

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Coastal paleo-environment and sea-level change at Macassa Bay, southern Mozambique, since c 6600 cal BP

Changes in Holocene coastal paleo-environment and sea-level variations have been recorded in estuary sediments from Macassa Bay, southern Mozambique. Methods include analysis of fossil diatoms, sediment stratigraphy, mineral magnetic properties, stable carbon and nitrogen isotope composition and carbon and nitrogen content. The chronology, based on six AMS C-14 dates, suggests a basal age of the s

Searching for a Homeless Strategy in Sweden

The aim of this article is to critically review the Swedish Government’s Strategy against Homelessness and Housing Exclusion, operational between 2007 and 2009. This is done through, first, a discussion on the functions of national action plans in general and a brief comparison with homeless strategies in other Nordic Countries. Secondly, the Swedish strategy is presented and put in a context of o

Counterfactual reasoning in surrogate decision making – another look

Incompetent patients need to have someone else make decisions on their behalf. According to the Substituted Judgment Standard the surrogate decision maker ought to make the decision that the patient would have made, had he or she been competent. Objections have been raised against this traditional construal of the standard on the grounds that it involves flawed counterfactual reasoning, and amendm

The Gaia-ESO Survey: a quiescent Milky Way with no significant dark/stellar accreted disc

According to our current cosmological model, galaxies like the Milky Way are expected to experience many mergers over their lifetimes. The most massive of the merging galaxies will be dragged towards the disc plane, depositing stars and dark matter into an accreted disc structure. In this work, we utilize the chemodynamical template developed in Ruchti et al. to hunt for accreted stars. We apply t

Magnetic Polarons and Large Negative Magnetoresistance in GaAs Nanowires Implanted with Mn Ions.

We report on low-temperature magnetotransport and SQUID measurements on heavily doped Mn-implanted GaAs nanowires. SQUID data recorded at low magnetic fields exhibit clear signs of the onset of a spin-glass phase with a transition temperature of about 16 K. Magnetotransport experiments reveal a corresponding peak in resistance at 16 K and a large negative magnetoresistance, reaching 40% at 1.6 K a

Proton dissociation of sulfonated polysulfones: influence of molecular structure and conformation

The dissociation behavior of proton conducting sulfonated polysulfones has been investigated by combining electrophoretic NMR, pulsed magnetic field gradient NMR and conductivity meas- urements on monomeric and polymeric samples with concentrations of ionic groups in the range where dissociation is not complete (IEC = 4.55 – 7.04 meq g-1). In this regime, counterion con- densation is shown to crit

Effects of breed and casein genetic variants on protein profile in milk from Swedish Red, Danish Holstein, and Danish Jersey cows.

In selecting cows for higher milk yields and milk quality, it is important to understand how these traits are affected by the bovine genome. The major milk proteins exhibit genetic polymorphism and these genetic variants can serve as markers for milk composition, milk production traits, and technological properties of milk. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between casein

Comparison of well-mixed and multiple representative interactive flamelet approaches for diesel spray combustion modelling

The application of detailed chemistry to the computational fluid dynamics simulation of combustion process in diesel engines has many potentials, including the possibility to predict auto-ignition, diffusion flame structure, stabilisation and soot formation in a wide range of operating conditions, also taking into account the effects of different fuel types. Among the approaches that were proposed

Drug Localizations in Tissue by Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Advances in development of mass spectrometry (MS) are successfully utilized for spatial localization of pharmaceutical compounds in this tissue sections. Today MS instruments can be used in imaging mode when the datasets are generated from the surface of the tissue over an array of acquisition positions. This review is focused on the technological developments of matrix-assisted laser desorption/i

A global quantitative synthesis of local and landscape effects on wild bee pollinators in agroecosystems

Bees provide essential pollination services that are potentially affected both by local farm management and the surrounding landscape. To better understand these different factors, we modelled the relative effects of landscape composition (nesting and floral resources within foraging distances), landscape configuration (patch shape, interpatch connectivity and habitat aggregation) and farm managem

Completeness and Correctness of Cholecystectomy Data in a National Register--Gallriks.

To validate the Swedish Register for Gallstone Surgery and Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (GallRiks) concerning completeness and correctness of entered data for cholecystectomies and evaluating the effect of repeated audits. It is crucial for any register to obtain a high accuracy in order to be a credible and reliable source for quality evaluation, research, and development.

Kinetic behaviour of WT 1's zinc finger domain in binding to the alpha-actinin-1 mRNA.

The zinc finger transcription factor Wilms tumour protein (WT 1) is known for its essential involvement in the development of the genitourinary system as well as of other organs and tissues. WT 1 is capable of selectively binding either DNA or mRNA targets. A KTS insertion due to alternative splicing between the zinc fingers 3 and 4 and an unconventional zinc finger 1 are the unique features that

Balancing power density based quantum yield characterization of upconverting nanoparticles for arbitrary excitation intensities.

Upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) have recently shown great potential as contrast agents in biological applications. In developing different UCNPs, the characterization of their quantum yield (QY) is a crucial issue, as the typically drastic decrease in QY for low excitation power densities can either impose a severe limitation or provide an opportunity in many applications. The power density dep

Smooth Functional Transition along a Mutational Pathway with an Abrupt Protein Fold Switch.

Recent protein design experiments have demonstrated that proteins can migrate between folds through the accumulation of substitution mutations without visiting disordered or nonfunctional points in sequence space. To explore the biophysical mechanism underlying such transitions we use a three-letter continuous protein model with seven atoms per amino acid to provide realistic sequence-structure an

A comparison of customer perceived service quality in discount versus traditional grocery stores.

Purpose -- The overall purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of customer perceived service quality within grocery retailing in a North European context. We do this by comparing customer perceived service quality evaluations of the traditional supermarket store with evaluations of the discount store. Design/methodology/approach -- This study is based on empirical data from four stor

Theory of Time-Dependent Freezing. Part I: Description of Scheme for Wet Growth of Hail

At subzero temperatures, cloud particles can contain both ice and liquid water fractions. Wet growth of precipitation particles occurs when supercooled cloud liquid is accreted faster than it can freeze on impact. With a flexible framework, the theory of wet growth of hail is extended to the case of the inhomogeneities of surface temperature and of liquid coverage over the surface of the particle.