

Din sökning på "*" gav 529438 sökträffar

In the footsteps of Ricardo Caminos : Rediscovering the Gebel el Silsila and its rock-cut temple

Though long admired for its Pharaonic stelae, shrines, and rock-cut temple, the grand ancient site of Gebel el Silsila remains fairly unknown withinmainstream archaeology. A general idea is that the site operated merely as a sandstone quarry, but few are aware of its rich archaeology thatincorporates evidence of millennia of human activity and cultural features that meet seven of UNESCO’s ten outs

Pretreatment Cognition in Patients Diagnosed With Pediatric Brain Tumors

Background: There is a large body of literature identifying risk factors for the long-term cognitive alterations found in survivors of pediatric brain tumors. Less is known about baseline cognitive functioning in this population, but studies suggest that cognitive dysfunctions are often present at the time of diagnosis. This study aimed to identify potential risk factors for lower cognitive functi

Feminism and the Power of Love : Interdisciplinary interventions

The power of love has become a renewed matter of feminist and non-feminist attention in the 21st century’s theory debates. What is this power? Is it a form of domination? Or is it a liberating force in our contemporary societies?Within Feminism and the Power of Love lies the central argument that, although love is a crucial site of gendered power asymmetries, it is also a vital source of human emp

Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and incidence of postmenopausal breast cancer in 15 European cohorts within the ESCAPE project

BACKGROUND: Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast cancer risk is inconsistent. OBJECTIVE: We examined the association between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and incidence of postmenopausal breast cancer in European women. METHODS: In 15 cohorts from nine European countries, individual estimates of air pollution levels at the residence wer

Skrivkrisgenren i historiskt ljus

För ett par år sedan rasade en tämligen hätsk mediedebatt om studenters skrivande. Debatten inleddes med ”ett veritabelt nödrop” då nio historiker i en artikel i Upsala Nya Tidning beklagade sig över studenters bristfälliga skrivande (Enefalk et al., 2013). Studenternas obefintliga historiekunskaper hade de fått förlika sig med för länge sedan, anförde de. Men nu, när till och med kommunikationsfö

Science Teaching Through the Lenses of Students - Lower Primary School

The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers' PCK is expressed in a Science teaching practice, both from a teacher and a student perspective. The study is a qualitative study of three teachers' physics classroom lectures in grades 7-8. International research highlights the teacher's impact on students' achievement in general and in science education in particular and there are several ongo

Huseby Klev and the Quest for Pioneer Subsistence Strategies : Diversification of a Maritime Lifestyle

The bone material from three archaeological occupation phases at Huseby Klev provides the best source of evidence currently available about the subsistence strategies of pioneer settlers in Northern Europe. The results from Huseby Klev indicate that the pioneer settlers initially relied heavily on marine mammals for their sustenance. This subsistence strategy changed during the second and third oc

Novel genetic loci associated with long-term deterioration in blood lipid concentrations and coronary artery disease in European adults

Background: Cross-sectional genome-wide association studies have identified hundreds of loci associated with blood lipids and related cardiovascular traits, but few genetic association studies have focused on long-term changes in blood lipids. Methods: Participants from the GLACIER Study (Nmax = 3492) were genotyped with the MetaboChip array, from which 29 387 SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms

Biofuels from agricultural biomass – Land use change in Swedish perspective

The Swedish parliament has decided that by 2045, Sweden will not be a net emitter of greenhouse gases. There is also a goal to have a fossil fuel free transport sector by 2030. However, the transport sector is still dominated by fossil fuels and many efforts are needed to lower emissions. Sweden has a relatively high share of biofuels, around 20% of the energy use in domestictransportation. Howeve

Outcome of percutaneous coronary intervention with the Absorb bioresorbable scaffold : Data from the Swedish Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty Registry (SCAAR)

Aims: Randomised trials indicate higher rates of stent thrombosis (ST) and target lesion failure (TLF) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with the Absorb bioresorbable scaffold (BRS) compared with modern drug-eluting stents (DES). We aimed to investigate the outcome of all Swedish patients treated with the Absorb BRS. Methods and results: The Absorb BRS (n=810) was compared with common

Infiltration of γδ T cells, IL-17 + T cells and FoxP3 + T cells in human breast cancer

BACKGROUND: Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) have a strong prognostic value in various forms of cancers. These data often refer to use of the pan-T cell marker CD3, or the cytotoxic T lymphocyte marker CD8α. However, T cells are a heterogeneous group of cells with a wide array of effector mechanisms ranging from immunosuppression to cytotoxicity. OBJECTIVE: In this study we have investigated

High-resolution Monthly Satellite Precipitation Product over the Conterminous United States

We present a data set that enhanced the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) monthly product 3B43 in its accuracy and spatial resolution. For this, we developed a correction function to improve the accuracy of TRMM 3B43, spatial resolution of ~25 km, by estimating and removing the bias in the satellite data using a ground-based precipitation data