

Din sökning på "*" gav 536263 sökträffar

The relationship between sensory processing and the severity of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in treatment-seeking youth

The primary aim of the study was to investigate the applicability of Dunn’s sensory processing model (1997) to youth with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The model describes four patterns of sensory processing: sensory sensitivity, sensation avoiding, low registration and sensation seeking. The current study test whether these four processes are related to, and differentiate, OCD from anxiety

Estimating wildfire-attributed boreal forest burn in Central and Eastern Siberia during summer of 2016

Changing climate affects various ecosystem processes within the boreal forest, wildfire among them. Meanwhile temperature is commonly accepted as one of the most important regulating factors. In the context of 2016 being the warmest year in observational history, this review attempts to identify changes in wildfire extent within the central and south-eastern Siberian taiga. Satellite based estimat

Apokalypsgrisar och hotet av antibiotikaresistens i ljuset av nya veterinärmedicinska åtgärder inom EU

This paper aims to examine the arrangements taken to prevent the development of Antimicrobial resistance in production animals which transfers to humans through the food chain and therefor constitutes a threat against the public health. The examination focuses on the development of Antimicrobial resistance within the EU. It firstly presents what present research says about possible arrangements wh

Framtidens ansvar för asylsökande – En kommentar till Europeiska Kommissionens förslag till ny Dublinförordning

Dublinförordningen reglerar mekanismer för att avgöra vilken stat som ska vara ansvarig för att pröva en asylansökan som lämnats in i EU. Förordningen är en del av unionens gemensamma asylrättsliga regelsystem och anses vara väsentlig för detta systems funktion. Europeiska Kommissionen har med bakgrund av flyktingkrisen 2015 lagt fram förslag till att reformera och ytterligare harmonisera EU:s asyThe Dublin regulation establishes mechanisms for determining which state is responsible for the examination of an asylum application submitted within the EU. The regulation is a part of the Union's common asylum system and is considered essential for the functioning of this system. In the context of the refugee crisis of 2015, the European Commission has put forward proposals to reform and fur

Personality rights, defamation and the internet - Considerations of private international law

This thesis discusses areas related to problems of private international law that can arise from an online cross-border violation of personality rights. The thesis can be divided into two parts. One part deals with jurisdictional issues and specifically a discussion regarding Art. 7(2) of the Brussels I bis Regulation and the CJEU’s case law on the topic. The second part deals with choice of law i

Förbudet mot insiderhandel – En studie av rättsutvecklingen och de nya EU-reglerna på området

I Sverige infördes lagstiftning i syfte att motverka insiderhandel i början av 1970-talet. Rättsområdet har därefter varit föremål för omfattande reformer. Den senaste reformen vidtogs med anledning av en ny EU-förordning och ett nytt EU-direktiv. Insiderlagstiftningen har kritiserats för att den har innehållit vaga rekvisit, medfört bevissvårigheter och för att den inte har varit tillräckligt effTo counteract insider trading, legislation was introduced in Sweden in the early 1970s. Ever since, the legal field has been subject to extensive reforms. The latest reform took place following a new EU regulation and a new EU directive. Insider legislation has been criticized because of its vague requisites, the difficulties in applying evidence, and because it has not been sufficiently effective

0 to 100 / The Catch Up : The Securitization and Desecuritization of the Iranian nuclear program in U.S. Presidential Discourse

From 2002 to 2015, the Iranian nuclear program was a central issue of U.S. foreign policy. This issue was addressed by the administrations of Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama who had significantly different approaches to said issue. Consequently, the discourse used to address the issue was also different. This study argues that in addressing the issue of the Iranian nuclear program, ther

The Yemeni War-to-Violence Transition

In November 2011, at the brink of state failure the United Nations and the Gulf Cooperation Council brokered a deal with the Yemeni government for the implementation of a democratic transition towards peace. The Yemeni people, tired of the authoritarian regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh greeted the initiative and the opportunity of finally getting to shape the Yemeni state in their favor. But even thou

Mänskliga rättigheter, i Lag och Rättvisas namn? : PiS legitimering av inskränkning av de mänskliga rättigheterna

I denna uppsats analyseras det polska regeringsparitet PiS, genom två tal framförda i Europaparlamentet i januari år 2016. Tal som hållits med anledning av att partiet gjort ingrepp i institutioner i samhället som innebär en inskränkning av de mänskliga rättigheterna. Fokus för denna uppsats är att visa på hur dessa två politiker bär sig åt för att på olika sätt försvara och legitimera sina handli

Facilitating Factors for the Implementation of Organisational Innovations in Healthcare - An Empirical Case Study of Capio

Purpose The purpose of this study is to establish a list of facilitating factors for the implementation of organisational innovations in healthcare units. We accomplish this by a thorough literary review, which is followed by an empirical case study of Capio Group. The case study is conducted to validate the theoretical findings, based on subjective perceptions of healthcare practitioners. This w

In the Spirit of EU Burden-Sharing – Past and Present challenges to respond to humanitarian crises; Kosovo and Syria in Focus

Providing protection and assistance to refugees is a permanent challenge for the international community. In 2014 EU created a New Agenda on Migration as a immediate response to the increasing inflow of third country nationals who risked their lives when crossing the Mediterranean Sea. The first part of the agenda stipulates that Europe should continue to be a safe haven for those fleeing persecut

Citytunneleffekten - leder stationsnära utveckling till gentrifiering i Triangeln?

The aim of this case study is to investigate to which extent the concept of TOD (Transit-oriented Development) has been implemented in the urban development project surrounding the Citytunneln train station Triangeln in Malmö, Sweden. Furthermore the study has focused on answering if these implemented TOD concepts has had a role in creating gentrification in the area. The research methods used in

Sekretess inom skolans särskilda elevstödjande verksamhet

Till skolan kommer elever med olika förutsättningar för sitt lärande. För en del elever är den ordinarie undervisningen inte tillräcklig för att nå uppsatta läromål. Inom den s.k. särskilda elevstödjande verksamheten kan skolan vidta åtgärder för elever som är i behov av extra stöd i lärandet. Inom sådan verksamhet kan uppgifter vara av allt ifrån integritetskänslig till harmlös karaktär. OffentStudents come to school with different settings for their learning. For some students the regular teaching is not sufficient to achieve the set learning goals. In the so-called special student support activities (Sw. särskild elevstödjande verksamhet), the school can take action for students who are in need of extra support in their learning. Within such activities, data can range from sensitive t

Evaluation of the Drying Process at Alufluor AB

HUR SVÅRT ÄR DET ATT TORKA ETT VITT PULVER? Frågan om energieffektivisering är idag ytterst aktuell och då inte minst för företag inom industrin där energianvändningen kan vara väldigt stor. Att minska sin energianvändning sparar inte bara pengar utan även miljön och ger en bättre ”grönare” image. I studien som utfördes tog man fram nyckeltal för utvärdering av en torkprocess samt analyser av prodDue to the act on Energy Audits in Large Enterprises (EKL) that came into effect on the 1st of June in 2014, all larger companies are obligated to perform an energy audit every four years. Parallel to the audit performed at Alufluor AB this more detailed audit of the drying part of their process was carried out. This as the drying part is energy intensive and is responsible for the majority of the

Prediction of Biological Age

The biological age (BA) equation is a prediction model that utilizes an algorithm to combine various biological markers of ageing. This model has been used to assess the ageing process in a more precise way and may predict possible diseases better as compared with the chronological age (CA). Here study focus on predicting BA as deviation from healthy state of aging and treats CA as known and unkow

En författare presenteras : en studie av hur förlag presenterar författare för unga vuxna

This thesis aims to analyze how authors who write books for young adults are presented on their publishers’ website. By analyzing the textual presentation of the authors the main objective is to answer these questions: are there any reoccurring aspects in the presentations? Can you tell that the authors write for young adults? Are there any differences or similarities in how the male and female au

Notläsning med handen? - relativ solmisation som pedagogiskt verktyg i barnkören

This study will examine how relative solmization can be used to teach children and young people how to sing and read sheet music. Data collection was done using four methods; case study, observation, qualitative interview and stimulated recall. The literature chapter of this study accounts for the differences between absolute and relative solmization, and then describes relative solmization based

Kommunikation mellan simulerad övning och utbildningsplattform

The following bachelor thesis examines the possibility of using SCORM, xAPI or Moodle Web Service API as a communications channel between the learning management system Moodle and an existing training system delevoped by Saab. The aim is to use Moodle for storing users and their results while using Moodles built in funcionality for e-learning. The thesis contains an analysis of the potential commu

Creating Value at the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid: A Case Study of Redefining Business Models at Novo Nordisk

Companies seem to be increasingly interested tapping into bottom-of-the-pyramid (BoP) markets, but only a few multinational corporations have managed to achieve a successful breakthrough. This paper aims to identify several critical aspects of BoP business models that have to be redefined in order to enable mutual value creation in low-income countries. A qualitative approach is adopted in the for