

Din sökning på "*" gav 535763 sökträffar

En studie om arbetande föräldrars work family conflict och arbetstillfredsställelse.

Syftet med studien var att undersöka arbetande föräldrars work family conflict (WFC) och arbetstillfredsställelse, genom att utreda huruvida deltagarnas kön, antalet barn i hushållet,barnens ålder och arbetstimmar i veckan har en inverkan. Studien bestod av 133 deltagare varav 90 kvinnor och 42 män, samtliga arbetande föräldrar. Webbenkäten är baserad på två enkäter; Brayfield och Rothes (1951) soThe aim of the study was to investigate how working parents experience work family conflict (WFC) and job satisfaction by examining how participants gender, age of the children and number of children in the household has an impact. Furthermore, we were interested in studying the differences in job satisfaction and WFC depending on participants full- and parttime job. The study included male and fe

“En sorts postorderverksamhet där man beställer ett drömideal” - En kvalitativ studie om användningen av sökkriterier på nätdejtingsidor

Syftet med denna uppsats är att få förståelse för hur medlemmar på nätdejtingsidor upplever att sökprocessen inom nätdejting påverkar möjligheterna att bygga en relation. I uppsatsen undersöks också hur det stora utbudet av potentiella partners påverkar valet av partner. Dessutom studeras hur den egna föreställningen om en person online relaterar till samma person offline, det vill säga i det verk

MMA: Älskade våld i samtida Sverige

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is one of the fastest growing sports of our time. At the same time the sport receives a lot of criticism for its violent nature. This essay examines why and how MMA has gained popularity in contemporary Sweden. To answer these questions, it is important to look at the different actors within the field of MMA in Sweden, the fighter, the promoters and the spectators. I will

The sharing economy in the Global South and sustainability transitions: An assessment of the sustainability claims and sustainability transitions in Metro Manila, Philippines

The sharing economy, new and still evolving, is being put forward as a potentially disruptive sustainable solution to economic, social and environmental problems. Its design is mainly shaped and analysed by people from the Global North, while the spread of sharing economy initiatives in the Global South has escaped the purview of scholars. More so, the sustainability potentials claimed by proponen

Närvarodetektering i pool

This Bechelor thesis is written on behalf of Verisure Innovation AB in Mamö, Sweden. The authors were studying Bachelors of Sience in Electrical Engineering with focus on automation at Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Campus Helsingborg. The main goal of the thesis was to develop a prototype of an alarmsystem for domestic swimming pools. The system was supposed to sound an alarm if a human being or animal

Capital flows and non-performing loans: An empirical study of the European debt crisis

This study investigates the relationship between capital imports and non-performing loans (NPLs) in the context of the European debt crisis. The empirical analysis is based on a panel data set covering 22 countries in the European Union (EU) between year 2001 and 2014. All individual estimations in the empirical analysis indicate a significant and negative relationship between capital imports and

Stressreducerande applikation för Androidbaserade system

This thesis has been performed at MediYoga International. Company’s concept is centered on education of instructors and other personnel in stress reducing methodology. The methodology is based on scientific studies of yoga and has well documented effects. The main reason for long-term sick leave in Sweden today is burn-out, as a direct consequence of continuous stress witch is supported by many sc

Från jämställdhetsarbete till mångfaldsarbete. - En fallstudie av jämställdhets- och mångfaldsarbete i en kommun

Det är vanligt att bedriva ett mångfaldsarbete i organisationer idag, men dess omfattning och definition är ofta otydlig. Jämställdhetsarbetet tenderar att läggas till som en del i mångfaldsarbetet. Därför är det intressant att undersöka hur jämställdhets- och mångfaldsarbetet fungerar ihop, och vilken plats jämställdhetsarbetet får i mångfaldsarbetet. För att ta reda på det undersöktes tre kommun

Theatre in critical education - Exploring issues of work and family life coherence in a Danish context

How does theatre function as a pedagogical tool in critical education? Through a qualitative case study on a political educational project initiated by a Danish trade union, this thesis explores how theatre can be used as a pedagogical strategy in education that seek to promote social change. The educational project is about issues of work and family life coherence, and through the lens of critica

Wind-induced vibrations in high-rise buildings

Buildings are getting taller due to increased urbanisation and densification of cities. More advanced construction methods and the desire to construct impressive buildings is also supporting the trend. Due to their inherent slenderness resulting in low eigenfrequencies, these buildings are susceptible to wind-induced vibrations which can be highly disturbing for occupants. Already barely perceivab

Maktrelationer i utvärderingar av kriser och samhällsstörningar

Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka maktrelationers påverkan vid kriser och samhällstörningar med särskilt fokus på hur detta framställs i utvärderingar av samhällets insatser vid kriser och samhällsstörningar. Det empiriska materialet består av två utvärderingar, dels utvärderingen efter skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014 (Sjökvist 2015) och dels utvärderingen efter helikopterrånet i Stockholm 2009 (R

Lost Women or Loose Women? Examining Prostitution Policy-Practice Divide in the Lithuanian Legal System

This work examines prostitution practice-policy divide in Lithuanian legal system. Prostitution law in Lithuania was amended in 2005 by stipulating legal liability not only for sex selling but also for sex purchase. This shows Lithuania’s step towards more abolitionistic view concerning prostitution. However, this change does not reflect in police statistics on prostitution arrests. With this thes

Repatriation of Afghan Refugees from Pakistan: Participation, Consultation and Consent in the Resettlement Process

Afghan refugees living in refugee camps in Pakistan are studied in this thesis. However, the repatriation and resettlement of Afghan refugees necessitate the durable solution strategy for their reintegration in home country. The previous program for the repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan was subjected to complexities. This thesis analyzed the consultation and consent of Afghan refugees

The Impact of Economic Centres on City Level Growth in China - A panel data analysis of urban economic growth

China’s space economy is highly fragmented with a few mega cities and a large periphery with less advantageous cities lagging behind. While this have been the explicit approach of China’s policymakers to achieve rapid growth, less developed cities have been challenged as the suppliers in the process. The purpose of this paper is with the use of a production function examine the spatial spill overs

Robustness Analysis when Estimating Economic Capital for Credit Risk

Credit risk modeling is an important part of the nancial protection used by banks during times of turbulence in the economy. More precisely, the modelling is about estimating how much economic capital a bank needs to hold in order to survive during an extreme loss. This thesis is about improving the robustness for the estimation of the economic capital, when it is updated as time passes. A decreas

Massively Parallel BVH Construction Using Mini-trees

Med mer kraftfulla grafikkort har möjligheterna utökats för vilka grafikmetoder som kan utföras i realtid. För en sådan metod, raytracing, används speciella data- strukturer, och för att kunna användas i realtid behöver dessa byggas upp snabbt.The Bounding Volume Hierarchy is an acceleration data structure used in ray tracing, allowing for faster intersection tests between rays and triangles. The goal of this thesis was to take one algorithm for rapidly generating such data structures, the Bonsai algorithm, which was initially implemented on a CPU, and instead implement it on a graphics processing unit. Many parts of the al- gorithm go

From Refugees to Citizens: What Happens to Livelihoods? – A Study of How New Tanzanians Utilize Their Citizen Rights

För drygt 40 år sedan kom en stor grupp flyktingar till Tanzania från Burundi. Om man räknar in barn och barnbarn omfattar den här gruppen idag ungefär 200,000 personer. I oktober 2014 blev de medborgare i Tanzania. Min studie undersöker vilken skillnad det gjort för några av dessa personer att bli medborgare jämfört med att vara flyktingar när det kommer till deras levnadssituation och möjligheteThe purpose of this study was to find out how attaining citizenship had affected livelihood opportunities and strategies among the approximately 200,000 Burundian refugees who after more than 40 years in exile became Tanzanian citizens in late 2014. It is a case study of local integration and development, analysing the situation for new Tanzanian citizens through the sustainable livelihoods framew

Local pollution and the risks of OPFR, PBDE and PFAS to the marine ecosystem outside Longyearbyen and Barentsburg in Svalbard

Förorenar Arktiska samhällen sig själva och påverkas marina organismer i samband med detta? Ja, bara i Adventfjorden och Grønfjorden på Svalbard finns förorening från lokala källor för 14 av 57 analyserade flamskydds- och ytbehandlingsämnen i sediment. Inte så mycket tänker kanske du? Men den största anledningen till förekomsten av dessa ämnen är utsläpp av orenat avloppsvatten och läckage från sMost of the ecotoxicological research conducted in the Arctic until today has focused on long range transport of pollutants, while fewer studies on local pollution have been published. The aim of this study was hence to investigate if local pollution of organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS) occurs outside tw

Study of active technologies for prefabricated multi-active facade elements for energy renovation of multi-family buildings

In Sweden, between 1964 and 1975, approximately one million dwellings were raised in the so called million programme. Due to their age and often neglected maintenance regarding both building envelope and installations, in many cases, comprehensive retrofitting is now required. The aim with this study was to theoretically investigate the energy saving potential and cost-effectiveness of integrating