Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar
Personnel Resistance in Public Professional Service Mergers: The Merging of Two National Audit Organizations
The human side of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) – with focus particularly on resistance - has puzzled scholars for decades. Still, there is little discussion as regards to how the concept should be defined or understood. Often expressions of resistance, rather than its actual content, are described. What do personnel actually oppose? In this dissertation, the content, process, and context of
Exposure assessment for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders
Popular Abstract in Swedish Exponeringsskattning för att hindra uppkomst av belastningsskador Skador på muskler som uppkommer av olämpliga arbetsrörelser och arbetsställningar (belastningsskador) utgör ett stort problem i alla industrialiserade länder. Definitionen av vad som innefattas i begreppet arbetsskada varierar mellan olika länder, varför det är svårt att göra jämförelser. Kostnader för arWork-related musculoskeletal disorders of shoulder/neck are a major and increasing problem. Beside the pain, they involve high cost for the employer and society. The total expenditure for the musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and upper limb have been estimated to 0.5-2.0% of the Gross National Product (GNP) in the Nordic countries. Due to the lack of precise knowledge of exposure/response rela
Assessment: environment and natural resources
Lunds universitets elektroniska bibliotek. Delprojekt: wide-area information server (WAIS)
I skuggan av Cathay. Västeuropéers möte med Asien 1400-1600
Boken handlar om fyra europeiska resenärer i österled mellan 1400 och 1600: Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo, Johann Schiltberger, Anthony Jenkinson och Bento de Goes. De reste i en tid då världen blev större och européernas syn på främlingar förändrades i grunden. Fokus i analysen ligger på hur resenärerna uppfattade och tolkade mötet med främmande civilisationer, hur de formade en bild av den Andre och f
Design and Construction of Low-Temperature Scanning Tunnelling Microscope for Spectroscopy
This thesis discusses some of the fundamental requirements needed to be fulfilled when constructing a low temperature scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). Three different designs, two non-vacuum and one ultra-high vacuum (UHV), based on either inertial-mass or novel stepper motor principles are presented. The selection rules that forms the basis for designs are discussed in terms of thermophysica
Salstentamen och lärande - en omöjlig ekvation? Några erfarenheter av en tentaverkstad
Transitions to Democracy: Pros and Cons of the Rustow-Lijphart Elite Approach
Svenska syndikalister i Francos arkiv. Kontakter mellan SAC och spanska CNT 1937-38
This paper presents and discusses hitherto unexplored primary sources from the Spanish Civil War archive in Salamanca on the relations between the two largest anarcho-syndicalist organizations in the 1930s, namely Swedish SAC and Spanish CNT. The study shows how these organizations understanding and solidarity with each other,and discusses the traces the ideological contradictions of contemporary
Democratic expert influence through bioethical advisory commissions? The case of Sweden
Bioethical government advisory committees have profound influence on political decision-making on gene technology issues, concerning not only patients with genetically related diseases, but also, potentially, the whole society. • Decision-making on issues concerning all society should be democratically legitimate in all aspects, including the work of government advisory committees. • Democratic le
Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Diesel Engines
This thesis is an approach to improve electric hybrid vehicles with respect to fuel consumption and to fulfil the future intended NOX emission regulations. It is based upon the conclusions made in the licentiate thesis Analysing Hybrid Drive System Topologies (Jonasson, 2002). The study in this thesis is restricted to a parallel hybrid vehicle equipped with a diesel engine, two electric machines
Layover Solution in Multibaseline InSAR Using Robust Beamforming
In this work, we examine how to reliably exploit baseline diversity of a multichannel interferometric SAR system to overcome the layover problem. The problem arises when different height contributions collapse in the same range-azimuth resolution cell, due to the presence of strong terrain slopes or discontinuities in the sensed scene. Several multilook approaches have recently been suggested to c
An experimental study of spontaneous ignition in storages of wood pellets
This article focuses on experimental studies of self-heating characteristics of wood pellets. Controlled experiments have been conducted in physical scales from 1 dm3 to 4 m3 with wood pellets. Basket tests have been conducted according to the "crossing-point method" to derive kinetic data on the exothermic reactions responsible for self-heating and eventually spontaneous ignition. The kinetic dat
De förbisedda objektsaspekterna av risk
Förändring i ett skandinaviskt perspektiv
Inom ämnet organisationsteori är studier av planerade förändringar vanliga, dels därför att dagens organisationer är mycket förändringsbenägna, dels för att vi som studerar organisationer tycker att det är viktigt att förstå varför och hur förändringar sker. Syftet med plaerade förändringsprocesser kan vara att utöka eller dra ner på verksamheten, att effektivisera och öka produktivitet och kvalit