

Din sökning på "*" gav 532827 sökträffar

Evaluation of serum γ-glutamyltransferase by electrofocusing, and variations in isoform patterns

Serum γ-glutamyltransferase (EC showed microheterogeneity on electrofocusing, owing to variations in sialic acid content. We investigated the isoform patterns of papain-treated serum samples on agarose gels containing nonionic detergent and ampholytes in the low pH range. Serum from cases of cholestasis show seven bands with γ-glutamyltransferase activity. These same bands were also found

(No) room for time-shifting energy use: Reviewing and reconceptualizing flexibility capital

Decarbonizing society will require a shift toward renewable electricity production. However, the temporal configuration of renewables requires that demand adapt accordingly. Introducing intermittent electricity production will thus require end users to be more flexible in their use of electricity. Flexibility capital has been promoted as a concept for analyzing material preconditions in order to u


The transformation of the energy systems will call for new turbomachinery designs for harvesting low-grade heat. The word “low-grade” has many definitions and ranges from levels where steam is the preferred selection to very low grades where specially adopted ORC technology is used. In this work, turbomachinery for cascading the steam cycle with a very low-temperature ORC technology is studied. Th

Optimization and comparison of two methods for spike train estimation in an unfused tetanic contraction of low threshold motor units

Background: Recent findings have shown that imaging voluntarily activated motor units (MUs) by decomposing ultrasound-based displacement images provides estimates of unfused tetanic signals evoked by spinal motoneurons’ neural discharges (spikes). Two methods have been suggested to estimate its spike trains: band-pass filter (BPM) and Haar wavelet transform (HWM). However, the methods’ optimal par

Opportunities and barriers for occupational engagement among residents in supported housing

Opportunities and barriers for occupational engagement among residents in supported housing. Background: Research shows that people with psychiatric disabilities view supported housing (SH) as a possibility for social contact, but also as entailing a risk of deprived self-determination. There is, however, little research on the target group’s engagement in everyday occupations. Aim: To explore SH

"Där två eller tre är samlade i mitt namn där är jag mitt ibland dem" - Matt 18:20

Det här studien betraktar gudstjänsten i en Pingstförsamling med hjälp av Randall Collins teori om interaktionsritualer. Deltagande observationer tillsammans med en kompletterande intervju, samt spontana samtal i samband med observationstillfällena, utgör det material som ligger till grund för analysen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad som händer i människor när de firar gudstjänst tillsamm

People of mountains: An ethnographic study of the effects of emigration on left-behind population in the rural of Azerbaijan

Migration is a globally studied social issue, that can cause changes in the demographic composition of the population and the structure of society. Azerbaijan has been experiencing different waves of migration in the country since gaining its independence. One of the largest waves is the emigration from rural to urban areas. Although there are studies focusing on why people leave the villages, th

“Shame keeps worthiness away by convincing us that owning our stories will lead to people thinking less of us. Shame is all about fear. We’re afraid that people won’t like us if they know the truth about who we are, where we come from, what we believe, how much we’re struggling”.

Research has identified the central role played by shame within a wide spectrum of public health issues including several common and serious threats to psychological and physical public health including depressions, dependency of substances, eating disorders, suicide, violence and sexual abuse. Shame has been described as “the master emotion of everyday life” but it is an emotional condition which

Vägen till framgång – att misslyckas? En diskursanalys om entreprenören som ideal

Diskussioner om entreprenörskap och idén om entreprenören har blivit alltmer framträdande – men för detta inte mer tydlig. Denna studie undersöker hur diskussioner om entreprenören formas diskursivt. Syftet med studien är att förstå hur representationer och mönster i talet om entreprenören konstituerar en diskurs om entreprenören som ideal. Analysmaterialet består av videor om entreprenören i sociDiscussions about entrepreneurship and the idea of the entrepreneur have become increasingly prominent – all the while not any clearer. This study investigates how discussions about the entrepreneur are shaped discursively. The purpose of the study is to make sense of how representations as well as patterns in the speech about the entrepreneur constitutes a discourse about the entrepreneur as an i

Ungdomsövervakning. En kvalitativ jämförelse av lagstiftarens syfte och frivårdens tillämpning.

Due to the widespread juvenile delinquency in Sweden, attention has been brought to the need for more intrusive penalties for young offenders. Therefore, the penalty of youth probation (Sw. ungdomsövervakning) was legislated in 2021, which aims to counteract recidivism and contribute to a favorable development of young offenders. Previous literature reveals that there is no agreement in the effect

Distinctive Effects of D1 and D2 Receptor Agonists on Cortico-Basal Ganglia Oscillations in a Rodent Model of L-DOPA-Induced Dyskinesia

L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID) in Parkinson’s disease has been linked to oscillatory neuronal activities in the cortico-basal ganglia network. We set out to examine the pattern of cortico-basal ganglia oscillations induced by selective agonists of D1 and D2 receptors in a rat model of LID. Local field potentials were recorded in freely moving rats using large-scale electrodes targeting three moto

Civilsamhällets arbete med nyanländas delaktighet i samhället: En rapport om förskjutningar av välfärdsansvar i Sverige under perioden 2016-2019

I den här rapporten analyseras ett urval av de totalt 100 projekt som ingått i Arvsfondens Nyanländasatsning vilken hade till syfte att stärka nyanlända barns och ungas etablering och delaktighet i samhället. Rapporten bygger på tre delstudier. En dokumentstudie bestående av ansökningshandlingar, årsrapporter och i förekommande fall slutrapporter från projekten, en enkät omfattande 89 av sats

Traffic demand and longer term forecasting from real-time observations

We optimize traffic signal timing sequences for a section of a traffic net-work in order to reduce congestion based on anticipated demand. The system relieson the accuracy of the predicted traffic demand in time and space which is carriedout by a neural network. Specifically, we design, train, and evaluate three differentneural network models and assert their capability to describe demand from tra


Peace agreements, especially those signalling the end of internal armed conflicts, can be understood as blueprints of the envisioned peacebuilding. This chapter provides a discursive analysis of 130 peace agreements from interstate and intrastate conflicts in Africa between 1990 and 2019 which have provisions on women, girls or gender. The aim is to explore how women, their roles and functions are

A kallikrein-like serine protease in prostatic fluid cleaves the predominant seminal vesicle protein

A 33-kD glycoprotein, known as the 'prostate-specific antigen', was purified to homogeneity from human seminal plasma. The prostatic protein was identified as a serine protease, and its NH2-terminal sequence strongly suggests that it belongs to the family of glandular kallikreins. The structural protein of human seminal coagulum, the predominant protein in seminal vesicle secretion, was rapidly cl

Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of circulating tumor cells in metastatic prostate cancer

Purpose: To assess the feasibility of characterizing gene copy number alteration by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of circulating tumor cells (CTC) isolated using the Cell Search system in patients with progressive castration-resistant metastatic prostate cancer. Experimental Design: We used probe combinations that included the androgen receptor (AR)and MYC genes for FISH analysis of CT

Evaluation of molecular forms of prostate-specific antigen and human kallikrein 2 in predicting biochemical failure after radical prostatectomy

Most pretreatment risk-assessment models to predict biochemical recurrence (BCR) after radical prostatectomy (RP) for prostate cancer rely on total prostate-specific antigen (PSA), clinical stage, and biopsy Gleason grade. We investigated whether free PSA (fPSA) and human glandular kallikrein-2 (hK2) would enhance the predictive accuracy of this standard model. Preoperative serum samples and compl

High risk of developing dementia in Parkinson’s disease : a Swedish registry-based study

Dementia have substantial negative impact on the affected individual, their care partners and society. Persons living with Parkinson’s disease (PwP) are also to a large extent living with dementia. The aim of this study is to estimate time to dementia in PD using data from a large quality register with access to baseline clinical and patient reported data merged with Swedish national health regist