

Din sökning på "*" gav 529685 sökträffar

Multiple pricing for personal assistance services

Third-party payers often reimburse health care providers based on prospectively set prices. Although a key motivation of prospective payment is to contain costs, this paper shows that this aspect crucially depends on the design of the pricing scheme due to the well-known incentives of patient selection (or “dumping”). This paper provides a general theoretical framework where heterogeneous users ar

Detailed numerical simulation and experiments of a steadily burning micron-sized aluminum droplet in hot steam-dominated flows

Detailed numerical simulations are conducted in comparison with experimental results to study the flame structure and burning rate of a steadily burning aluminum droplet in hot steam-dominated environments. The droplet surface temperature, flame temperature, and flame stabilization position are measured along with the droplet burning rate estimated from the droplet size evolution. A numerical mode

Waste 4.0: Transforming medical waste management through digitalization and automated segregation

Medical waste management is a crucial issue due to its potential health risks to humans and harm to the environment. The World Health Organization (WHO) advises separating medical waste into seven groups based on its type. However, despite the implementation of color-coded bin bags, cases of missegregation still occur frequently, leading to injuries and spreading diseases. Infectious waste such as

Can policies improve language vitality? : The Sámi languages in Sweden and in Norway

Introduction: Language policies are often aimed at changing language behaviours, yet it is notoriously difficult to assess their effects. This study investigates language use and competence in the Indigenous Sámi populations of Norway and Sweden in light of the national-level policies the two countries have adopted.Methods: We provide a cross-country comparison of relevant educational, linguistic

The association between Acinetobacter baumannii infections and the COVID-19 pandemic in an intensive care unit

We aimed to describe the increased rate of Acinetobacter baumannii infections during the COVID-19 pandemic and define its significance within the last five years. This study was performed in a tertiary hospital with 280 beds and included all patients infected with A. baumannii in the intensive care unit between January 1, 2018, and June 30, 2022. A. baumannii-infected patients in the intensive car

Orsak Verkan : Föreställning i operaimprovisation

Har du gjort något du inte borde? Eller ångrat vad du aldrig gjorde?Vi löser ditt dilemma på plats!Tre operasångare och en pianist improviserar en unik föreställning om dina små och stora vägval.Operaimprovisatörerna tar dig med på en spektakulär resa på de outforskade vägarna genom ”Operamultiversumet” där dina dilemman, minnen och funderingar ger upphov till nya kammaroperor och operetter.”Vad hFöreställning i Laholms Stadspark inom ramen för Halland Opera and Vocal Festival

Misstaget och den intellektualistiska antropologin i Per Olov Enquists Legionärerna (1968)

The notion of error plays an important role, this article argues, in Per Olov Enquist’s ground-breaking documentary novel Legionärerna (The Legionnaires) (1968), which depicts the controversial Swedish extradition of Baltic soldiers in January 1946. In terms of the plot (re)constructed by Enquist, Swedish politicians and Baltic soldiers as well as the novel’s investigator, a kind of alter ego of t

Matz, Johan, 2020. Stalin’s Double­Edged Game. Soviet Bureaucracy and the Raoul Wallenberg Case, 1945–1952. Lexington Books.

I mången biografi över Stalin finns resonemang om de långtgående konsekvenserna av att människor, i höga likväl som blygsamma befattningar, gjorde allt i sin makt för att blidka diktatorn Stalin. På samma gång bidrog stalinismen till karriärmöjligheter för hårt arbetande, obrottsligt lojala och ambitiösa personer i Sovjetunionen. Vad som har benämnts som ”Stalins nya medelklass” utmärktes i mångt

Silent score reading : Four Swedish choral conductors’ conceptions, processes, and strategies

In research on music conducting, there is a lack of studies concerning conductors’ score-reading. The present investigation explored the reading strategies of four Swedish choral conductors. Two interconnected studies addressed the conductors’ explicit conceptions about score reading and their silent-reading strategies in actual reading situations. All conductors emphasized overviewing and script-

Evaluation of an artificial intelligence-based decision support for the detection of cutaneous melanoma in primary care : a prospective real-life clinical trial

Background Use of artificial intelligence (AI), or machine learning, to assess dermoscopic images of skin lesions to detect melanoma has, in several retrospective studies, shown high levels of diagnostic accuracy on par with - or even outperforming - experienced dermatologists. However, the enthusiasm around these algorithms has not yet been matched by prospective clinical trials performed in auth

The relative contribution of hemodynamic parameters to blood pressure decrease in classical orthostatic hypotension

PURPOSE: We studied the relative contributions of total peripheral resistance (TPR), stroke volume (SV) and heart rate (HR) to low blood pressure in classical orthostatic hypotension (cOH) on group and individual levels.METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed tilt test records from cOH patients and age/sex-matched controls. We quantified relative effects of HR, SV and TPR on mean arterial pressure (M

Entropy-based spatial heterogeneity analysis in pathological images for diagnostic applications

Clinical pathological diagnosis and prognosis for cancer is often confounded by spatial tissue heterogeneity. This study investigates the utility of entropy as a robust quantitative metric of spatial disorder within Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) chemical images of breast cancer tissue. The use of entropy is grounded in its capacity to encapsulate the complexities of pixel-wise spectral intensi

Optimization of tools for monitoring, evaluating, and treating inflammatory conditions of the bowel

Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are the two main types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The prevalence of these conditions is approximately 0.7%. With the advent of new treatments and improved management algorithms throughout the last century, the mortality rates associated with these conditions have decreased steeply. However, IBD is still a major cause of lifetime morbidity.

En livsstil i linje med 1,5-graders- målet : En forskningsbaserad guide

Med denna guide vill vi ge forskningsbaserade råd om hur du kan minska dinklimatpåverkan genom att förändra dina levnadsvanor, och leva i linje medParisavtalets 1,5-gradersmål. Vi vill både visa svenskars genomsnittliga klimat-avtryck och den stora skillnaden mellan individers koldioxidavtryck. Det innebär attdet behövs olika vägval för de som vill förändra sina levnadsvanor. Guiden betonardessutoSyftet med denna guide är att ge forskningsbaserade råd om de mest effektiva sätten att minska sitt koldioxidavtryck för en genomsnittlig person i Sverige. Samtidigt visar den att individuella livsstilsförändringar måste kombineras med och stödjas av förändringar i det omgivande samhället. Dessutom ger guiden en allmän fingervisning om storleken på ditt koldioxidavtryck och om vilka delar av din v