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Artikeln går på djupet i utvalda prosaomskrivningar av historien om hjälten Theseus från Köln och täcker versioner från 1300- till 1700-talet. Den undersöker hur de är uppbyggda, språkligt, strukturellt och innehållsligt, och i vilka yttre kontexter de nya versionerna dyker upp.
Ulf Pettersson, Textmedierade virtuella världar. Narration, perception och kognition
Effects of voids in tensile single-crystal Cu nano-beams
Molecular dynamic simulations of defect nano-sized beams of single-crystal Cu, loaded in displacement controlled tension until rupture, have been performed. The defects are square-shaped, through-the-thickness voids of different sizes, placed centrally in the beams. Three different cross section sizes and two different crystallographic orientations are investigated. As expected, the sizes of the b
Comparative genomics reveals that loss of lunatic fringe (LFNG) promotes melanoma metastasis
Metastasis is the leading cause of death in patients with advanced melanoma, yet the somatic alterations that aid tumour cell dissemination and colonisation are poorly understood. Here, we deploy comparative genomics to identify and validate clinically relevant drivers of melanoma metastasis. To do this, we identified a set of 976 genes whose expression level was associated with a poor outcome in
Labile carbon 'primes' fungal use of nitrogen from submerged leaf litter
Microbial decomposers colonising submerged leaf litter are in close spatial proximity with periphytic algae and can use carbon (C) exudates released during photosynthesis. We investigated whether labile C delivered as algal exudates could affect the microbial colonisation and decomposition of leaf litter. Using microcosms, we submerged leaf litter in pond water and monitored fungal and bacterial g
Sammanhållning i lokalsamhället
Search for heavy resonances decaying into WW in the e final state in pp collisions at √s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
A search for neutral heavy resonances is performed in the WW→ e decay channel using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1fb-1, collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No evidence of such heavy resonances is found. In the search for production via the quark–antiquark annihilation or gluon–gluon fusion process, u
Rethinking transformative events to understand the making of new contentious performances : The "autonomous left" and the anti-fascist blockade in Lund 1991
Emancipatorisk heteronormativitet : att försvara sexualupplysning mot sedlighetsåtal
Konkordans till Gunnar Ekelöfs Skrifter
Margit Charlotta Söderholm
Frida Skybäck
Development of photofragmentation-based diagnostics
The Effect of Land Use Systems on Soil Properties; A case study from Rwanda
Pain, coping, emotional state and physical function in patients with chronic radicular neck pain. A comparison between patients treated with surgery, physiotherapy or neck collar : a blinded, prospective randomized study
To describe and explore the relationships between pain, emotional state and coping strategies in patients with chronic radicular neck pain before and after surgery or conservative treatments. Methods: We randomize 81 conseutive patients with cervical radicular pain and nerve root compression, verified by MRI, to either surgical decompression with fusion or physiotherapy or neck collar. Emotional s
Temporal Analysis of Measured LOS Massive MIMO Channels with Mobility
The first measured results for massive multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) performance in a line-of-sight (LOS) scenario with moderate mobility are presented, with 8 users served by a 100 antenna base Station (BS) at 3.7 GHz. When such a large number of channels dynamically change, the inherent propagation and processing delay has a critical relationship with the rate of change, as the use of o
The past in the past in the mortuary practice of hunter-gatherers : An example from a settlement and cemetery site in northern Latvia
During excavations of burials at Zvejnieki in northern Latvia, it transpired that the grave fill included occupation material brought to the grave. It contained tools of a type that could not be contemporaneous with the grave. This is confirmed by the dating of bone tools and other bone finds in the fill. The fill was taken from an older settlement site a short distance away. The fill also include