymers targeted for penicillin G
Utilisation of a Pd-MOS sensor for on-line monitoring of dissolved hydrogen in anaerobic digestion
The use of a hydrogen-sensitive palladium-metal oxide semiconductor (Pd-MOS) sensor in combination with a membrane for liquid-to-gas transfer for the detection of dissolved hydrogen was investigated. The system was evaluated with known concentrations of dissolved hydrogen in water. The lowest concentration detected with this set-up was 160 nM. The method was applied to monitoring of a laboratory-s
Presenting archaeological reconstructions to the public – Meeting the needs of sensory experience
This note is a short discussion on how to present archaeological reconstructions to the public. The author, together with 6 other researchers and authors, comment on means of presenting the past. The author argues that the approach used should be more focussed on sensory and emotional aspects of life in the past.
Chemical abundances in cool metal rich disk dwarf stars
The present study of spectra of twelve metal-rich cool dwarf stars, carefully selected in order to cover a range of temperatures ( K), is a follow up on Feltzing & Gustafsson (1998) with the aim to understand the apparent over-ionization and anomalous elemental abundances found by them for the K dwarf stars in their sample. Our method of analysis employs synthetic spectra of the full spectrum