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Swedish wh-root-infinitives

The purpose of this short paper is to present a minimalist account of the syntax of the Swedish Wh-Root-infinitives, trying to characterize the syntax of this generally neglected main clause equivalent while comparing its syntax to the syntax of finite root clauses. See (i) and (ii): (i) Swedish Varför sälj-a huset? why sell-inf house.the 'Why sell the house?' (ii) Swedish Varför sälj-er ni huset?

Feedback Systems : An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition

This textbook covers the mathematics needed to model, analyze, and design feedback systems. Now more user-friendly than ever, this revised and expanded edition of Feedback Systems is a one-volume resource for students and researchers in mathematics and engineering. It has applications across a range of disciplines that utilize feedback in physical, biological, information, and economic systems. Ka

Evolution of intentional teaching

Only among humans is teaching intentional, socially structured, and symbolically mediated. In this chapter, evidence regarding the evolution of the mindreading and communicative capacities underlying intentional teaching is reviewed. Play, rehearsal, and apprenticeship are discussed as central to the analyses of teaching. We present a series of levels of teaching. First of all, we separate non-int

From 'big' to 'much' : On the grammaticalization of two gradable adjectives in Swedish

In this paper, I give a short description of a language change that can be viewed as an instance of grammaticalization, namely the transition of the two adjectives mycken/t and liten/t into quantifiers. Data from the corpus of Swedish drama dialogue reveal that liten/t became a quantifier as early as the 1700s, whereas mycken/t seems to have gone through the same change roughly 150 years later. In

Effects of environmental factors on inducing soil erosion and shaping the plant community in Icelandic habitats

Land degradation and soil erosion are considered one of the main threats to ecosystem services and functions, soil stability and activity, plant community structure and biodiversity, and overall life on Earth. Soil erosion is a problem occurring all over Iceland, with an immediate urgency on the Icelandic highlands and rangelands. Currently, over 40% of the country is eroded, steadily causing loss

Konsten att chefa i kaos utan att gå under själv

Examensarbetets titel: Konsten att chefa i kaos utan att gå under själv - En kvalitativ studie baserad på chefers upplevelser av motstridiga mål i offentlig sektor Seminariedatum: 17 Januari 2025 Kurs: FEKH49 - Examensarbete i organisation på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Clara Bergh, Gustav Levin och Måns Kristiansson Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Fem nyckelord: Chefsarbete, offentlig Title: The art of managing in chaos without losing yourself - A qualitative study based on managers' experiences of conflicting demands in the public sector Seminar Date: January 17, 2025 Course: FEKH49 - Bachelor's Thesis in Organization, 15 credits Authors: Clara Bergh, Gustav Levin och Måns Kristiansson Supervisor: Nadja Sörgärde Five Keywords: Managerial work, public sector, response

Influence of photoperiod on food intake, body mass and activity of the common redstart during spring migration

Climate change is affecting all regions of the globe, causing a shift of temperature distributions. As species try to track their optimal thermal conditions, they are also potentially met with new photic environments. Photoperiod is the main cue for synchronizing migratory birds' circannual rhythms, affecting both their physiology and migration. Thus, their ability to incorporate and adjust to

Using environmental cues and individual traits to predict sea trout (Salmo trutta) smolt migration behaviour and phenology

The decision of when to exchange habitats represents a significant moment for organisms that utilize migration as a strategy to access growth and feeding opportunities surpassing those available in their natal habitat. For juvenile anadromous salmonids, the initial transition from freshwater to the marine environment marks a critical point in the life cycle characterized by high mortality with mig

Zenseact Open Dataset : A large-scale and diverse multimodal dataset for autonomous driving

Existing datasets for autonomous driving (AD) often lack diversity and long-range capabilities, focusing instead on 360° perception and temporal reasoning. To address this gap, we introduce Zenseact Open Dataset (ZOD), a large- scale and diverse multimodal dataset collected over two years in various European countries, covering an area 9×that of existing datasets. ZOD boasts the highest range and

Lavar i Stenshuvuds Nationalpark - Implikationer av artsammansättningens förändringar under 90 år

The central area of Stenshuvud national park in southern Sweden was surveyed regarding the lichen species composition and distribution. Similar qualitative investigations of the area have been carried out in the years 1934 and 1987, although this survey further included a quantitative survey of relative frequency per species to enable more accurate monitoring in the future. Together, the three s

Real-World Performance of Integrative Clinical Genomics in Pediatric Precision Oncology

Despite significant improvement in the survival of pediatric patients with cancer, treatment outcomes for high-risk, relapsed, and refractory cancers remain unsatisfactory. Moreover, prolonged survival is frequently associated with long-term adverse effects due to intensive multimodal treatments. Accelerating the progress of pediatric oncology requires both therapeutic advances and strategies to m

Investigation of long non-coding RNAs in extracellular vesicles from low-volume blood serum specimens of colorectal cancer patients

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most prevalent cancer type worldwide, which highlights the urgent need for non-invasive biomarkers for its early detection and improved prognosis. We aimed to investigate the patterns of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) collected from low-volume blood serum specimens of CRC patients, focusing on their potential as diagnosti

Optimized procedure for high-throughput transcriptome profiling of small extracellular vesicles isolated from low volume serum samples

OBJECTIVES: Small extracellular vesicles (EVs) contain various signaling molecules, thus playing a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication and emerging as a promising source of biomarkers. However, the lack of standardized procedures impedes their translation to clinical practice. Thus, we compared different approaches for high-throughput analysis of small EVs transcriptome.METHODS: Small EVs w

Mental distress is associated with injury and illness in elite Para athletes: a 44-week prospective study over 13 860 athlete days

Background The interest in elite athletes’ mental health has increased over the past decade. However, there is still a paucity in the literature concerning elite Para athletes’ mental health and its association with injuries and illnesses affecting athletes’ participation in sports.Objective To assess the weekly prevalence of mental distress and its association with injury, illness, sleep duration

Kartläggning av arbetsterapeutiska interventioner som vetenskapligt utvärderats för äldre personer som lever med demenssjukdom- En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Demenssjukdom är en vanlig orsak till funktionsnedsättningar främst bland äldre och påverkar både kognitiva och fysiska förmågor samt leder till mindre självständighet och delaktighet. Det finns flera arbetsterapeutiska interventioner för personer med demens, men kartläggningar och utvärderingar av interventioner som har vetenskapligt stöd behövs. Syfte: Att kartlägga arbetsterapeutiska Background: Dementia is a common cause for disabilities, mainly affecting older adults cognitively and physically, making them more dependent and diminishing their participation in activities. There are several occupational therapy interventions for people with dementia, however summaries and evaluations of scientific evidence are needed. Aim: To summarize occupational therapy interventions that

Positive Network Systems : Heuristic Methods and Opinion Dynamics

The analysis of interconnected systems is a large and growing field, with successful applications in a wide range of natural and synthesized systems. Biomolecular networks, power grids and human social dynamics have all been the subject of study through the lens of network dynamics, with impressive results. The work presented in this thesis takes the form of four research papers all focusing in di

Uncovering Underlying Determinants of Bank Revenue

For banks to remain resilient in times of economic instability, and what the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank refers to as; “radical uncertainty”, it is essential for banks to plan for the future. Challenges such as rising interest rates, climate change and geopolitical conflicts require proactive measures. Thus, accurately predicting bank revenue plays a crucial role in