

Din sökning på "*" gav 529769 sökträffar

Erfarenheter av GIS i samband med Stormen Gudrun.

Detta informationsblad syftar till att förmedla resultat som kan vara av betydelse för kommuners och andra aktörers användning av GIS i kris. Innehållet bygger på intervjuer med tjänstemän från tre kommuner och en länsstyrelse som har erfarenheter av tillämpningar av GIS i samband med stormen Gudrun. Det är således en sammanfattning av den kunskap som redan finns hos många kommuner och som är värd

Uncertainty of oscillator strengths derived from lifetimes and branching fractions

A widely used method for determination of transition probabilities and oscillator strengths is based on measurements of branching fractions and radiative lifetimes. In the present work the different sources of uncertainty in branching fraction measurements using Fourier transform spectroscopy and lifetime measurements using laser induced fluorescence are discussed. A detailed description is presen

En utbildningsgaranti – möjligheter på regional nivå

Trots att gymnasiekompetensen är stark sammanlänkad med ungdomarnas framtida försörjnings- och etableringsmöjligheter framträder det i Skåne en dyster bild gällande ungdomarnas studieresultat (dock stora skillnader mellan kommunerna). Nästan hälften av Skånes kommuner ligger under riksgenomsnittet. När det gäller andelen elever som i årskurs 9 har uppnått målen i samtliga ämnen under våren 2013 är


A preface to the Swedish translation of Le livre noir de la condition des femmes.

Messenger molecules and receptors in the human trigeminovascular system

The initiation of a migraine attack involves a primary central nervous system dysfunction with subsequent activation of the trigeminovascular system. In trigeminal ganglia, the expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), substance P (SP) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) have been demonstrated by immunocytochemistry. During migraine attacks, the level of released CGRP is increased. Meanwhi

On entropies of occupancy distributions

Occupancy models for equal or unequal objects distributed into equal or unequal cells can be represented by random partitions of integers or sets and also by randomly colored and labeled graphs. Applications of occupancy models to statistical disclosure control and to cluster inference in random graphs motivate an interest in entropies of occupancy distributions. We determine and compare entropies

Snöhantering i tätort

Avsnitt om snösmältning i tätort, dagvattenledningars funktion vintertid, föroreningar i snö i tätorter, snösmältningens inverkan på reningsverk samt miljösynpunkter på snöhantering.

Design of PID controllers for decoupled multi-variable systems

A PID design method is presented. The work done is part of anattempt to find an automatic tuning algorithm for two times two systems inthe process industry. The method tries to minimize the impact of load disturbances. The method was mainly developed because previous designmethods with the same objectives could not handle the processesobtained in decoupled systems.

The Indiana Experiment: Investigating the Role of Anticipation and Attention in a Dynamic Environment

We investigating the role of anticipation and attention in a dynamic environment in a number of large scale simulations of an agent that tries to negotiate a number of gates that continuously open and close. In particular we have looked at learning mechanisms that can predict the future positions of the gates and control strategies that will allow the agent to pass through the gates unharmed. The

Neurohormonal Modulators in the Parathyroid Gland. Localization and regulation.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling är en sammanläggningsavhandling och består av åtta delarbeten. Delarbetena är publicerade i internationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter, utom delarbete VI-VIII som är föremål för granskning i sådana tidsskrifter inför möjlig publikation. Alla delarbeten representerar studier av bisköldkörteln. Bisköldkörtlarna (parathyroidea) är belägna i anslutning tillThe occurrence and distribution of neurohormonal peptides, neuroendocrine markers and receptors in parathyroid nerve fibers and endocrine cells are described, using immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization, image analysis and reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction. Immunocytochemical studies revealed that parathyroid glands of chicken, rat, guinea-pig, cat, dog and sheep contained adren

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Fires Detected by MODIS Data in Northern Iran From 2001 to 2008

Fire, a natural disaster, has significant effects on ecosystems and plays a major role in deforestation, and it is a major source of trace gases, aerosols and carbon fluxes. Remote sensing is a valuable data source to investigate different phases of fire management. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) has been designed to include specific characteristics for fire detection. I