

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Att jämföra anknytningsstilar- med ett kvantitativt självskattningsformulär

The aim of this study was to examine if there is a co-variation between attachment styles towards a parental figure and towards a partner. To investigate this, we used a quantitative self-assessment questionnaire, the Revised Adult Attachment Scale (RAAS) (1996). We wanted to investigate if such a questionnaire can measure something as complex as attachment. With a quantitative method based on the

Spel för galleriet eller reell förändring - Socialarbetares resonemang om ungt brukarinflytande

The aim of this study is to examine the accounts in how social workers, who work with adolescents in service user positions, reasons regarding young user influence. Considering that the Children’s Rights Convention was implemented into Swedish law in 2020, and the expressed the importance of working with user-influence from Socialstyrelsen, this subject has increasingly become relevant to investig

Steel Database Analysis

I detta examensarbete undersöks databasen Plantfacts som innehåller data om stålverk från hela världen. Syftet med detta är att utvärdera om det finns en koppling mellan primärt och sekundärt producerat stål och olika typer av stålverk i downstream-processer. För att utföra detta har databasen formaterats om i Excel med hjälp av Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Från början var Plantfacts databIn this thesis the Plantfacts database is investigated, which contains data about steel plants from all over the world. The purpose is to evaluate wheter there is a coupling between primary and secondary steel and different types of steel plants in downstream processes. To achieve this, the database has been reformatted using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel. Initially, the Plantfacts

Migration strategy and winter area use of common swift (Apus apus) breeding in the Netherlands – using combined GeoLight and FlightR approach

Migration is an adaptation for birds to exploit the resources that change temporally and spatially. The recent development of miniature light level geolocators has revealed this previously poorly known aspect of birds. From light intensity data together with time recorded by geolocators, we can infer the positions of the birds, i.e. latitudes and longitudes, using a threshold method or a curve-fit

Bolivianska och libanesiska proteströrelser

Mediers makt över nyhetskonsumenters världsbild och i förlängningen över politiken gör dem till en relevant aktör att studera inte bara inom medievetenskap och statsvetenskap i allmänhet, utan också inom internationell politik. I relation till sociala rörelser tar sig denna makt uttryck i en beroenderelation. Rörelserna behöver medier för att sprida sina idéer och krav, och vinna stöd hos allmänhe

Klarspråk i tryckfriheten : en undersökning av 2019 års språkliga ändringar i tryckfrihetsförordningen

2019 genomgick tryckfrihetsförordningen en språklig reformation med motivet att lagen skulle göras mer begriplig för allmänheten. Den här studien undersöker dessa språkliga ändringar utifrån ett klarspråksperspektiv. Ändringarna undersöks dels genom en enkätundersökning om hur läsare uppfattar dem, dels genom en analys i två delar: en lexikogrammatisk del och en kompositionell del. Den lexikogramm

Du är vad du äter - En kvalitativ studie om livsmedelskonsumtion och identitet

Titel: Du är vad du äter - En kvalitativ studie om livsmedelskonsumtion och identitet. Universitet: Lunds universitet, Institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap Kurs: KSMK65 Examensarbete för kandidatexamen VT 2020 Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att studera individers konsumtion och icke-konsumtion av livsmedelsprodukter ur ett identitetsperspektiv. Frågeställningar: Varför väl

Simulating Facilitation in a Spiking Neural Network

Many insects are able to detect, isolate and track small targets that move quickly against a dynamic background. This ability is enabled by a group of neurons called small target motion detectors (STMD). These neurons, among other properties, have a type of short term memory called response facilitation. This type of facilitation is a phenomenon in which continued visual stimuli lead to an enhance

The Returns to Education in Uganda Understanding the Relationship Between Education and Labor Market Outcomes in Uganda.

The primary focus of this study is to determine the effect of additional education on the wage earnings structure in Uganda. The study is empirical and uses data obtained through the Uganda National Housing Survey (UNHS) 2015/16 in the World Bank Database. The study employs the Mincerian wage function as the main model with different specifications that cater for urban-rural, regional and gender d

The Single Economic Entity Doctrine: Is There a Common Concept of Undertaking in EU Competition Law?

The addressees of EU competition rules are designated as undertakings. EU antitrust and merger rules apply only where an entity constitutes an undertaking. The notion of undertaking is not defined in the Treaties, rather it is developed in the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the decisional practice of the European Commission. An undertaking is defined as any entity engag

How to protect the environment without infringing the competition: A study on environmental vertical agreements in theory and in practice

Eftersom människan nu står inför sin största utmaning någonsin – klimatkrisen – är det viktigare än någonsin att miljöskyddet integreras i alla delar av den Europeiska unionen. Miljöskydd anses vara ett huvudmål för EU. I Artikel 3.3 i EU-fördraget anges att Unionens inre marknad bör arbeta för en hållbar utveckling och en hög skyddsnivå och förbättring av miljön. Den inre marknaden ska dock ocksåAs humanity is facing its biggest challenge ever – the climate crisis – it is now more important than ever that environmental protection is integrated in all parts of the European Union. Environmental protection is considered a main objective of the EU. In Article 3(3) of the TEU is stated that the internal market of the Union should work for a sustainable development and a high level of protectio

Impact Investing in the Residential Real Estate Sector

The investing industry has historically been built around the sole purpose to bring superior financial returns to investors. Due to the rising concern towards global social and environmental issues, investments promoting sustainable development have grown popular. Centring sustainable investments debate is the strategy impact investing. The strategy originates from more traditional ethical investm

Hur påverkas intressekonflikter av krissituationer?

Syftet med studien ämnar till att undersöka hur överordnade chefer samt underordnade chefer inom bankbranschen hanterar intressekonflikter som riskerar att uppstå till följd av COVID-19. Via en kvalitativ forskningsmetod genomfördes en enkel fallstudie av fyra banker utifrån åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer. Den teoretiska bearbetningen samt analysen gjordes kontinuerligt med hjälp av vald teori.The study aims to research how supervising managers as well as subordinate managers within the banking business manage conflicts of interest following the COVID-19 pandemic. The study has been conducted through a qualitative research method of four banks with eight semistructured interviews. The theoretical process and analysis has continuously been pursued with assistance of chosen theories. T​he

Deconstructing and Reconstructing Attitudes Towards Immigrants: The Case of Sweden

Host societies’ attitudes towards immigrants in Europe has continuously been getting attention in recent decades of increased levels of globalization, as attitudes determine the levels of immigrants’ integration. This, in turn, has huge influence on social cohesion so important for the functioning of peaceful and just societies. While Sweden has proved itself as an exception both in terms of open

Hur framhåller företag traditioner?

Titel: Hur framhåller företag traditioner? En kvalitativ studie av hur företag använder och skapar traditioner och ritualer i marknadsföringssyfte. Seminariedatum: 2020-06-03 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Sandra Jasim Al Koufaishi, Jenny Söderlund Handledare: Oskar Christensson Fem nyckelord: Marknadsföring, tradition, ritualTitle: How does companies present traditions? A qualitative study of how companies use and create traditions and rituals for marketing purposes. Seminar date: 2020-06-03 Course: FEKH29, Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) Authors: Sandra Jasim Al Koufaishi, Jenny Söderlund Advisor: Oskar Christensson Kew words: Marketin

Likhet inför lagen? En analys av domslut rörande dödligt våld i nära relationer.

The aim of this study was to examine whether or not the Swedish judicial system lives up to the principle of objectivity and equal treatment as stated in the Swedish constitution. The last several years there has been various public state investigations that has shed light on discrimination based on gender within the judicial system. However, despite these findings little further research has been

Internationalization and Innovation; A PSM Approach

Recent phenomena, as the offshoring of R&D activities, have raised the question of whether intensive internationalization strategies are hampering the abilities of firms to implement innovations. This research wants to study the intensive margin of internationalization in order to understand whether the breakage of the links within the production processes, due to practices such as offshoring

Den humana, välordnade och hållbara migrationspolitiken: En kritisk analys av den politiska debatten kring invandring, ensamkommande ungdomar och nya gymnasielagen

The purpose of this thesis is to problematize how Swedish migration policy is being legitimized. The study examines discourses in debates about migration between the Moderate Party and the Swedish Social Democratic Party. There are two major areas of interest: firstly, their discussions about the change in migration policies in 2015 and 2016, and secondly, their articulations of the unaccompanied