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Dendrokronologisk+vedanatomisk analys av arkeologiska fynd, RAÄ 218, av pålverk/palissad i tre rader i Nya Lödöse
The Health of Older Family Caregivers–A 6-Year Follow-up
It is unclear whether caregiving has an impact on the physical, mental and functional health of older caregivers. This study aimed to describe physical, mental and functional health in relation to family caregiving in old age (60+) over a six-year period. The study comprised 2,294 randomly selected individuals (60–96 years) from the Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, who answered the questi
Hydraulic Model Database for Applied Water Distribution Systems Research
At the 2013 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress in Cincinnati, Ohio, the ASCE Task Committee on Research Databases for Water Distribution Systems was formed to develop an online open-access repository of water distribution system hydraulic network files for use in applied scientific research. This paper discusses the development of the resulting database, specific model contributions,
Vickrey-Clarke-Groves Auction-Based Storage Allocation for Distributed Camera Systems
25(OH)D levels are decreased in patients with difficult-to-treat depression
ObjectivesThe aims of the study are i) to compare 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels between clinically depressed individuals with insufficient treatment response and healthy controls and ii) to test the association between 25(OH)D levels and different affective disorder diagnoses (i.e., major depressive disorder (MDD) single episode, MDD recurrent episode, chronic MDD, and dysthymia), as well a
IDAC-Bio, A Software for Internal Dosimetry Based on the New ICRP Biokinetic Models and Specific Absorbed Fractions
ABSTRACT: Radiation dosimetry is central to virtually all radiation safety applications, optimization, and research. It relates to various individuals and population groups and to miscellaneous exposure situations-including planned, existing, and emergency situations. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has developed a new computational framework for internal dose estima
Ruins of Resilience : Imaginaries and Materiality Imagineered and Embedded in Civil Defence Architecture
This chapter examines ruin towns: civil defence training grounds that replicated urban war zones. The ruins provided a stage for enacting nuclear war, where the merely imagined was given a tangible expression. The chapter sketches the transnational extension-by-invitation of a British model of ruins to Denmark, and through architectural and historical analysis, it asks how it was re-embedded into
Serving one client only? Assessing the openness and inclusiveness of European Parliament's intergroups
Resilience or susceptibility to traumatic stress : Potential influence of the microbiome
Exposure to traumatic stress is a major risk factor for development of neuropsychiatric disorders in a sub-population of individuals, while others remain resilient. The mechanisms and contributing factors differentiating between these phenotypes are still unclear. We hypothesize that inter-individual differences in the microbial composition and function contribute to host resilience or susceptibil
Antisymmetric, symmetric and standard actuation of acoustofluidic devices were compared in terms of focusability. By imaging the end part of an acoustophoresis separation channel while flowing fluorescent beads through it, we show that beads get more tightly focused by antisymmetric actuation than symmetric and standard actuation at a given electrical input power. This means that antisymmetric act
Dendrokronologisk analys av en träkonstruktion vid äldre strandlinje, kvarteret Varvet under Hamngatan, Norrköping
Dendrokronologisk analys av mangårdbyggnaden och stall på Sonaboda, Hästveda, Skåne
Internationella fredsbyrån och Nobels fredspris : Debatter i fredsfrågan på kongresser och i Nobeltal före 1914
In the 19th century, an extensive liberal and Christian international peace movement developed. In 1891, an umbrella organization, the International Peace Bureau (IPB), based in Bern, was formed to coordinate the international peace work that had previously been divided into a number of different national and international federations. This would prove successful. The establishment of a Nobel Priz
Highly conductive hydroxide exchange membranes containing fluorene-units tethered with dual pairs of quaternary piperidinium cations
In the pursuit of anion exchange membranes (AEMs) with high alkaline stability and hydroxide conductivity, we have prepared and characterized a series of poly(fluorene alkylene)s in which each fluorene unit was functionalized with dual pairs of quaternary piperidinium cations on flexible alkyl spacer chains. First, ether-free precursor polymers were synthesized in superacid mediated polyhydroxyalk
Effects of a school tobacco policy on student smoking and snus use
Objective: A school tobacco policy (STP) commonly is used to reduce smoking among adoles-cents, but the effectiveness of such programs is unclear. We evaluated the impact of an STP on tobacco use in 4 schools. Methods: The study included 4 intervention and 4 control schools, located in the inner city of Stockholm, Sweden. Schools self-selected for assignment to either an intervention program or a
Familial associations for rheumatoid autoimmune diseases
Objective: Previous studies have shown a familial component in RA and in some other rheumatic autoimmune diseases (RAIDs), but because of the different study designs the risk estimates for familial risks differ extensively. The objective of this study is to identify familial components for RAIDs. Methods: We collected data on patients diagnosed in Swedish hospitals with RA, AS, PM/DM, SS, SLE and
Investigating the effect of social networking site use on mental health in an 18–34 year-old general population; a cross-sectional study using the 2016 Scania Public Health Survey
Background: Social Networking Sites (SNS) are commonly used, especially by young adults. Their impact on mental health is unclear. Moreover, little is known about how social factors, e.g. Perceived Emotional Support (PES), may affect this association. Mental health issues are increasingly burdening the young generation and society as a whole. This study aims to investigate the association between
Applications of diffusion MRI: Tensor-valued encoding, time-dependent diffusion, and histological validation
Diffusion MRI (dMRI) sensitizes the MR signal to the diffusion of water molecules at the microscopic level and thereby non-invasively probes tissue microstructure. This is relevant when determining biological properties of tissues, for example, cancer type and its malignancy. The problem is, however, that dMRI lacks sensitivity and specificity to distinct microstructural features because an image