

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Livelihood diversification and land use change in the Sahel: an interdisciplinary analysis of gum arabic in Sudan

This thesis contributes to the ongoing debate about livelihood diversifi cation and the related question of agriculture’s central role in rural development in the Sahel. It focuses on on-farm diversifi cation during the dry season. The aim is to assess the practice and potential of gum arabic production for smallholders in central Sudan. The agricultural system of gum arabic production has provide

Retreating lichens in southernmost Sweden.

The current Status of 94 liehen species, of which 83 are extracted from the Swedish Red Data list, has been investigated in Skåne, the southernmost province of Sweden. The results, including over 1000 field records, indicate a retreat connected with environmental problems, especially air pollution. 41 species have disappeared, 16 species are considered endangered, 11 species are considered vulnera

MPSG: a generic context management framework in mobile spaces

Recent advances of body networks enable the acquisition of personal context from various kinds of body sensors. As a result, how to build a platform to properly manage personal context becomes a problem. In order to address this issue, we design and implement a mobile physical space gateway (MPSG) which is a generic context management framework in mobile spaces. This framework includes three layer

När ledarskapet krackelerar

Att utöva ledarskap är ofta svårt. Inte sällan krackelerar eller kull­kastas försök att leva upp till tjusiga ledarskapsideal. Boken skildrar ledarskapsförsök i praktiken och den bökiga verklig­heten snarare än ledarskapsfantasier i en perfekt värld. Även om chefer gärna vill se sig som ledare med ambitioner att åstadkomma allt möjligt strategiskt och visionärt så är medarbetare inte alltid lyhörd

Throughput of IEEE 802.11 FHSS networks in the presence of strongly interfering Bluetooth networks

The impact of interference from Bluetooth networks on the throughput of IEEE 802.11 FHSS networks is investigated. This is done by deriving an analytical approximation of the throughput of slow frequency-hopping systems. The derivation in itself provides valuable insights into the mechanisms of interference between systems employing the frequency-hopping technique. In deriving the approximation, i