Din sökning på "*" gav 529090 sökträffar
Hitler sur le Nil : ett kognitivt perspektiv på Frankrikes hållning i Suezkrisen
Kambodja efter de röda khmererna : FNs roll i demokratiseringsprocessen
Early warning in theory and practice : can early warning indicators be useful in prediction? : a comparative study of the pre-context of two genocides
Internationalisering : begreppsorientering, operationalisering och jämförande länderanalys
Gender and political representation : the case of Chile
China : a status quo power or a revisionist power?
Europol : and its policy-making process
Makt och inflytande i energipolitiken : en studie av förhandlingarna om kärnkraften år 1996-1997
Politik och förtroende : en diskussion om missnöje mot bakgrund av politikens internationalisering
The European Commission in GATT : role analysis in the Uruguay round negotiations
Wave Setup in River Entrances - Field Surveys of Wonboyn Lake Estuary and Tallebudgera Creek Estuary, Australia
It is unclear whether wave setup exists in river entrances and previous studies have shown that it is virtually non-existent in trained river entrances. However, conclusive studies have not been made on semi-trained and untrained river entrances. In this study, two field surveys were conducted in Australia; one at Wonboyn Lake Estuary, New South Wales, and one at Tallebudgera Creek Estuary, Queens
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The Common European Framework of reference for languages (CEFR) has, since its publication in 2001, become a key document with respect to the organisation of language teaching and testing in Europe. The six reference levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2) have become widely accepted as the European standard for grading an individual's language proficiency. However, it has been pointed out that the
Kolliderande syften. Om hanteringen av unga lagöverträdare i straffrätt och socialrätt
Unga lagöverträdare särbehandlas idag straffrättsligt. De ska hållas utanför kriminalvården och istället företrädelsevis bli föremål för insatser inom socialtjänsten. Syftet bakom samarbetet mellan straffrätt och socialrätt är att unga individer är sårbara, påverkbara och med en bristande ansvarsförmåga. Denna samverkan kompliceras av att straff- och socialrätt är två rättsområden vars syftebeskriToday young law-offenders shall achieve special treatment in the penal system. They shall be kept out of the correctional services and instead primarily receive care from the social services. The purpose behind this cooperation between penal law and social law is that young individuals are vulnerable, impressionable and less accountable than adults. This collaboration is complicated due to the fac
Changes in beyrichiid ostracode faunas during the Late Silurian Lau Event on Gotland, Sweden
Den här uppsatsen behandlar hur palaeocopa ostrakodfossil av familjen Beyrichiidae, avsatta i sensilurisk lagerföljd på Gotland, påverkades av den så kallade Laukatastrofen som ägde rum i sen Ludlow. I lagerföljd avsatt under Laukatastrofen har bland annat anomalier i kolisotop, litologiförändringar och faunaförändringar påvisats, vilka är relaterade till globala havsnivåförändringar och en glaciaThis paper deals with how palaeocope ostracodes of the family Beyrichiidae, from the Silurian strata at Gotland were affected by the Late Silurian Lau Event. The Lau Event is associated with a positive carbon isotope excursion, lithology changes and faunal changes in accumulated strata related to sea-level changes and a glaciation in the Late Ludlow. In order to find out how the beyrichiid faunas
Reinventing the Exodus: Biblical Allusion and Jewish Parallels in William Nicholson's The Wind on Fire Trilogy
Upplevelser av KBT i grupp: avhoppade patienter berättar
Studiens syfte var att undersöka varför patienter valt att ensidigt avsluta sitt deltagande i KBT i grupp, vilka förväntningar de avhoppade patienterna hade haft på behandlingen, hur de upplevde behandlingen och om dessa upplevelser var relaterade till avhoppet. Semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med sju personer, vilka alla hade hoppat av från KBT-grupper innan behandlingen var slutförd. Reasons behind patients’ decisions to unilaterally terminate Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy (CBGT), and whether the experience of the therapy was related to the termination of the treatment were examined. In addition to this, the patients’ expectations on the treatment prior to commencement and patients’ experiences of the treatment were examined. Semi-structured interviews were conducted
Titanium- and chromium-rich opaque minerals in condensed sediments : chondritic, lunar and terrestrial origins
Bevis från terrestriska sedimentära lagerföljder indikerar att inflödet av extraterrestriskt material till Jorden inte är konstant, utan har varit förhöjt under perioder av Jordens historia. Ett ökat flöde av extraterrestriskt material till Jorden har föreslagits för perioderna mellanordovicium och sen eocen. Orsaken tros vara asteroidskurar orsakade av uppbrytningar av asteroider i asteroidbältetEvidence from terrestrial sedimentary successions indicate that the amount of extraterrestrial material reaching Earth is not constant, but has been increased during parts of the Phanerozoic. An increase in the flux of extraterrestrial material to Earth has been proposed for the Middle Ordovician and the Late Eocene. These showers of extraterrestrial material on Earth are thought to have resulted
Stock Market Volatility - Do macroeconomic variables affect stock market volatility?
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze whether macroeconomic variables affect the stock market volatility defined as the volatility of S&P 500 index returns. Except for seasonal dummies, seven variables are used to explain the stock market volatility: default spread, volatility of inflation, volatility of Industrial production, implied volatility, slope of the yield curve, volatility of 3-mo
User-Centered Design in practice
User-Centered Design is not a complex notion, but it is a very challenging process for organizations to implement. Therefore this thesis is focusing on how User-Centered Design improves the usability of information system in practice, how user involved and in what way usability is ensured in a system up grading project in a Scandinavian energy company. In order to make the argument, we have collec