

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Automatic Detection of Rouleau Formations Using Image Processing and Deep Learning

Analysis of peripheral blood smears is commonly used to aid physicians in diagnosing diseases, checking for infections and evaluating the function of organs. One object of interest in such analysis is the presence of red blood cell aggregates called rouleaux. CellaVision's product currently automates the traditionally resource-intensive process of blood smear analysis, which leads to improved

Språkförmåga och tidigare språkprestationers prediktiva värde vid inlärning av ett främmande språk

Syfte. Studien syftade till att undersöka om tidigare språkförmåga och språkprestationer, mätt med tre deltest, kan predicera inlärning av ett nytt språk. Vidare undersöktes relationen mellan vardera deltest samt deltagarnas utbildningsnivå i relation till resultatet. Metod. 45 vuxna deltagare rekryterades till studien. Llama B och Llama D användes som mått på språkprestation och LexTALE som mått Purpose. This study aimed to investigate whether general language abilities and previous language experience, measured by three tests, can predict the learning of a new language. Furthermore, the relationship between each test was investigated and the participants’ level of education was examined in relation to learning performance. Method. 45 adult participants were recruited for this study. Llam

Article 6 On Trial in Macedonia

The right to a fair trial is a fundamental human right. Still, it is being violated by states on a daily basis and just in Europe there are thousands of cases regarding unfair trials. Academic work regarding fair trials is vital in order to highlight where the right is violated. This thesis describes the concept of an independent and impartial tribunal as enshrined in article 6 of the European Co

Implications of ice-bedrock dynamics at Ullstorp, Scania, southern Sweden

The field of Quaternary science has, through a long history of high-quality research, produced a vast record of evidence regarding ice sheet dynamics. Consequently, our understanding of such processes and their effects are well understood. However, historically the predominant focus has been of a loose sediment perspective, which has resulted in limited insight into ice-bedrock dynamics. This is i

Information-Decision-Collaboration Assessment: An Integrated Requirements Approach for Emergency Management Decision Support Systems

Modern emergency management is a demanding profession characterized by accelerated decision- making, dynamic information needs, and complex collaboration to execute mission objectives. Decision support systems in this setting must be suitably optimized in turn, with clear requirements to inform such design. To date, comprehensive approaches to capture these requirements remain underdeveloped, per

From "the Will to Improve" to "the Will to Transform": Some Promises & Challenges of Sida's Multidimensional Poverty Analysis (MDPA) Framework in Bolivia

Objectives: This study sets out to answer the following research questions: 1. How do Sida and CEDLA problematize poverty and what does this reveal about their underlying development paradigms? 2. What are some of the key promises and challenges of Sida and CEDLA’s differing understandings of capitalism for their use of the MDPA framework in Bolivia? The key areas of focus are the organizations

Forward start options in Heston model

En undersökning om stokastisk volatilitet för Forward start optioner, kan också användas för cliquet- optioner. Heston parameteriseringen användes. Det är i klassen AJD, av Duffie-Pan- Singleton

New Passdoor for Fix Panel Industrial Gates

This Master Thesis, executed in collaboration with ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems, focused on designing a new and improved secondary entrance for overhead panel industrial gates, which is part of the existing product line. The secondary entrance developed in this project is called a Passdoor, which is placed in a fixed section next to the gate and is used to separate pedestrian traffic through the in

Feasibility of Enhanced Geothermal Systems in the Precambrian crystalline basement in SW Scania, Sweden

Sverige står i dagsläget inför en brådskande energiomställning. Fossila bränsle skall fasas ut till 2045, landets kärnkraftsproduktion reduceras stadigt och samtidigt ökar energibehovet i takt med landets elektrifiering. Sverige har dock potential att miljövänligt och självständigt täcka upp för dessa avkall. Tilläget till vind- och solenergi heter Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS). EGS-tekniken mThe ability to evaluate the geothermal potential at a depth of five to six kilometres in the crystalline bedrock is crucial for the EGS-technology to be utilized in the future. This work focuses primarily on presenting expected geological conditions at great depths in southwestern Scania. The study is based on information from E.ON’s deep drilling FFC-1 in Malmö and data and investigations of the

The culturalization of Disease: A cultural analysis of the discourse on civic mindedness, health inequity, and ethnicity during the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark

This thesis analyses the media narratives of the COVID-19 pandemic and non-Western ethnic minorities in Denmark. Few months after the outbreak of the pandemic in Denmark, Statens Serum Institut (SSI), the national Danish agency for disease control and research, reported that persons with non-Western background were unproportionally affected by the disease. In the following media debate, there are

Is Automation the Future of Machine Learning? A Qualitative Study Exploring the Influential Factors for Adoption of Automated Machine Learning in an Organizational Context

Machine learning (ML) started as hype and an academic dream and throughout recent years has become reality for many organizations that are working towards becoming data-driven when making vital business decisions with the use of great amounts of data. Capitalizing on ML re-quires expertise which the job market is struggling to provide. This resulted in the intro-duction of the concept of automatin

Cooking over the sun

The use of tools is closely connected to the development of the human species, in both cognitive abilities and physiology. Tilting the equation of energy and time favorably, by the use of tools, has shaped us to who we are. Cooking and its benefits have created an edge for humans to develop and thrive but it also poses challenges. We have evolved alongside fire to a point where we depend on an ex

The future of urban trees – assessing the potential impact of climate change on urban tree populations in two European cities

Due to climate change, cities are increasingly facing the situation of being exposed to more frequent and prolonged extreme weather events in the future, such as heat and droughts, which are exacerbated by urban heat island (UHI) effects. The implementation of green infrastructure (GI) in the form of trees is seen as a possible adaptation measure to regulate the microclimate. However, there is an

When the home becomes our office - The relation between personality, perceived work engagement and work life balance during a new wave of work from home

Trenden med virtuellt arbete och arbete hemifrån har snabbt accelererats av Covid-19-pandemin. De huvudsakliga frågorna för denna studie var huruvida de fem stora personlighetsfaktorerna kunde förutsäga individens upplevda nivåer av arbetsengagemang och balans i arbetslivet kring deras hemarbete, i nuläget och under perioden av det senaste året. Detta gjordes genom ett online-frågeformulär med skaThe trend of virtual work and work from home have been rapidly accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The main questions for this study were whether the five major personality factors could predict the individual's perceived levels of work engagement and work life balance during work from home, at present and over time. The relationships were tested using scales for big five personality traits,

Jäv för styrelseledamot i aktiebolag - En studie av 8 kap. 23§ ABL

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka betydelsen av jäv för styrelseledamot enligt vad som stadgas i 8 kap. 23 § ABL. För att uppnå syftet har juridisk metod tillsammans med juridiska rättskällor varit utgångspunkten för uppsatsskrivandet. En styrelseledamot i ett aktiebolag har ett gemensamt samt individuellt ansvar Regleringen i 8 kap 23§ ABL syftar till att motverka de negativa effekterna sThis essay aims to investigate the significance of non-compliance for a board member in accordance with what is stipulated in chapter 8 section 23 of the Swedish Companies Act. The regulation in Chapter 8, Section 23 of the Swedish Companies aims to counteract the negative effects that may arise because of conflicts of interest between the company and the individual board member. The regulation m