

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Beslutsprocessen i ett genusperspektiv - Betydelsen av patientens kön vid behandlingsrekommendation

Kvinnor diagnostiseras för depression i större utsträckning än män. Fler män än kvinnor suiciderar varje år. I primärvården görs ojämlika bedömningar i förhållande till kön och viktiga frågor för att på rätt sätt hjälpa patienten missas att ställas. Ges samma behandlingsrekommendationer på ett fiktivt patientfall oavsett kön på patienten? Har det någon betydelse om vårdpersonalen som ger rekommendMore women than men are diagnosed with depression. Yet more men than women commit suicide each year. In primary healthcare, there are disproportionate diagnoses relative to gender and key questions that ensure patients get the correct care are often not asked. Would a fictional patient be given the same treatment recommendation regardless of gender? Are treatment recommendations influenced by the

Expanding surveillance in the name of national security

This thesis investigates the Finnish government’s and its agents’ discursive justifications for the recently proposed civil and military intelligence legislation. In order to analyse the Finnish governmental agents’ discursive practices, this thesis engages with two additional questions; how are threats to Finnish security constructed in media, and how is the concept of exceptionalism constructed

Is a Brand Light, Flexible, and Disposable? A Closer Look at Ingka Centres in the Face of Change – An Exploratory Case Study

The aim of this thesis is to explore the interrelation of employer branding and employee engagement in the context of corporate restructuring and organizational change. Our research follows an interpretative and abductive approach. We have conducted a qualitative case study with Ingka Centres as our case company. This thesis contributes to the literature on employer branding and employee engagemen

How leader autonomy support and competitive factors relate to employees’ motivation within retail.

The current study aimed to investigate what motivational effects Leader Autonomy Support (LAS), frequency of competitions and competitive climate have on employees within retail. A total of 350 stores were approached with an online survey, collecting answers from 64 retail employees (N=64). The hypotheses that LAS would have a significant association with intrinsic motivation was confirmed. Cooper

Additively Manufactured Heat Exchangers- Development and Testing

Heat exchangers are important devices in many applications. Extensive work is done in optimization, but the overall designs are often one of the conventional varieties such as plate or shell-and-tube heat exchanger. These are constrained by their manufacturing, for example the use of construction material such as sheet metal and cylindrical pipes. The current progress in additive manufacturing has

Att vara syskon till närstående med tvångssyndrom.

Syftet med studien var att undersöka psykisk hälsa hos tonåringar och unga vuxna vars syskon har tvångssyndrom. Frågeställningen gällde om det förelåg skillnad i den självskattade psykiska hälsan mellan dem som har ett syskon med tvångssyndrom och en kontrollgrupp. Därutöver undersökte studien om psykisk hälsa påverkas av kunskap om tvångssyndrom, syskonrelationens kvalitet, belastning och anpassnThe aim of this study was to examine mental health among teenagers and adolescents who have siblings with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The research question investigated if there was a difference in the self-assessed mental health between those who have a sibling with OCD and a control group. In addition to this the study examined if mental health is affected by knowledge about OCD, the qu

Avskiljning och geologisk lagring av koldioxid (CCS) i Sverige – en rättslig studie i ljuset av den stundande klimatkrisen

Avskiljning, transport och lagring av koldioxid (CCS) är en intressant teknologi med förmågan att minska klimatpåverkande utsläpp inom industrisektorn. Denna teknik framhävs regelbundet på både internationell och nationell nivå som ett nyckelbidrag i kampen mot klimatförändringarna, bland annat förespråkas CCS-teknikens nödvändighet av både EU och IPCC. Användningen av CCS har även uppmärksammats Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an interesting technology with the ability to reduce carbon dioxide emissions within the industry sector. It is constantly highlighted within the international community as a vital tool in the fight against climate change. Some of those who strongly advocate for the use of CCS include the EU and the IPCC. This technology has also been deemed useful by Swedish au

Danger, Docility and the Denial of Death: On Productive Forces of Violent Practices in Prison

This thesis establishes an understanding of violence as discourse in the setting of Turkish prisons, during the death fast in the early 2000s. It uncovers discourses embedded in the acts of torture, hunger striking and force-feeding, each able to produce certain kinds of subjects. Investigating the interplay between power logics that underpin these violent practices, the thesis contests the idea o

Hur framställs problemet i 34-punktsprogrammet?

I denna uppsats används Carol Bacchis metod “Whats the problem represented to be” för att undersöka hur problemet framställs i regeringens 34 åtgärder mot gängkriminaliteten. Denna poststrukturalistiska metod har inspirerats av Foucaults diskursanalys och grundas på premissen att vi styrs genom problemframställningar. I olika steg granskas regeringens 34-punktsprogram för att belysa den dominerand

Globaliseringens påverkan på staters fiskala kapacitet - En kvantitativ undersökning av OECD

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur fenomenet globalisering påverkar statskapaciteten i OECD-länderna, närmare bestämt den fiskala kapaciteten. Vi undersöker således om det finns en samvariation mellan graden av globalisering och graden av intäkter som OECD-länder kan hämta in. Vår hypotes är att ökad globalisering leder till ökad fiskal kapacitet för OECD-länderna. Vi utgår ifrån teorie

Dust Storm: En studie kring repatrieringen av Paracastextilierna

This essay follows the repatriation process and debate concerning the return of the Paracas textiles from the Museum of World Culture in Gothenburg, Sweden to the National Museum in Lima, Peru. The essay uses mass media such as newspaper articles and radio segments to map the themes and problems that arise when one country asks for the return of cultural artefacts and the other country has to resp

Plaståtervinningens roll i en hållbar industri - Det teknologiska innovationssystemet av återvunnen plast i Skåne

Det här examensarbetet har identifierat möjligheter och begränsningar för att främja en hållbar plaståtervinning i den skånska plastindustrin, på uppdrag av Region Skåne. Analysen har gjorts med hjälp av ramverket teknologiska innovationssystem (TIS), som syftar till att identifiera de systemsvagheter som kräver politiska åtgärder för att stärka TIS:ets prestanda. Aktörerna i den skånska plastinduThis master thesis has identified possibilities and limitations of plastic recycling in the plastic industry of Scania. The analysis has been done by using the concept of technological innovation systems (TIS), which aims to identify system weaknesses that require political measures to strengthen the performance of the TIS. The actors in the plastic industry of Scania has long experience of using

Heder - ett känsligt ämne utan språk : En kvalitativ studie av skolkuratorers beskrivningar av att arbeta med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Honor: a delicate subject without terminology - School counselors’ constructions of honor related violence About 10-15 % of the pupils in Swedish schools are estimated to be living under honor related norms in collectivistic environments. The aim of this study was to explore school counselors’ reasoning when working with students who are limited or otherwise affected due to honor related norms. T

Framtida återvinning av solcellspaneler i Sverige – en kvantitativ analys och intervjustudie

I Sverige har mängden solel ökat och mängden installerade solcellspaneler likaså. Den här uppsatsens syfte är att analysera kunskapsläget kopplat till hanteringen och den framtida återvinningen av de uttjänta solcellspaneler som installerades i Sverige mellan år 2009 och år 2018. Detta sker både genom att ta reda på vilka mängder solcellspaneler det rör sig om, och genom att undersöka de olika aktIn Sweden, the amount of solar power has increased and so has the amount of installed solar panels. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current state of knowledge about the handling and future recycling of the obsolete solar panels, originally installed between 2009 and 2018. This is done both by finding out the amounts of installed solar panels and by investigating the roles and attitudes

Telomere Shortening After Induced Premature Senescence by Ionizing Radiation

Induced Cell Aging by Radiation Aging is a natural phenomenon that affects almost all living organisms and brings with it an array of disease. In humans, aging is in part due to shortening of one’s telomeres. Telomeres are sequences of DNA at the end of our chromosomes that do not code for any genetic information. Thus, they can serve as protection, non-coding DNA taking damage that would otherwi

Småskaliga bönders kapaciteter i Maharashtra, Indien: En undersökning av narrativ inom Indiens och Maharashtras policys om klimatförändringar

Småskaliga bönders kapaciteter i Maharashtra, Indien Uppsatsen kommer att undersöka primärmaterialen Indiens klimatförändringspolicy och Maharashtras handlingsplan. Uppsatsen ämnar att utöka kunskapen om småskaliga bönders situation i den indiska delstaten Maharashtra, i relation till aspekter om förändringar av Indiens klimat. Undersöknings huvudämnen är jordbruk, fattigdom, klimatförändringar ocSmall-scale farmers capacities in Maharashtra, India This thesis will analyze Indias Climate Change policy and Maharashtras Action Plan. The thesis will focus on small-scale farmers situation in the Indian state Maharashtra, in relation to aspects of climate change. It will examine the two policy documents since Maharashtras Action Plan is a follow up to Indias Climate Change policy. The main subj

Inductive Coupling Emissions between Bond Wires in Integrated Circuits

When making an Integrated Chip, there is a process called contacting or bonding. In this process, the circuit is connected to the capsule. As a result, there is interference between the bond wires through inductive coupling. At higher frequencies, the problem becomes more apparent, which means that the role of frequency in interference should be investigated. By using a bonding machine and making

Det förstärkta folkinitiativet

On January 1, 2011, a new law came into place called “Det förstärkta folkinitiativet”. The law meant that Sweden lowered the barrier for citizens to demand local referendums. This study examines the effect of local referendums as a participatory democratic instrument from two perspectives, if it increases voter participation in subsequent local elections, and whether it can lead to power shifts in